Oracle Pedigree and Serialization Manager Error and Warning Messages

Error and Warning Messages

This appendix lists the error and warning messages that the Oracle Pedigree and Serialization Manager (OPSM) application can issue during its processing.

This table lists the different error/warning message codes with their associated messages:

Error/Warning Code Error/Warning Message
ABNORMAL_TERMINATION The job has ended abnormally. Submit a new job to complete processing.
ACCESS_LEVEL_INVALID The access level entered is invalid. Enter a valid access level.
ADDRESS_CODE_INVALID The address code entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
ADDRESS_TYPE_INVALID The address type entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
ADD_LABEL_TO_TRANS_CHILD_SERIAL_COUNTERFEITED The selected container includes serial record(s) that are counterfeited. The selected container will not be added to this transaction.
ADD_LABEL_TO_TRANS_CHILD_SERIAL_NOT_COMMISSIONED The selected container includes serial record(s) that have not been commissioned. The selected container will not be added to this transaction.
ADD_LABEL_TO_TRANS_CHILD_SERIAL_NOT_RETURNED The selected container includes serial record(s) that are not returned. The selected container will not be added to this transaction.
ADD_LABEL_TO_TRANS_CHILD_SERIAL_NOT_SHIPPED The selected container includes serial record(s) that have not been shipped. The selected container will not be added to this transaction.
ADD_LABEL_TO_TRANS_CHILD_SERIAL_SHIPPED The selected container includes serial record(s) that have been already shipped. The selected container will not be added to this transaction.
ADD_LABEL_TO_TRANS_NOT_INCLUDING_TRANSACTED_ITEM The selected container does not include a transacted unit of this transaction. The selected container will not be added to this transaction.
ADD_LABEL_TO_TRANS_SERIAL_INVALID_LOT The selected product serial is committed to another lot. This product serial cannot be included in this transaction.
ADD_LABEL_TO_TRANS_SERIAL_INVALID_PROD The selected product serial is not for the transacted item. This product serial cannot be included in this transaction.
ADD_LABEL_TO_TRANS_SERIAL_NOT_SHIPPED The selected product serial has not been shipped. This product serial cannot be included in this transaction.
ADD_LABEL_TO_TRANS_SERIAL_SHIPPED The selected product serial has been already shipped. This product serial cannot be included in this transaction.
ADD_LOC_GROUP_NOT_ALLOWED_LOC_DEACTIVATED This location is deactivated and cannot be associated to a Location Group. If this location is still in use, the deactivation date should be extended.
AGGR_EVENT_ADD_CHILDEPC_ERROR A parentID and at least one childEPC should be provided on an Aggregation Event with the action of Add. Please correct the event and resubmit.
AGGR_EVENT_OBS_CHILDEPC_ERROR At least one childEPC should be provided on an Aggregation Event with the action of Observe. Please correct the event and resubmit.
ALLOW_LOT_CREATE_ACCEPT_INVALID The allow lot creation at accept flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
ALLOW_LOT_CREATE_AT_COMM_FLAG_INVALID The allow lot creation at commission flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
ALLOW_LOT_CREATE_RECEIPT_FLAG_INVALID The allow lot creation at receipt flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
ALLOW_LOT_CREATE_REPKG_FLAG_INVALID The allow lot creation at repackaging flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
ALLOW_LOT_CREATION_GENERATE_FLAG_INVALID The allow lot creation at generation flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
ALLOW_LOT_CREATION_IMPORT_FLAG_INVALID The allow lot creation at import flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
ALLOW_LOT_CREATION_RETURN_FLAG_INVALID The allow lot creation at return flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
ALLOW_LOT_CREATION_SHIP_FLAG_INVALID The allow lot creation at shipment flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
ALT_DOCUMENT_TYPE_INVALID The alternate document type entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
ALTERNATE_DOCUMENT_TYPE_REQUIRED The alternate document type is required when providing an alternate document value. Enter a valid alternate document type.
ASSOC_DUPLICATED The associated serial record already exists for the transaction. The system could not create the record.
BATCH_ID_INVALID The batch id entered is invalid. Enter a valid batch id
BATCH_ID_INVALID The batch id {0} was not found in PAS_S_EDIT_SERIAL_HDR_INT. Please verify the batch id and resubmit.
BEST_BY_EXP_DATE_ERROR The best by date must be prior to the expiration date.
BEST_BY_ORIG_DATE_ERROR The best by date must be after the origination date.
BLANK_SOURCE_SYSTEM_INVALID The source system should not be blank. Enter a valid source system value.
BLS_EXTRACTED_RECORD_CNT {0} records inserted, {1} records updated by the extract.
CANNOT_CREATE_SERIAL_ASSOC The system could not create a transaction serial association record for the given label.
CANNOT_PACK_INTO_ITSELF You are not allowed to pack a package into itself.
CAPTURE_EPCIS_DOC_COMPOSITE_DETAILS An exception has occurred. Please review composite instance {0} using the Oracle Enterprise Manager application for more details.
CAPTURE_EPCIS_DOC_EXCEPTION_DETAILS An exception has occurred while processing the captureEpcisDoc web service. The exception is as follows: {0}
CAPTURE_EPCIS_DOC_FAULTED A fault has occurred during the processing of the captureEpcisDoc web service for composite instance {0}. Please contact your system administrator to investigate the fault using the Oracle Enterprise Manager application.
CHANGE_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION The passwords entered do not match. The password entered must match the re-entry password.
CHILD_LABEL_MULTIPLE_PACKAGES_EXCEPTION The child label / label type combination provided exists on more than one package. Provide a label / label type combination that uniquely identifies a package.
COMMISSIONED_STATUS_INVALID The status of this serial cannot be "Commissioned" since product code or lot number is not determined. Select a different status.
COMMISSIONING_NOT_SUPPORTED The serial status provided = COMMISSION, however, the ability to commission serials is not supported by this web service. Please select a different serial status value.
COMMUNICATION_METHOD_INVALID The communication method entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
COMPANY_PREFIX_MISMATCH The company prefix contained in the GTIN, {0}, is not the same as the company prefix for the location {1}.
COMPANY_PREFIXS_DO_NOT_MATCH The company prefix for location {0} does not match the company prefix within the GTIN for product {1} {2} {3} unit of measure {4}.
COMPOSITE_ALERT_CTRL_INVALID The composite alert control entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
COMPOSITE_DETAILS_MESSAGE Please review composite instance {0} using the Oracle Enterprise Manager application for more details.
CONTACTUSER_NOTIN_LOCATION ContactUser Id is not in the Location Contacts.
CONTAINER_TYPE_INVALID The container type entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
CONTROLLED_SUBSTANCE_FLAG_INVALID The controlled substance flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
COUNTERFEIT_FUTURE_DATE The counterfeit must be on or before today's date.
COUNTERFEIT_STATUS_INVALID The counterfeit status entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
CREATE_SER_FOR_ACCEPT_FLAG_INVALID The create serial for accept flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
CREATE_SER_FOR_RECEIPT_FLAG_INVALID The create serial for receipt flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
CREATE_SER_FOR_REPKG_FLAG_INVALID The create serial for repackaging flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
CREATE_SERIAL_RCPT_ON_NO_SERIAL_ASSOC The create serials for receipts flag is on for product {0} and no Transaction Serial Association records are on the transaction. If this flag is on the process is expecting that the serials are being sent into the transaction.
CREATE_SERIAL_SHIP_ON_NO_SERIAL_ASSOC The create serials for shipment flag is on for product {0} and no Transaction Serial Association records are on the transaction. If this flag is on the process is expecting that the serials are being sent into the transaction.
CREATE_SERIALS_AT_RECEIPT_FLAG_INVALID The create serials at receipt flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
CREATE_SERIALS_FOR_SHIP_FLAG_INVALID The create serials for shipment flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
CREATE_SERIALS_FOR_SHIP_NOT_SUPPORTED The "Create Serials for Shipments" flag is on for this product. This service does not currently support creating serials for this transaction type. Please turn the "Create Serials for Shipments" flag off prior to this processing and ensure that the serials being processed already exist in OPSM.
CREATE_TRANSACTION_COMPOSITE_DETAILS Please review composite instance {0} using the Oracle Enterprise Manager application for more details.
CREATE_TRANSACTION_EXCEPTION An exception has occurred while attempting to create a transaction. Please review the incoming message from the external transaction system for transaction type {0}, transaction source {1}, transaction date {6}, location {2}, document {3}, item number {4}, product {8}, quantity {5}, and lot {7}.
CREATE_TRANSACTION_EXCEPTION_DETAILS An exception has occurred while processing the createTransaction web service. The exception is as follows: {0}
CREATE_TRANSACTION_FAULTED A fault has occurred during the processing of the createTransaction web service for composite instance {0}. Please contact your system administrator to investigate the fault using the Oracle Enterprise Manager application.
CREDENTIALS_REQUIRED The user id and password fields are required. Provide valid user id and password credentials.
CRITICAL_GREATER_THAN_AT_RISK The critical threshold value must be greater than zero, and less than the at-risk threshold if one is populated.
