Application Tuning and Troubleshooting Oracle Pedigree and Serialization Manager 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2

This chapter covers the following topics:



Application Tuning

When running the applications in a normal production environment, it is highly recommended that logging is configured such that only the most critical issues are logged. This can be accomplished by performing the following:

  1. Login to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  2. Select PasSerializationManager under the Application Deployments folder.

  3. Using the Application Deployment drop down, select Logs > Log Configuration.

  4. On the Log Levels tab, change the logging level to INCIDENT_ERROR for the Root Logger node.

  5. Click the Apply button to accept the changes.

  6. Expand the Root Logger node, and verify the logging level for the oracle node is also set to INCIDENT_ERROR. If it is not, update it, then click the Apply button.

  7. Repeat steps 2-6 for the PasSerialsService_SerialsServices, PasTransactionsService_TransactionsServices, PasSetupServices, and PasEpcServices applications.

    Note: If additional logging is necessary to help diagnose issues, a more detailed logging level (for example, FINEST) can be used to capture additional logging information.

Operating System Tuning

Follow this procedure to tune the operating system:

  1. Navigate to the directory MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin

  2. Open the file

  3. Make the following changes:

    • PORT_MEM_ARGS="-Xms512m –Xmx2048m"

    • PORT_MEM_ARGS="${PORT_MEM_ARGS} -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m"

  4. Restart the WebLogic servers.

Database Tuning

Follow this procedure to tune the database:

  1. Login as an Oracle user with sysdba privileges.

  2. Enter the following commands:

    • SQL> alter system set processes=5000 scope=spfile;

    • SQL> alter system set sessions=5000 scope=spfile;

    • SQL> alter system set open_cursors=3000 scope=spfile;

  3. Restart the database.

General Troubleshooting

The following tools are available for troubleshooting:

Application Troubleshooting

Many of the most common issues encountered within the Oracle Pedigree and Serialization Manager (OPSM) product can be solved by verifying the various components used by the application are running properly. The following is a list of key steps that can be performed to ensure these components are running and targeted appropriately.

Note: The following steps assume a typical install of OPSM.

Verify the WebLogic Server and Managed Servers are Running

  1. Login to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  2. Verify the admin server, PAS server (for example, pas_server1), and SOA server (for example, soa_server1) are all up and running.

Verify the OPSM Application, Services and SOA Composites are Running

  1. Login to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  2. Verify the following applications are up and running:

    1. PasSerializationManager(V2.x) - targeted to your PAS server

    2. PasSerialsServices_SerialsServices(V2.x) - targeted to your SOA server

    3. PasTransactionsServices_TransactionsServices(V2.x) - targeted to your SOA server

    4. PasEpcServices(V2.x) - targeted to your SOA server

    5. PasSetupServices(V2.x) - targeted to your SOA server

  3. Verify the following SOA composites are up and running:

    1. PasCreateTransactionsComposite

    2. PasLotSynchronizationComposite

    3. PasSerialGenRequestComposite

    4. PasTransactionsComposite

    5. PasTransmitSerialsViaFileComposite

    6. PasTransmitSerialsViaWebComposite

    7. PasCaptureEpcisDocComposite

Verify Data Sources are Running and Targeted Appropriately

  1. Login to Oracle WebLogic Administration Console.

  2. Select Data Sources from under the Services node in the Navigation Tree.

  3. On the Configuration tab, verify the following data sources are targeted correctly:

    1. EDNDataSource - targeted to your SOA and PAS servers (for example, soa_server1 and pas_server1)

    2. EDNLocalTxDataSource - targeted to your SOA and PAS servers (for example, soa_server1 and pas_server1)

    3. mds-opsm - targeted to the admin server and your SOA and PAS servers (for example, soa_server1, and pas_server1)

    4. pasDB - targeted to your SOA and PAS servers (for example, soa_server1 and pas_server)

    5. pasJMSDB - targeted to your SOA and PAS servers (for example, soa_server1 and pas_server1)

    6. SOADataSource - targeted to your SOA server (for example, soa_server1)

    7. SOALocalTxDataSource - targeted to your SOA server (for example, soa_server1)

  4. Select the Monitoring tab.

  5. Verify a value of Running exists in the State column for all the data sources.

Verify JRFWSAsync Components are Targeted Appropriately

  1. Login to Oracle WebLogic Administration Console.

  2. Select Persistent Stores from under the Services node in the Navigation Tree.

  3. Verify the target for the JRFWSAsyncFileStore component is your SOA server.

  4. Select JMS Servers from under the Services > Messaging node in the Navigation Tree.

  5. Verify the target for the JRFWSAsyncJmsServer component is your SOA server.

  6. Select JMS Modules from under the Services > Messaging node in the Navigation Tree.

  7. Select the JRFWSAsynchJmsModule component.

  8. Click the Targets tab and verify that your SOA server is the selected target.

Important: If any of the above mentioned JRFWSAsync components are not targeted as described, re-target them. It is normal to receive an error when attempting to re-target these components due to dependencies between them. It is safe to ignore the error because it will clear once all three components have been re-targeted.