The image is a picture of the front of the Oracle Server X7-2L server. On the far left is a panel with the serial number. Above this panel is a panel with the LEDs (Locate Button/LED, Service Action Required, OK, Top Fan, Rear PS, Temperature, SP, and Do Not Service), and also the power button. In the middle of the server are the slots. In this picture, the slots are filled with SAS 10TB drives. The bottom hard disk drives are, from left to right HDD0 to HDD3. The middle drives are, from left to right, HDD4 to HDD7. The top drives are, from left to right, HDD8 to HDD11. Each drive has LEDs on the left. The LEDs are, from top to bottom: OK to Remove, Service Action Required, and OK/Activity. On the far right is a panel that shows the Sun/Oracle logo, the Server X7-2L designation, and the drive map table.