CUSTOM_SN_METHOD_FAILED Call to custom serial generation PL/SQL pas_serial_gen.generate_serial method failed. The message is as follows: {0}
CUSTOM_SN_VALIDATION_METHOD_FAILED Call to custom serial generation PL/SQL pas_serial_val.validate_serial method failed for item serial number {0} of serial type {1}.The message is as follows: {2}
DASHBOARD_REFRESH_EXCEPTION The data refresh for this dashboard component has failed. Try again later, or contact your system administrator for further support.
DEACTIVATION_DATE_INVALID The deactivation date must be after the current date.
DECOMMISSION_REASON_CODE_REQUIRED A reason code is required when decommissioning serials. Provide a valid reason code.
DEFAULT_RANGE_CAN_OVERLAP_FLAG_INVALID The default range can overlap flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
DEF_CREATE_SER_FOR_ACCEPT_FLAG_INVALID The default create serial for accept flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
DEF_CREATE_SER_FOR_RECEIPT_FLAG_INVALID The default create serial for receipt flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
DEF_CREATE_SER_FOR_REPKG_FLAG_INVALID The default create serial for repackaging flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
DEF_CREATE_SER_FOR_SHIP_FLAG_INVALID The default create serial for shipment flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
DEF_DASH_COUNT_TIME_PERIOD_INVALID The default activity period for the counterfeit serials analysis dashboard component is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
DEF_DASH_EXCEPT_TIME_PERIOD_INVALID The default activity period for the transaction exceptions dashboard component is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
DEF_DASH_LOC_TIME_PERIOD_INVALID The default activity period for the location details dashboard component is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
DEF_LOT_CONTROL_INVALID The default value for the lot control attribute is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
DEF_PROD_LEVEL_RANGE_CTRL_FLAG_INVALID The default use serial ranges flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
DEF_RECORD_INT_ACCEPT_FLAG_INVALID The default record internal accepts flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
DEF_RECORD_INT_RECEIPT_FLAG_INVALID The default record internal receipts flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
DEF_RECORD_INT_RETURN_FLAG_INVALID The default record internal return flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
DEF_RECORD_INT_SHIPMENT_FLAG_INVALID The default record internal shipments flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
DELETE_DESTINATION_ON_TRANSACTION_EXCEPTION This serial destination exists on a transaction and cannot be deleted.
DELETE_JOB_INS_EXPT The job id {0} you are attempting to delete has been in processing. This job cannot be deleted.
DELETE_LOC_GROUP_NOT_ALLOWED_RANGE_ASSOCIATED This Location Group is associated to a Serial Range and cannot be deleted.
DELETE_LOCATION_CONTACT_EXCEPTION The location you are attempting to delete has an associated location contact. This location cannot be deleted until the associated location contact is deleted.
DELETE_LOCATION_PRODUCT_EXCEPTION The location you are attempting to delete has been used in the creation of product location. This location cannot be deleted.
DELETE_LOCATION_RANGE_EXCEPTION The location you are attempting to delete has been used in the creation of serial range. This location cannot be deleted.
DELETE_LOCATION_SERIALS_EXCEPTION The location you are attempting to delete has been used in the creation of serials. This location cannot be deleted.
DELETE_LOCATION_TRANSACTION_EXCEPTION The location you are attempting to delete has been used in the creation of transaction. This location cannot be deleted.
DELETE_PRODUCT_DETAIL_EXCEPTION The product detail you are attempting to delete has been used in the creation of serials. This product detail cannot be deleted.
DELETE_PRODUCT_DETAIL_ITEM_XREF_EXCEPTION This product detail has an associated item UOM cross reference. It cannot be removed until you remove the associated item UOM cross reference.
DELETE_PRODUCT_ITEM_TRANS_EXCEPTION The item you are attempting to delete has been used in the creation of transactions. This item cannot be deleted.
DELETE_PRODUCT_ITEM_UOM_TRANS_EXCEPTION The item UOM you are attempting to delete has been used in the creation of transactions. This item UOM cannot be deleted.
DELETE_PRODUCT_LOT_EXCEPTION The product you are attempting to delete has been used in the creation of lots. This product cannot be deleted.
DELETE_PRODUCT_SERIAL_EXCEPTION The product you are attempting to delete has been used in the creation of serials. This product cannot be deleted.
DELETE_RANGE_SERIALS_EXCEPTION The serial range you are attempting to delete has been used in the creation of serials. This range cannot be deleted.
DELETE_SERIAL_DESTINATION_EXCEPTION This serial destination has an associated serial destination rules. Remove any associated serial destination rules prior to removal of the serial destination.
DELETE_SERIAL_GEN_REQ_EXPT The request {0} you are attempting to delete has been processed or is processing. This request cannot be deleted.
DELETE_SERIAL_GEN_REQUEST_EXCEPTION The request you are attempting to delete has been in processing. This request cannot be deleted.
DELETE_SERIAL_TYPE_GROUP_EXCEPTION The serial type group you are attempting to delete has been used in the creation of serial type. This serial type group cannot be deleted.
DELETE_SERIAL_TYPE_SERIALS_EXCEPTION The serial type you are attempting to delete has been used in the creation of serials. This serial type cannot be deleted.
DEST_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_MISSING The transaction address is missing for the business destination for the transaction.
DESTINATION_GROUP_INVALID The destination group entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
DIGI_SIGN_METHOD_EXCEPTION The Digital Signature Method cannot be set to blank if one or more Locations has the Digital Signature Required flag checked. Please ensure that the Digital Signature Required flag is unchecked on all Locations prior to setting the Digital Signature Required flag to blank
DIGISIGN_FLAG_NOTENABLED Digital Signature Flag is not enabled for this location.
DIGISIGN_NOT_SUCCESS The Document is not Digitally Signed
DIGISIGN_SIGNED pedigree(s) were successfully signed.
DIGISIGN_SUCCESS The Document is Digitally Signed
DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_REQ_FLAG_INVALID The default value for digital signature required flag is
DOC_TYPE_ADDED The transaction document type {0} has been added to the lookup table.
DOC_TYPE_NOT_FOUND Document Type {0}, does not exist.
DOCUMENT_TYPE_INVALID The document type entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
DOCUMENT_TYPE_REQUIRED The document type is required when providing a document value. Enter a valid document type.
DOSAGE_FORM_INVALID The dosage form entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
DUPLICATE_CONTACT_USER_ID Location contact user id entered already exist.
DUPLICATE_ITEM_SERIAL_NUMBER Duplicate serial numbers were found in the system for item serial number {0}. Please remove this serial number from the request and resend.
DUPLICATE_ITEM_UOM_ERROR The product item UOM information entered already exists.
DUPLICATE_LABEL_LABEL_TYPE Duplicate label and label type were found in the system for label {0} and label type {1}. Status and Usage can not be updated by this web service because the instance of the label can not be determined.
DUPLICATE_LOC_GRP The Location Group entered already exists. Please enter a unique value.
DUPLICATE_LOCATION The Location entered already exists. Please enter a unique value.
DUPLICATE_LOT_ERROR The lot number, product detail information, lot source and lot location provided will result in a duplicate lot.
DUPLICATE_LOT_WARNING The lot number and product detail information provided will result in a duplicate lot.
DUPLICATE_PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER A duplicate package identifier / package identifier type combination cannot exist within the same package. Enter a unique package identifier / package identifier type combination.
DUPLICATE_PRIMARY_DOCUMENT_SERIAL Duplicate item serial number was found in the system for item serial number {0}. Status and Usage can not be updated by this web service because the instance of the item serial number can not be determined.
DUPLICATE_PRODUCT_DETAIL_ERROR The product detail information entered already exists.
DUPLICATE_PRODUCT_ERROR The product information entered already exists.
DUPLICATE_PRODUCT_ITEM_ERROR The product item information entered already exists.
DUPLICATE_PRODUCT_LOCATION_ERROR The product location information entered already exists.
DUPLICATE_QUERY_PARAMETERS The query contains the following duplicate parameter(s): {0}. Please correct the query and resubmit.
DUPLICATE_SERIAL_DESTINATION The serial destination entered already exists. Provide a different serial destination.
DUPLICATE_SERIAL_DESTINATION_RULE The serial destination rule entered already exists. Provide a different serial destination rule.
DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION_LABEL The selected container/product serial already exists in the transaction.
DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION_LABEL_INCLUDED The selected container/product serial includes a package identifier that already exists in the transaction.
EMAIL_ADDRESS_INVALID Enter valid format for e-mail address.
EMPTY_OR_NULL_EPCIS_DOCUMENT The EPCIS document received is empty or null. Please correct the document and resubmit.
ENABLED_FLAG_INVALID The enabled flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
ENTER_LABEL_LABEL_TYPE Enter the package identifier and package identifier type first.
EPCCLASS_REQUIRED_ERROR epcClass is required in the Quantity Event. Please provide the epcClass information and resubmit.
EPCNUMBER_EPCTYPE_EXCEPTION GTIN and EPC filter values are required for this serial type.
EPCNUMBER_GTIN_LENGTH_EXCEPTION The GTIN must consist of 14 digits.
EPC_COMPANY_PREFIX_INVALID The length of the EPC company prefix entered is not between 6 to 12, or one portion of the EPC company prefix entered is not numeric. Enter valid one.
