This graphic shows three boxes in a horizontal line. The left box is labeled "Gold" and contains two cylinder icons. The icons are labeled "Prod1" and "Prod8." Underneath this box is the text "Disk Reco Win: 35 days" and "Tape Reco Win: 90 days." The middle box is labeled "Silver" and contains three cylinder icons. The icons are labeled "Prod2," "Prod9," and "Prod4." Underneath this box is the text "Disk Reco Win: 10 days" and "Tape Reco Win: 45 days." The box on the right is labeled "Bronze." Inside this box are six cylinder icons. The icons are labeled "Prod3," "Prod5," "Prod6," "Prod7," "Prod10," and "Prod11." Underneath this box is the text "Disk Reco Win: 3 days" and "Tape Reco Win: 30 days."