On the top left of this graphic is a server icon labeled "Protected Database Host." Attached to this icon is a database cylinder icon labeled "Protected Database." Attached to the server icon is a wallet icon labeled "Oracle Wallet." The wallet icon callout contains the text "Contains credentials for virtual private catalog owner." The Protected Database icon points down to a Recovery Appliance labeled "Recovery Appliance." The arrow is labeled "RMAN Backups." Underneath the Protected Database Host icons is a server icon labeled "RMAN Client." The RMAN Client points up to the Protected Database. The arrow is labeled "CONNECT TARGET." In the middle of the diagram is a set of three Recovery Appliance User Accounts icons. The RMAN Client points to the highest of these icons. The arrow is labeled "CONNECT CATALOG." On the right of the diagram is a large blue cylinder database icon. Inside the cylinder is a box labeled "Recovery Appliance Schema." Inside this box is a box labeled "Recovery Catalog." This box contains two boxes labeled "VPC." The top user icon points to the top VPC box. The next lower user icon points to the other VPC box. The lowest user icon, which is labeled "RASYS," points to the Recovery Appliance Schema box.