EPC_COMPANY_PREFIX_REQ No company prefix is on the location. There must be a EPC company prefix on the location in order to generate product specific serial numbers.
EPC_FILTER_INVALID The EPC filter value entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
EPC_NUMBER_EXCEPTION GTIN is required for this serial type.
EPC_NUMBER_FILTER_EXCEPTION GTIN and EPC filter are required for this serial type.
EPC_NUMBER_INCORRECT The serial number could not be created because the required GTIN is incorrect.
EPC_NUMBER_REQUIRED The serial number could not be created because the required GTIN does not exist for the product unit of measure.
EPC_TYPE_INVALID The EPC filter value entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
ERROR_CLEARED_FLAG_INVALID The error cleared flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
ERROR_STATUS_INVALID The error status entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
EXECUTION_JOB_FAILED Unrecoverable error for serial generation request id {0}. Please contact system administrator.
EXECUTION_REQ_FAILED The serial generation request failed. Please navigate to the serial generation messages from the link provided in the serial generation request row.
EXT_CREATED_SERIAL_NUMBER_FLAG_INVALID The externally created serial number flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
GENERATION_STATUS_INVALID The generation status entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
GEN_EPC_NUMBER_INCORRECT The GTIN on the product code {0} is the wrong type or wrong number of characters for the serial type on the product. Update the product with the correct GTIN. Navigate to the Maintain Serial Generation Request page and submit the request to generate the serials.
GEN_EPC_NUMBER_REQUIRED There is no GTIN on product code {0} and the serial type for this product requires an GTIN. Update the product with an GTIN. Navigate to the Maintain Serial Generation Request page and submit a new request to generate the serials.
GEN_INVALID_LOT_ID The lot is invalid. Change the lot information on the transaction or enter the correct lot information in OPSM. Navigate to the Maintain Serial Generation Request page and submit a new request to generate the serials.
GEN_LOCATION_DEACTIVATED Location {0} is deactivated in OPSM. Transaction cannot be completed. Change the location on the transaction or reactivate existing location. Navigate to the Maintain Serial Generation Request page and submit a new request to generate the serials.
GEN_LOCATION_REQUIRED Location is required for generation and a location was not passed in with the transaction. Add the location on the transaction. Navigate to the Maintain Serial Generation Request page and submit a new request to generate the serials.
GEN_LOT_PRODUCT_CONFLICT The product detail on the generate transaction is different than the product detail on the lot. Product {0} Type {1} Variant {2} Unit of Measure {3} is on the generate transaction and not on lot {4}.
GEN_QUANTITY_WARNING The following number of serials have been requested: {0}, the following number of serials have been generated: {1}. Verify the serial range "Range To", or the serial type "Max" values. Once more numbers have been made available, submit a new generation request.
GEN_SERIAL_TYPE_GROUP_INVALID Serial type group does not exist in OPSM. Navigate to the Maintain Serial Type Groups page and add the serial type group or correct the product information.
GEN_SERIAL_TYPE_INVALID Serial type does not exist in OPSM. Navigate to the Maintain Serial Type Groups page and add the serial type or correct the product information.
GTIN_ALLOW_SINGLE_DETAIL Products with a code type of GTIN can only have one packaging unit. Please define only one product detail for the product.
GTIN_HAS_EXISTING_DETAIL This product already has a packaging unit defined. Products with a code type of GTIN can only have one packaging unit. Please use the existing package unit for this product.
GTIN_NOT_FOUND A product detail for the provided GTIN was not found. Please verify the GTIN and resubmit.
GTIN_NOT_UNIQUE Duplicate products with GTIN {0} were found. Please correct the issue and resubmit.
IGNORE_OVERAGE_FLAG_INVALID The ignore overage flag entered is invalid. Enter 0 or 1.
IMPORT_SERIALS_NOT_SUPPORTED The import serials flag is on for this product. This service does not currently support importing serials for this transaction type. Please import the serials prior to this processing using the Import Transaction or the Import and Pack Transaction.
IMPORT_TRANS_DIF_LOTS Lot on the transaction is different than the lot on the transaction product. On an import transaction, they must be the same.
IMPORT_TRANS_DIF_PRODUCTS Product on the transaction is different than the product on the transaction product. On an import transaction, they must be the same.
IMPORT_TRANS_MULT_PRODUCTS More than one transaction product is on this import transaction. Import transaction is limited to one transaction product.
IMPORTED_SERIAL_INVALID The item serial number {0} contains invalid characters. The imported serial number is for product {1} {2} {3}.
IMPORTED_SERIAL_IS_DUPLICATE The imported item serial number {0} has not been imported because it already exists in the Serial table.
IMPORTED_SERIAL_MARKED_AS_COUNTERFEIT Imported item serial number {0} has been marked as a suspected counterfeit because a duplicate item serial number has been found.
INTERNAL_TRANSACTION_FLAG_INVALID The internal transaction flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_IN_ADD_LOT An attribute was attempted to be added to a lot.
INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_IN_ADD_SERIAL An attribute was attempted to be added to a serial.
INVALID_CHILD_LABEL The child label and label type combination provided is invalid. Provide a valid child label and label type combination for a package, or packages, that have not yet been shipped.
INVALID_CONTACT_EMAIL_FORMAT The contact e-mail address you provided appears to be in an invalid format. Enter a valid e-mail address.
INVALID_DATE_RANGE The from date is greater than the thru date. Enter valid from and thru dates.
INVALID_DESTINATION_EMAIL_FORMAT The destination e-mail address you provided appears to be in an invalid format. Enter a valid e-mail address.
INVALID_DOC_TYPE_FROM_EBS The specific document type is invalid. Provide a valid document type.
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE The effective start date is greater than the effective end date. Enter valid effective start and end dates.
INVALID_EPCIS_DOCUMENT The EPCIS document does not match the standard EPCIS format. Please correct the format and resubmit.
INVALID_ERROR_CODE The error code {0} being issued does not exist in the resource bundle for the system. Please report this issue to your system administrator.
INVALID_EVENT_TIMEZONE_FAILURE An incorrect value for eventTimeZoneOffset was provided in the event. The event was not captured.
INVALID_EXCEPTION_EMAIL_FORMAT The exception e-mail address you provided appears to be in an invalid format. Enter a valid e-mail address.
INVALID_HOST_PORT_CONFIG Invalid Hostname or Port information has been provided. Please correct the Hostname and / or Port for Email Notifications and resubmit.
INVALID_ITEM_SERIAL_NUMBER An exception has occurred while processing the editSerialStatusAndUsageByList web service. Item Serial Number is a required input parameter. Please include at least one Item Serial Number in your input file and resubmit.
INVALID_KEYSTORE_FILE_LOCATION No such file available. Enter a valid keystore file location.
INVALID_KEYSTORE_PROVIDER No such provider available. Enter a valid keystore provider.
INVALID_KEYSTORE_TYPE No such keystore type available. Enter a valid keystore type.
INVALID_LABEL The label and label type combination provided is invalid. Provide a valid label and label type combination for a package, or packages.
INVALID_LABEL_DELETE The label and label type combination provided is either the primary label for a package, or invalid. Provide a valid, non-primary label.
INVALID_LOCATION The location {0} does not exist in OPSM. Change the location, or add the location to OPSM.
INVALID_LOCATION_FROM_EBS The combination of location and source system is invalid. Provide a valid location or source system.
INVALID_LOCATION_ID Location Id {0} does not exist in OPSM. Change the location or add the location to OPSM.
INVALID_LOCATION_NAME Location {0} is invalid. Please provide a valid location, or enter this location into OPSM using Maintain Locations.
INVALID_LOT The lot entered is invalid. Provide a valid lot.
INVALID_LOT_FROM_EBS The specific lot is invalid. Provide a valid lot.
INVALID_PACK_ID The pack identifier entered is invalid. Provide a valid pack identifier.
INVALID_PARENT_ID_FOR_AGGREGATION The Parent ID for this aggregation event is null. Please include the Parent ID for this aggregation event and resubmit.
INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER The contact phone number you provided appears to be in an invalid format. Enter a valid phone number.
INVALID_PRIMARY_LABEL The label and label type fields provided are invalid. Please verify the label and label type values provided are for a primary label within the system.
INVALID_PRODUCT Product code {0}, product type {1} and product variant {2} does not exist in OPSM. Change the product information or add the product to OPSM.
INVALID_PRODUCT_DETAILS Product unit of measure {0} for product code {1}, product code type {2} and product code variant {3}, does not exist in OPSM. Change the product or add the product information to OPSM.
INVALID_PRODUCT_DETAIL_ID Product Detail Id {0} does not exist in OPSM. Change the product or add the product information to OPSM.
INVALID_PRODUCT_ID Product Id {0} does not exist in OPSM. Change the product information or add the product to OPSM.
INVALID_PRODUCT_ITEM The combination of item number {0} and item source {1} does not exist in OPSM. Change the item information or add the item information in OPSM.
INVALID_PRODUCT_ITEM_ID Product Item Id {0} does not exist in OPSM. Change the item information or add the item information in OPSM.
INVALID_PRODUCT_ITEM_UOM Item number {0}, item source {1} and item unit of measure {2} combination does not exist in OPSM. Change the item information or add the item information to OPSM.
INVALID_PRODUCT_ITEM_UOM_ID Product Item UOM Id {0} does not exist in OPSM. Change the item information or add the item information to OPSM.
INVALID_PRODUCT_MISSING_VARIANT Multiple products exist with this product code, product code type combination (Product Code {0} / Product Code Type {1}). Please supply the correct product code variant to successfully process this transaction.
INVALID_PURE_IDENTITY_COMPONENT A non-numeric value was encountered in one of the Pure Identity components. Only numeric values are supported. Please correct the data and resubmit.
INVALID_QUERY_PARAMETERS The requested query contains invalid parameter(s): {0}. Please correct the parameters in the query and resubmit.
INVALID_RANGE This serial range from entered is greater than serial range to. Enter valid range.
INVALID_SERIAL_DESTINATION The serial destination entered is invalid. Enter a valid serial destination.
INVALID_SERIAL_FORMAT The format of the imported item serial number {0} is invalid. Based on the setup of the product {1} {2} {3}, the imported item serial number should begin with {4}.
INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER The serial number entered is invalid. Provide a valid serial number.
INVALID_SERIAL_RANGE The serial range entered is invalid. Provide a valid serial range.
INVALID_SERIAL_TYPE The serial type entered is invalid. Provide a valid serial type.
INVALID_SERIAL_TYPE_GROUP The serial type group entered is invalid. Provide a valid serial type group.
INVALID_SOURCE_SYSTEM The source system entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
INVALID_TRANSACTION The transaction entered is invalid. Enter a valid transaction.
ITEM_NUMBER_REQUIRED Item Number is required in item cross reference.
ITEM_SERIAL_NUMBER_NOT_UNIQUE Item serial number {0} already exists. The item serial number was not generated. Enter another unique number for generation. Navigate to the Maintain Serial Generation Request page and submit a new request to generate the serials.
ITEM_SERIAL_REQUIRED Item serial number is required.
ITEM_SOURCE_INVALID The item source entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
ITEM_SOURCE_NOT_SAME_AS_SYSTEM_SOURCE The source system on the location does not match the source system on the item. Please provide a location and item with matching source systems.
ITEM_SOURCE_REQUIRED Item source is required in item cross reference.
ITEM_UNIT_OF_MEASURE_REQUIRED Item unit of measure is required in item cross reference.
JOB_IN_PROCESS There is a job instance already in progress. As a result, this new job instance can not be submitted.
JOB_INSTANCE_NO_SELECTION Select one or more records for action.
JOB_MAIL_ERR_SUMMARY For Job Instance Id {0} Job Type {1} :
JOB_STATUS_INVALID The job status entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
JOB_SUBMIT_EXCEPTION At least one request within this job was failed.
LABEL_FORMAT_INVALID The label print format entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
LABEL_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The LABEL_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
LABEL_MULTIPLE_PACKAGES_EXCEPTION The label / label type combination provided exists on more than one package. Provide a label / label type combination that uniquely identifies a package.
LABEL_REQUIRED The label and label type fields are required. Please provide a valid label and label type combination.
LABEL_TYPE_INVALID The label type entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
LABEL_TYPE_NULL_LOCATION_TABLE Process is trying to get default label type from the location table for label type or parent label type and the default label type is null in the location table. Go to Maintain Location for the location on the transaction and enter a valid default label type.
LANGUAGE_TABLE_ERROR There was a problem retrieving language information for one or more languages. Please contact your system administrator to verify both the base and installed languages.
LOCAL_INSTANCE_FLAG_INVALID The local instance flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
LOCALIZED_SERIAL_CTRL_FLAG_INVALID The localized serialization control flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
LOCATIONPRODUCT_BUT_NO_PRODUCT The serial type group is set to Location and Product Level range control, but the product is not specified. Provide the product, or change the range control to something other than Location and Product Level.
LOCATIONPRODUCT_BUT_NO_PUI The serial type group is set to Location and Product Level range control, but the product unit identifier is not specified. Either provide the product, or set a product unit identifier on the product.
LOCATION_BLANK The location must not be blank if product unit identifier is not blank.
LOCATION_DEACTIVATED Location is no longer active. Serials can not be generated using this location.
LOCATION_DEACTIVATION The location entered has been deactivated. Enter a valid location for this request.
LOCATION_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The LOCATION_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
LOCATION_IS_REQUIRED Location is required.
LOCATION_NOT_UNIQUE The location provided will result in a duplicate location. Enter a unique one.
LOCATION_TYPE_INVALID The location type entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
LOGIN_ERROR_MESSAGE An unexpected login error has occurred during login. Please contact your system administrator to review the logs for more information.
LOOKUP_CODE_LANGUAGE_NOT_UNIQUE The lookup code and language for this lookup type is not unique. Enter a different value for the lookup code and language fields.
LOOKUP_CODE_NOT_UNIQUE The lookup code is not unique for this specific lookup type. Enter a different value for the lookup code field.
LOOKUP_TYPE_LANGUAGE_NOT_UNIQUE The lookup type and language combination is not unique. Enter a different value for the lookup type and language fields.
LOOKUP_TYPE_NOT_UNIQUE The lookup type is not unique. Enter a different value for the lookup type field.
LOT_DELETION_EXCEPTION The lot cannot be deleted because one or more serials exist for this lot.
LOT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Lot {0} {1} for location {2} does not exist.
LOT_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The LOT_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
LOT_LOCATION_CAN_NOT_BE_CHANGED Location on an existing Lot can not be changed.
LOT_NUMBER_CAN_NOT_BE_CHANGED Lot Number on an existing lot can not be changed.
LOT_NUMBER_REQUIRED The lot number is required and has not been provided. Provide valid lot number.
LOT_PRODUCT_DETAIL_CAN_NOT_BE_CHANGED Product detail information on an existing lot can not be changed.
LOT_PRODUCT_REQUIRED The item or product is required for the lot and it has not been provided. Provide a valid item or product.
LOT_REQUIRED_FOR_COMMISSIONING The lot information is required in order to commission serials. Please provide valid lot information.
LOT_SOURCE_CAN_NOT_BE_CHANGED Lot Source on an existing Lot can not be changed.
LOT_SOURCE_INVALID The lot source entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
LOT_SOURCE_REQUIRED The lot source is required and has not been provided. Provide valid lot source.
LOT_VALIDATION_FAILED The lot information provided resulted in a validation error. Please verify the data provided and ensure it is valid.
LOTS_SHIPPED_SERIALS_EXIST You are changing lot information for a lot that has serials that have already been shipped.
LOWEST_LEVEL_OF_DETAIL_NOT_SET At least one record must represent the lowest level of detail with both Lowest Saleable Unit and Product Quantity set to 1.
LS_BEST_BY_EXP_DATE_ERROR The best by date must be prior to the expiration date. Record Id: {0}
LS_BEST_BY_ORIG_DATE_ERROR The best by date must be after the origination date. Record Id: {0}
LS_DEACTIVATION_DATE_INVALID The deactivation date must be after the current date. Record Id: {0}
LS_DUPLICATE_LOT_WARNING Source system = {0}, lot = {1}, product = {2}: The lot number and product detail information provided will result in a duplicate lot. (Record Id = {3}).
LS_EXISTING_RECORD_CNT {0} records in interface table prior to extract from source system {1}.
LS_INVALID_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE The effective start date is greater than the effective end date. Enter valid effective start and end dates. Record Id: {0}
LS_INVALID_LOCATION Source system = {0}, product = {1}, lot = {2}: The location {3} entered is invalid. Provide a valid location. (Record Id = {4}).
LS_INVALID_LOCATION_NAME Source system = {0}, product = {1}, lot = {2}: The location {3} entered is invalid. Provide a valid location. (Record Id = {4}).
LS_INVALID_LOT Source system = {0}, product = {1}, item = {2}: The lot {3} entered is invalid. Provide a valid lot. (Record Id = {4}).
LS_INVALID_PRODUCT Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The product code is invalid. (Record Id = {3}).
LS_INVALID_PRODUCT_DETAILS Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}, product UOM = {3}: The product UOM is invalid. (Record Id = {4}).
LS_INVALID_PRODUCT_ITEM Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The item is invalid. (Record Id = {3}).
LS_INVALID_PRODUCT_ITEM_UOM Source system = {0}, item = {1}, item UOM = {2}, product = {3} : The item UOM is invalid. (Record Id = {4}).
LS_LOCATION_DEACTIVATED Source system = {0}, product = {1}, lot = {2}: The location {3} entered is no longer active. Provide a active location. (Record Id = {4}).
LS_LOT_PRODUCT_REQUIRED Source system = {0}, lot = {1}: The item or product is required for the lot and it has not been provided. Provide a valid item or product. (Record Id = {2}).
LS_ORIGINATION_DATE_ERROR The origination date must be prior to the expiration date. Record Id: {0}
LS_PRODUCT_REQUIRED_FOR_SERIAL Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: Location {3} is set to require a product for serial creation. (Record Id = {4}).
LS_RETEST_ORIG_DATE_ERROR The retest date must be after the origination date. Record Id: {0}
LS_SELECTED_JOB_OPTIONS_EXT Selected job options: Synchronization Action = {0}, Extract Scenario Code = {1}, Source System = {2}.
LS_SELECTED_JOB_OPTIONS_EXTMRG Selected job options: Synchronization Action = {0}, Extract Scenario Code = {1}, Source System = {2}.
LS_SELECTED_JOB_OPTIONS_MRG Selected job options: Synchronization Action = {0}, Source System = {1}.
LS_SELECTED_SYNC_RECORD_CNT {0} records selected for synchronization.
LS_SELL_BY_EXP_DATE_ERROR The sell by date must be prior to the expiration date. Record Id: {0}
LS_SELL_BY_ORIG_DATE_ERROR The sell by date must be after the origination date. Record Id: {0}
LS_SUCCESSFUL_SYNC_RECORD_CNT {0} records synchronized successfully.
LS_UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE The error code {0} being issued does not exist in the resource bundle for the system. Please report this error to your system administrator. (Record Id = {1})
MAIL_PROGRESS_SUMMARY The following processes have been in an "In Progress" status for greater than the Execution Interval time period:
MANDATORY_QUERY_PARAMETERS_REQUIRED The query is missing the following required parameter(s): {0}. Please supply the required parameters in the query and resubmit.
MAXEVENTCOUNT_EVENTCOUNTLIMIT_PRESENT_ERROR The query submitted contains both the maxEventCount and eventCountList parameters and only one of those is allowed per query. Please correct the query to contain only one of these parameters and resubmit.
MERGE_LOT_COMPOSITE_DETAILS Please review composite instance {0} using the Oracle Enterprise Manager application for more details.
MERGE_LOT_EXCEPTION An exception has occurred while attempting to perform a lot synchronization. Please review the incoming message from the external transaction system for Lot Number {0}, Lot Source {1}, Location {2}, Item Number {3}, and Product Code {4}.
MERGE_LOT_EXCEPTION_DETAILS An exception has occurred while processing the mergeLot web service. The exception is as follows: {0}
MERGE_LOT_FAULTED A fault has occurred during the processing of the mergeLot web service for composite instance {0}. Please contact your system administrator to investigate the fault using the Oracle Enterprise Manager application.
MERGE_PACK_FAILED An error occurred and the packaging was not updated. Check the packaging and resubmit.
MULT_DUP_SERIALS_FOUND When trying to create serial number {0} during the shipment transaction, existing non-counterfeit serials for the same serial number were found in the OPSM system. Please review these serial numbers in OPSM to determine if they are valid and not counterfeit.
NDC_NUMBER_EXCEEDS_FIELD_LENGTH The NDC Number provided for Product {0} exceeds the maximum field length of 20 characters. Please correct the information and resend.
NEGATIVE_AT_RISK_THRESHOLD_INVALID The at-risk threshold value cannot be a negative number. Enter a valid, non-negative number.
NEGATIVE_CRITICAL_THRESHOLD_INVALID The critical threshold value cannot be a negative number. Enter a valid, non-negative number.
NEGATIVE_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED_LOWEST_SALEABLE A negative value is not allowed for the lowest saleable unit quantity. Please enter a value that is zero or greater.
NEGATIVE_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED_OVERAGE A negative value is not allowed for the overage amount. Please enter a value that is zero or greater.
NEXT_SERIAL_OUT_OF_RANGE This next serial number is out of serial range. Enter valid next serial number and ensure it is within range from and range to.
NO_GEN_SERIAL_TYPE A serial type was not found for the product or location. If a product was used, enter a serial type for the product. If a product was not used, enter a non-product serial type on the location.
NO_PRODUCT_DETAILS A product must have at least one packaging unit. Please define a product detail for the product.
NO_ROWS_SELECTED No rows have been selected.
NO_ROWS_SELECTED_PACK_SOURCE You must select the rows to pack.
NO_ROWS_SELECTED_PACK_SOURCE_OR_TARGET You must select the rows to be packed as well as a destination package.
NO_ROWS_SELECTED_PACK_TARGET A package in the tree must be selected as a destination.
NO_SERIALS_CREATED No serials have been generated. The serials requested are either out of range or they are all duplicates.
NO_SERIALS_IMPORTED No serials have been imported for product {0} {1} {2} requested quantity {3}. None of the serials sent in on the import transactions were created.
NO_SERIALS_REQUESTED No quantity of serials were requested to be generated.
NO_SERIAL_TYPE_RANGE_LOC The product level range control is on and the serial type group range control is "Location Level", so a range is required. No range exists for serial type group {0}, and location {1}. Enter a valid range.
NO_SERIAL_TYPE_RANGE_LOCPROD The product level range control is on and the serial type group range control is "Location and Product Level", so a range is required. No range exists for serial type group {0}, location {1}, and product unit identifier {2}. Enter a valid range.
NO_SHIPMENTS No shipments were sent. Invoke the shipment web service passing at least one shipment.
NUMBER_NOT_VALID_FOR_SERIAL_TYPE The unique number {0} is not within the minimum {1} and maximum {2} for the serial type {3}. Select another unique number within the min and max for the serial type.
NUMBER_NOT_WITHIN_SERIAL_RANGE The unique number {0} is not within a serial range for serial type group {1}, location {2} and/or product unit identifier {3}. Select a unique number within an existing range or add a new range that contains the unique number.
NUMBER_WITHIN_EXHAUTED_RANGE The unique number {0} is within range {1} {2} {3} that has been exhausted. Either expand the range or select another unique number within another range.
NUMBER_WITHIN_INACTIVE_SERIAL_RANGE The unique number {0} exist within an inactive serial range {1} {2} {3}. Either reactivate range or select another unique number.
ODI_CONNECTION_CONFIG_ERROR An error occurred retrieving the ODI connection configuration information. There is no active record in the connection configuration table. Create a new active record in the table or modify an existing record to make it active.
ODI_EXCEPTION_ERROR The following error occurred while attempting to connect to the ODI agent: {0}.
ODI_INVOCATION_ERROR The following error occurred during ODI invocation: {0}
ODI_INVOCATION_SUCCESS ODI invocation successful. ODI Session Id = {0}
ODI_SCENARIO_NOT_SETUP The scenario {0} has not been setup correctly in the ODI properties bundle. Contact your system administrator to verify that the required scenario name, version, and optional variable properties are defined.
ODI_SCN_CODE_INVALID No records were found for scenario code {0} in the extract definition table. Enter scenario details in the table for this scenario code or select a different scenario code.
ODI_SCN_NAME_NULL_EXCEPTION Scenario name is null or missing. Enter a scenario name in the extract definition table for the selected scenario code {0}.
ODI_SCN_VERSION_NULL_EXCEPTION Scenario version is null or missing. Enter a scenario version in the extract definition table for the selected scenario code {0}.
ONE_PACKAGE_ID_REQUIRED At least one package identifier has to be entered and flagged as primary. Enter a package identifier before submitting.
ORDERBY_MISSING The query submitted does not specify the orderBy parameter which is required when using either the eventCountLimit or orderDirection parameter. Please resubmit the query with the orderBy parameter specified.
ORIGINAL_TRANSACTION_ID_REQ Original transaction id is required.
ORIGINATION_DATE_ERROR The origination date must be prior to the expiration date.
OWNING_SOURCE_SYSTEM_DIFFERENT The attempt to update the product failed because the product is owned by another source system.
OWNING_SOURCE_SYSTEM_INVALID The owning source system entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
PACK_ASSOCIATION_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The PACK_ASSOCIATION_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
PACK_FAILED_TO_INSERT An error occurred while inserting a pack and label.
PACK_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The PACK_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
PACKAGE_ALREADY_PACKED_EXCEPTION The package you are attempting to pack, already exists in another package.
PACKAGE_ID_AND_PACKAGE_ID_TYPE_REQUIRED Package identifier and package identifier type are required fields.
PACKAGE_ID_TYPE_REQUIRED Package identifier type is a required field.
PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION A package for the provided label / label type combination was not found.
PACKAGING_UNIT_INVALID The packaging unit entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
PACKAGING_UNIT_INVALID_SUB The packaging unit {0} is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
PACKAGING_UNIT_REQUIRED Packaging Unit is a required field.
PARENT_AND_CHILD_LABEL_REQUIRED Parent and child label are required to merge the packaging. Send both parent and child label and label type.
PARENT_LABEL_MULTIPLE_PACKAGES_EXCEPTION The parent label / label type combination provided exists on more than one package. Provide a label / label type combination that uniquely identifies a package.
PARENT_LABEL_SERIALIZED In the selected container, a parent package of a transacted unit is serialized. The system cannot add a transacted unit that is contained in another product serial.
PARENT_SERIAL_IDENTIFICATION_NOT_FOUND Parent Serial Identification {0} for item serial number {1}, serial type {2} is not found in the Trans Serial Assoc Table in the serial identification field so this serial can not be packed.
PEDIGREE_CTRL_FLAG_INVALID The pedigree control flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
PEDIGREE_CONTACT_REQUIRED Required location contact information is missing. Contact name, title, email and telephone are all required for a pedigree and must be added to the location contact record before the pedigree can be created.
PEDIGREE_DOCUMENT_NUMBER_REQUIRED Document Number information is missing. This data is required for a pedigree. A Pedigree cannot be created for this transaction.
PEDIGREE_MULTIPLE_PRODUCTS Multiple products exist on the associated serials, all of which are flagged as lowest saleable unit. The system cannot determine which Product is required on the Pedigree due to this setup issue.
PEDIGREE_NO_LOWEST_SALEABLE The pedigree controlled flag is on for product {0}, but there are no product details that have the lowest saleable quantity set to 0.
PEDIGREE_PRODUCT_REQUIRED Required product information is missing. Product name, manufacturer, dosage form, container size and strength are all required for a pedigree and must be added to the product record before the pedigree can be created.
PLSQL_CHILD_LABEL_MULTIPLE_PACKAGES_EXCEPTION The child label {0} / label type {1} combination provided exists on more than one package. Provide a label / label type combination that uniquely identifies a package.
PLSQL_COUNTERFEIT_FUTURE_DATE The counterfeit date must be on or before current date.
PLSQL_DOCUMENT_PRIMARY_FLAG_ERROR Cannot have more than one primary document for batch id {id}.
PLSQL_EDIT_SERIAL_LIST_ERROR_STATUS_FLAG_IS_ENABLED Error status flag value for the edit serial list id {0}, for the batch {1} cannot be 1
PLSQL_ERROR_STATUS_FLAG_IS_ENABLED Error status flag value for the package interface id {0}, for the batch {1} cannot be 1
PLSQL_INVALID_CHILD_LABEL The child label {0} and label type {1} combination provided is invalid. Provide a valid child label and label type combination for a package, or packages, that have not yet been shipped.
PLSQL_INVALID_ITEM_SERIAL_NUMBER The serial number {0} is invalid. Provide a valid serial number.
PLSQL_INVALID_LOT The lot {0} for the item serial number {1} is invalid. Provide a valid lot.
PLSQL_LABEL_FORMAT_INVALID The label print format {0} does not exist in OPSM. Change the label print format on the transaction or add the label print format to the lookup table in OPSM.
PLSQL_LABEL_TYPE_INVALID The label type {0} entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
PLSQL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND_PROD_SHP_TRANS_SERIAL_ASSOC No records found in the PAS_S_SHP_SERIAL_ASSOC_INT table for transaction product id {0}, in batch id {1}.
PLSQL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND_PROD_TRANS_SERIAL_ASSOC No records found in the PAS_S_IMP_SERIAL_ASSOC_INT table for transaction product id {0}, in batch id {1}.
PLSQL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND_PROD_TRANS_SERIAL_ASSOC No records found for the transaction product id {0}, for the batch id {1} in PAS_S_IMP_SERIAL_ASSOC_INT table
PLSQL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND_SERIAL_LIST No records found for the batch id {0} in PAS_S_EDIT_SERIAL_LIST_INT table
PLSQL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND_TRANS_PRODUCT No records found for the batch id {0} in PAS_S_IMP_SERIAL_PRODS_INT table
PLSQL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND_TRANS_SERIAL_ASSOC No records found for the batch id {0} in PAS_S_IMP_SERIAL_ASSOC_INT table
PLSQL_NO_SERIALS_EDITED No serials have been edited for the batch id {0}
PLSQL_NO_SERIALS_IMPORTED No serials have been imported for the batch id {0}
PLSQL_PACKAGING_UNIT_INVALID The packaging unit {0} entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
PLSQL_PARENT_LABEL_AND_LABEL_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_NULL The parent label/parent label type for the package interface id {0} cannot be NULL for pack operation.
PLSQL_PARENT_LABEL_MULTIPLE_PACKAGES_EXCEPTION The parent label {0} / label type {1} combination provided exists on more than one package. Provide a label / label type combination that uniquely identifies a package.
PLSQL_RUNTIME_ERROR An error was encountered {0} -ERROR- {1}
PLSQL_TRANS_ADDR_ERROR_STATUS_FLAG_IS_ENABLED Error status flag value for the transaction address id {0}, for the batch {1} cannot be 1
PLSQL_TRANS_DOCS_ERROR_STATUS_FLAG_IS_ENABLED Error status flag value for the transaction document id {0}, for the batch {1} cannot be 1
PLSQL_TRANS_ERROR_STATUS_FLAG_IS_ENABLED Error status flag value for the transaction interface batch id {0} cannot be 1
PLSQL_TRANS_LABEL_ERROR_STATUS_FLAG_IS_ENABLED Error status flag value for the transaction label id {0}, for the batch {1} cannot be 1
PLSQL_TRANS_PRODUCT_ERROR_STATUS_FLAG_IS_ENABLED Error status flag value for the transaction product id {0}, for the batch {1} cannot be 1
PLSQL_TRANS_PRODUCT_MULTIPLE_PRODUCTS Multiple products found for the batch id {0}. Only one product is allowed per transaction.
PLSQL_TRANS_SERIAL_ASSOC_ERROR_STATUS_FLAG_IS_ENABLED Error status flag value for the transaction serial assoc id {0}, for the batch {1} cannot be 1
PLSQL_TRANSACTION_TYPE_INVALID The transaction type entered is invalid. Enter a valid transaction type
PREVIOUS_PRIMARY_ID_NOT_REUSABLE The primary identifier on this package already exists in the system and has not been marked as reusable. A different primary identifier must be chosen.
PREVIOUS_PRIMARY_ID_NOT_SHIPPED The primary identifier on this package already exists in the system and has not been shipped. A different primary identifier must be chosen.
PRIMARY_DOCUMENT_REQUIRED The primary document information is required and has not been provided. Provide valid primary document information.
PRIMARY_ID_FLAG_INVALID The primary id flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
PRIMARY_ID_NOT_SELECTED A primary identifier has not been selected. Mark one of the identifiers as the primary prior to saving the package.
PROCESSED_FLAG_INVALID The processed flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
PROD_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE_ON_TRANS The transaction does not include valid information of transacted item or product. A new container or serial cannot be added to this transaction.
PROD_INFO_REQUIRED The product information cannot be blank for the location. Please specify a product.
PROD_LEVEL_RANGE_CTRL_FLAG_INVALID The product level range control flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
PROD_LOT_INCONSISTENT The lot number is not for the product. Enter a correct lot number.
PROD_SERVICE_SUCCESS The mergeProducts web service completed successfully.
PROD_SERVICE_WARNINGS The mergeProducts web service completed with warnings. Please refer to Job Instance {0} in the Product Synchronization UI for details.
PROD_SERVICE_ERRORS The mergeProducts web service completed with errors. Please refer to Job Instance {0} in the Product Synchronization UI for details.
PRODUCT_CATEGORY_INVALID The product category entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
PRODUCT_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED The product cannot be changed for this serial because it has a serial state of shipped or returned.
PRODUCT_CODE_LENGTH_INVALID The length of the product code entered does not match the product code type selected. Correct and resubmit.
PRODUCT_CODE_NOT_UNIQUE Multiple Product Code matches. If only the product code is being provided as input, the product codes must be unique for OPSM to be able to process.
PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE_INVALID The product code type entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE_MISMATCH The format of the product code entered does not match the product code type selected. Correct and resubmit.
PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE_NOT_ENTERED Enter or select a value for product code type field using the associated lookup table.
PRODUCT_DETAIL_NOT_UNIQUE Multiple Product Code Details. If only the product code is being provided as input, only one product code detail can exist for the Product Code being provided.
PRODUCT_DETAIL_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The PRODUCT_DETAIL_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
PRODUCT_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The PRODUCT_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
PRODUCT_INVALID_FOR_PRIMARY_DOC Product Detail Id {0} and provided Primary Document are associated with different serial types, so this product cannot be used to update the serials. Please provide product information and Primary Document associated with same serial types.
PRODUCT_INVALID_FOR_SERIAL Product Detail Id {0} and item serial number {1} are associated with different serial types, so this product cannot be used to update the serial. Please provide product information and item serial number associated with same serial types.
PRODUCT_ITEM_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The PRODUCT_ITEM_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
PRODUCT_ITEM_UOM_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The PRODUCT_ITEM_UOM_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
PRODUCT_LOCATION_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The PRODUCT_LOCATION_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
PRODUCT_MISSING_PRODUCT_SPECIFIC Serial was not created because serial type group {0} is product specific and not product was provided.
PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND_OR_DUPLICATE_PRODUCT_CODE Either the product data provided does not match a product found in OPSM or duplicate product codes exist. If duplicate product codes exist within OPSM, the product code type, product variant and product UOM must also be provided. Please correct the product data provided and resubmit.
PRODUCT_REQUIRED_FOR_COMMISSIONING The product information is required in order to commission serials. Please provide valid product code information.
PRODUCT_REQUIRED_FOR_SERIAL Location {0} is set to require a product for serial creation.
PRODUCT_SPECIFIC_FLAG_INVALID The product specific flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
PRODUCT_SPECIFIC_SERIAL You are attempting to change the product information on a product specific serial number. This change is not allowed.
PRODUCT_UNIT_ID_FORMULA_REQUIRED The product unit identifier formula is required when the serial type is defined as product specific. Enter a valid product unit identifier formula.
PRODUCT_UNIT_IDENTIFIER_FORMULA_INVALID The product unit identifier formula entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
PRODUCT_UOM_INVALID The product unit of measure entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
PRODUCT_UOM_NOT_ENTERED Enter or select a value for packaging unit field using the associated lookup table.
PS_CONTAINER_TYPE_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The container type {3} is invalid. (Record Id = {4})
PS_CONTROLLED_SUBSTANCE_FLAG_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The controlled substance flag value {3} is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1. (Record Id = {4})
PS_CREATE_SER_FOR_ACCEPT_FLAG_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The create serials for accept flag value {3} is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1. (Record Id = {4})
PS_CREATE_SER_FOR_RECEIPT_FLAG_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The create serials for receipt flag value {3} is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1. (Record Id = {4})
PS_CREATE_SER_FOR_REPKG_FLAG_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The create serials for repackaging flag value {3} is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1. (Record Id = {4})
PS_CREATE_SERIALS_FOR_SHIP_FLAG_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The create serials for shipment flag value {3} is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1. (Record Id = {4})
PS_DOSAGE_FORM_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The dosage form {3} is invalid. (Record Id = {4})
PS_DUPLICATE_ITEM_UOM_ERROR Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The unit of measure {3} already exists for this item. (Record Id = {4})
PS_DUPLICATE_PRODUCT_DETAIL_ERROR Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The packaging unit {3} already exists for this product. (Record Id = {4})
PS_DUPLICATE_PRODUCT_ERROR Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: This product already exists. (Record Id = {3})
PS_DUPLICATE_PRODUCT_ITEM_ERROR Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: This item already exists for this source system. (Record Id = {3})
PS_EPC_COMPANY_PREFIX_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The EPC Company Prefix value {3} is invalid. (Record Id = {4})
PS_EPC_FILTER_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The EPC filter value {3} is invalid. (Record Id = {4})
PS_EPC_NUMBER_FILTER_EXCEPTION Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}, Serial Type = {3}: GTIN and EPC filter are required for this serial type. (Record Id = {4})
PS_EPC_NUMBER_LENGTH_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The GTIN {3} is invalid Length. (Record Id = {4})
PS_EPC_NUMBER_EXCEPTION Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2} serial type = {3}: The GTIN is required for this serial type. (Record Id = {4})
PS_EPCNUMBER_EPCTYPE_EXCEPTION Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2} serial type = {3}: GTIN and EPC filter values are required for this serial type. (Record Id = {4})
PS_EPC_TYPE_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The EPC type {3} is invalid. (Record Id = {4})
PS_EXISTING_RECORD_CNT {0} records in interface table prior to extract from source system {1}.
PS_EXTRACTED_RECORD_CNT {0} records inserted, {1} records updated by the extract.
PS_INVALID_PRODUCT Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The product code is invalid. (Record Id = {3})
PS_INVALID_PRODUCT_DETAILS Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The product details are invalid. (Record Id = {3})
PS_INVALID_PRODUCT_ITEM Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The product item is invalid. (Record Id = {3})
PS_INVALID_PRODUCT_ITEM_UOM Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The product item unit of measure {3} is invalid.
PS_ITEM_NUMBER_REQUIRED Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: Item Number is required in item cross reference. (Record Id = {3})
PS_ITEM_SOURCE_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The source system is invalid.
PS_ITEM_SOURCE_REQUIRED Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: Item source is required in item cross reference. (Record Id = {3})
PS_ITEM_UNIT_OF_MEASURE_REQUIRED Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: Item unit of measure is required in item cross reference. (Record Id = {3})
PS_LABEL_FORMAT_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}, product uom = {3}: The label print format {4} is invalid. Enter a valid value for this field. (Record Id = {5})
PS_LOWEST_SALEABLE_UNIT_QTY_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}, product uom = {3}: The lowest saleable unit quantity {4} is a negative value. Enter a value that is zero or greater. (Record Id = {5})
PS_PACKAGING_UNIT_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The packaging unit {3} is invalid. (Record Id = {4})
PS_PEDIGREE_CTRL_FLAG_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The pedigree control flag value {3} is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1. (Record Id = {4})
PS_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The product category {3} is invalid. Enter a value for this field. (Record Id = {4})
PS_PRODUCT_CODE_LENGTH_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The length of the product code does not match the product code type {3}. (Record Id = {4})
PS_PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The product code type {3} is invalid. (Record Id = {4})
PS_PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE_MISMATCH Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The format of the product code does not match the product code type {3}. (Record Id = {4})
PS_PRODUCT_UOM_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The packaging unit (Product UOM) {3} is invalid. (Record Id = {4})
PS_PRODUCT_UOM_NOT_ENTERED Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: Packaging unit (Product UOM) is required. (Record Id = {3})
PS_PROD_DTL_SRC_SYS_PRECEDENCE_WARNING Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}, product UOM = {3}, owning system = {4}: A source system precedence exception occurred. The product detail record was not updated because the product is owned by source system {4} and the system parameter is set to only allow updates by the owning system. (Record Id = {5})
PS_PROD_LEVEL_RANGE_CTRL_FLAG_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The product level range control flag value {3} is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1. (Record Id = {4})
PS_PROD_SRC_SYS_PRECEDENCE_WARNING Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}, owning system = {3}: A source system precedence exception occurred. The product record was not updated because the product is owned by source system {3} and the system parameter is set to only allow updates by the owning system. (Record Id = {4})
PS_RECORD_INTERNAL_ACCEPT_FLAG_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The record internal accepts flag value {3} is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1. (Record Id = {4})
PS_RECORD_INTERNAL_RETURN_FLAG_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The record internal returns flag value {3} is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1. (Record Id = {4})
PS_RECORD_INTERNAL_SHIPMENT_FLAG_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The record internal shipments flag value {3} is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1. (Record Id = {4})
PS_SELECTED_JOB_OPTIONS Selected job options Synchronization Action = {0}, Extract Scenario Name = {1}, Source System = {2}, Source System Precedence = {3}, Disregard Source System Exceptions = {4}
PS_SELECTED_JOB_OPTIONS_EXT Selected job options: Synchronization Action = {0}, Extract Scenario Name = {1}, Source System = {2}.
PS_SELECTED_JOB_OPTIONS_EXTMRG Selected job options: Synchronization Action = {0}, Extract Scenario Name = {1}, Source System = {2}, Source System Precedence = {3}, Disregard Source System Exceptions = {4}.
PS_SELECTED_JOB_OPTIONS_MRG Selected job options: Synchronization Action = {0}, Source System = {1}, Source System Precedence = {2}, Disregard Source System Exceptions = {3}.
PS_SELECTED_SYNC_RECORD_CNT {0} records selected for synchronization.
PS_SERIAL_CTRL_FLAG_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The serial control flag value {3} is invalid. Enter a value of OPSMSERIALIZED or EXTERNALLYGENERATED. (Record Id = {4})
PS_SERIAL_INCREASE_AMOUNT_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The overage amount {3} is a negative value. Enter a value that is zero or greater. (Record Id = {4})
PS_SERIAL_INCREASE_TYPE_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}: The serial increase type {3} is invalid. (Record Id = {4})
PS_SERIAL_TYPE_IS_REQUIRED Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}, product UOM = {3}: The serial type is required when importing products. Please provide a valid serial type. (Record Id = {4})
PS_SERIAL_TYPE_INVALID Source system = {0}, item = {1}, product = {2}, product UOM = {3}: The serial type {4} is invalid. Enter a valid value for this field. (Record Id = {5})
PS_SUCCESSFUL_SYNC_RECORD_CNT {0} records synchronized successfully.
PUI_MISSING_PRODUCT_SPECIFIC Serial was not created because product unit identifier is required to create the serial type. Product {0} {1} {2} uses serial type {3} of product specific serial type group {4}.
PUID_SERIAL_RANGES_MAY_EXIST_ERROR You are changing the GTIN which will result in a new product unit identifier value. This may cause orphaned serial ranges if you have already defined serial ranges using the existing product unit identifier.
PUIFORMULA_PRODUCT_DETAILS_EXIST The product unit identifier formula cannot be changed because products have been defined that utilize the serial types related to this serial type group.
PUIFORMULA_REQUIRED The product unit identifier (PUID) formula is required because the product specific flag is checked. Please provide a valid PUID formula value.
PUIFORMULA_SERIAL_RANGES_EXIST The product unit identifier formula cannot be changed because serial ranges exist that utilize this serial type group.
PUIFORMULA_SERIALS_EXIST The product unit identifier formula cannot be changed because serials have been generated that utilize the serial types related to this serial type group.
PURE_IDENTITY_FAILURE The pure identity validation on the following items has failed:{0}. Please correct the EPC(s) and resubmit.
QUERY_TOO_LARGE The requested query has exceeded the number of bytes or the number of elements set for the EPCIS Repository. Please simplify the query and resubmit.
QUERY_TOO_COMPLEX The requested query has exceeded the query time limit set for the EPCIS Repository. Please simplify the query and resubmit.
QUERY_NAME_INVALID The name of the query submitted is invalid. Recognized values are 'SimpleEventQuery' and 'SimpleMasterDataQuery'. Please correct the queryName and resubmit.
QUERY_PARAMETER_VALUES_INCORRECT The value of the following parameter(s): {0} is invalid. Please supply the corrected value in the query and resubmit.
RANDOM_INCREMENT_MINIMUM_ERROR The minimum of random increment must be less than the maximum of the random increment.
RANGE_CONTROL_INVALID The range control entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
RANGE_CONTROL_LEVEL_INVALID The range control level entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
RANGE_DETAIL_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The RANGE_DETAIL_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
RANGE_EXHAUSTED The requested quantity of serials could not be generated. Check the minimum and maximum for your serial type or range.
RANGE_EXHAUSTED_DATE_ERROR The range exhausted date must be greater than current date.
RANGE_FROM_REQUIRED Range From is required and was not provided.
RANGE_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The RANGE_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
RANGE_LEVEL_CONTROL_CHANGE_EXCEPTION This change may affect serial range setup if the related serial ranges exist.
RANGE_LEVEL_CONTROL_VALIDATION The product unit identifier (PUID) formula is required and the product specific flag must be checked if range level control is set to 'Location and Product Level'.
RCV_TRANS_QTY_NE_RCV_QTY The transaction quantity {0} must equal the number of received packages which is {1}. Correct the transaction and resend.
REASON_CODE_INVALID The reason code entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
REASON_CODE_REQUIRED The reason code is required. Provide a valid reason code.
RECORD_INTERNAL_ACCEPT_FLAG_INVALID The record internal accepts flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
RECORD_INTERNAL_RECEIPT_FLAG_INVALID The record internal receipts flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
RECORD_INTERNAL_RETURN_FLAG_INVALID The record internal return flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
RECORD_INTERNAL_SHIPMENT_FLAG_INVALID The record internal shipments flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
RECORD_LOCKING_ERROR The record you are attempting to edit has been modified by another user.
RELATED_PACKAGING_UNIT_REQUIRED Related packaging unit is required in item cross reference.
REQUIRE_PRODUCT_FOR_GEN_FLAG_INVALID The require product for generation flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
RESERVED_STATUS_INVALID The status of the serial cannot be "Reserved" once both product code and lot number are determined. Select a different status.
RESERVING_NOT_SUPPORTED The serial status provided = RESERVED, however, the ability to reserve serials is not supported by this web service. Please select a different serial status value.
RETEST_ORIG_DATE_ERROR The retest date must be after the origination date.
REUSEABLE_FLAG_INVALID The reusable flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
RTN_SERIAL_ALREADY_PACKED Cannot return serial {0} which is already packed.
RTN_SERIAL_IS_COUNTERFEIT Serial number {0} on the Return transaction is marked as suspect or counterfeit.
RTN_SERIAL_NOT_COMMISSIONED Serial number {0} is not commissioned. The serial is at a status of {1}.
RTN_SERIAL_NOT_FOUND The serial number {0} sent in with the transaction does not exist in OPSM.
RTN_SERIAL_NOT_SHIPPED Serial number {0} in OPSM is not at a shipped state. OPSM cannot create a Return transaction for a serial that has not previously been shipped.
RULES_DEST_TRANS_TYPE_INVALID The destination rules transaction type entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
SALEABLE_UNIT_FLAG_INVALID The saleable unit flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
SCENARIO_NAME_INVALID The scenario name should not be blank. Enter a valid scenario name value.
SEEDED_FLAG_INVALID The seeded flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
SELECT_ONE_DESTINATION_NODE Select only one row to pack.
SELECT_ONE_ROW Only one row can be selected for this action.
SELL_BY_EXP_DATE_ERROR The sell by date must be prior to the expiration date.
SELL_BY_ORIG_DATE_ERROR The sell by date must be after the origination date.
SERIAL_CTRL_FLAG_INVALID The serial control flag value is invalid. Enter a value of OPSMSERIALIZED or EXTERNALLYGENERATED.
SERIAL_DEST_RULES_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The SERIAL_DEST_RULES_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
SERIAL_DESTINATION_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The SERIAL_DESTINATION_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
SERIAL_FACTORY_FAILURE The Serial Factory has failed to generate serials due to a null Application Module.
SERIAL_FAILED_TO_INSERT An error occurred while inserting a serial.
SERIAL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE An error occurred while updating a serial.
SERIAL_GEN_MAIL_ERR_SUMMARY For Serial Generation Request Id {0} Serial Generation Request Method {1} :
SERIAL_GEN_MAIL_PROGRESS_TEXT For Serial Generation Request Id {0} -Serial Generation Request Method {1}
SERIAL_GEN_METHOD_INVALID The serial generation method entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
SERIAL_GEN_REQ_MSG_CREATION_ERROR The serial generation request message record using Id {0} failed to create and initialize.
SERIAL_GEN_REQ_MSG_INSERTION_ERROR The serial generation request message record using Id {0} failed to insert.
SERIAL_GEN_REQ_MSGS_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The SERIAL_GEN_REQ_MSGS_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
SERIAL_GEN_REQUEST_EXCEPTION_DETAILS An exception has occurred while processing the serialGenerationRequest web service. The exception is as follows: {0}
SERIAL_GEN_REQUEST_FAULTED A fault has occurred during the processing of the serialGenerationRequest web service for composite instance {0}. Please contact your system administrator to investigate the fault using the Oracle Enterprise Manager application.
SERIAL_GEN_REQUEST_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The SERIAL_GEN_REQUEST_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
SERIAL_GEN_REQUEST_NO_SELECTION Select one or more records.
SERIAL_GEN_SYNC_REQ_GENERIC_ERROR No serials were generated. Please see the Maintain Serial Generation Request page in OPSM for details.
SERIAL_GEN_SYNC_REQ_GENERIC_WARNING Warning messages were generated during serial generation. Please see the Maintain Serial Generation Request page in OPSM for details.
SERIAL_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The SERIAL_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
SERIAL_INCREASE_TYPE_INVALID The serial increase type entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
SERIAL_LOT_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED The lot cannot be changed for this serial because it has been shipped or decommissioned.
SERIAL_MARKED_AS_COUNTERFEIT Item serial number {0} has been marked as a suspected counterfeit because a duplicate item serial number has been imported.
SERIAL_MINIMUM_ERROR The minimum of serial number must be less than the maximum of serial number.
SERIAL_NOT_FOUND Item serial number {0} was not updated because it does not exist in OPSM.
SERIAL_NOT_FOUND_FOR_PRIMARY_DOC No serials were found for Document {0} Document Type {1}. No serials were updated.
SERIAL_NOT_EXISTING No serial records are found in OPSM using the package identifier as the item serial number. The product serial does not exist in OSPM.
SERIAL_NUMBER_RANGE_INVALID The starting serial number is greater than the ending serial number. This is invalid range. Enter valid one and make sure the starting serial number is less than the ending serial number.
SERIAL_QUANTITY_INVALID The serial quantity entered is zero . Enter valid value for it.
SERIAL_QUANTITY_NEGATIVE The serial quantity entered must be greater than zero.
SERIAL_RANGE_FROM_LESS_THAN_SERIAL_MIN The Serial Range From must be greater than or equal to minimum of serial number.
SERIAL_RANGE_FROM_LESSTHAN_SERIAL_TYPE_MIN The serial range with serial type group {0} location {1} and product unit identifier {2} has a from number = {3}. It must be equal or greater than the serial type group {4} serial type {5} minimum of {6}. Correct the serial range.
SERIAL_RANGE_FROM_GREATERTHAN_SERIAL_TYPE_MAX The serial range with serial type group {0} location {1} and product unit identifier {2} has a from number = {3}. It must be less than the serial type group {4} serial type {5} maximum of {6}. Correct the serial range.
SERIAL_RANGE_INVALID The serial starting number entered is zero. Enter valid value for it.
SERIAL_RANGE_KEY_INVALID The key of serial type group, product unit identifier (PUID) and serial range from provided caused a duplicated record. Provide a unique one.
SERIAL_RANGE_OUT_OF_SCOPE The serial range you are attempting for serial generation is not between minimum serial number and maximum serial number. Make sure the range is in scope.
SERIAL_RANGE_OVERLAP The serial range entered overlaps with another range. Enter a valid range and make sure ranges do not overlap each other.
SERIAL_RANGE_TO_LESS_THAN_NEXT_SERIAL The serial range to must be greater than or equal to next serial number.
SERIAL_RANGE_TO_LESSTHAN_SERIAL_TYPE_MIN The serial range with serial type group {0} location {1} and product unit identifier {2} has a to number = {3}. It must be equal or greater than the serial type group {4} serial type {5} minimum of {6}. Correct the serial range.
SERIAL_RANGE_TO_GREATER_THAN_SERIAL_MAX The serial range to must be less than or equal to maximum of serial number.
SERIAL_RECORD_CREATION_ERROR The serial record using Id {0} failed to create and initialize.
SERIAL_RECORD_INSERTION_ERROR The serial record using Id {0} failed to insert.
SERIAL_STATE_INVALID The serial state entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
SERIAL_STATUS_INVALID The serial status entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
SERIAL_TYPE_GROUP_INVALID The serial type group entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
SERIAL_TYPE_GROUP_KEY_INVALID The serial type group entered caused a duplicated record. Provide a unique one.
SERIAL_TYPE_GRP_DTL_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The SERIAL_TYPE_GRP_DTL_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
SERIAL_TYPE_GRP_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The SERIAL_TYPE_GRP_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
SERIAL_TYPE_GRP_USED_BY_LOCATION The product specific flag cannot be changed because locations have been defined that utilize the serial types related to this serial type group.
SERIAL_TYPE_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The SERIAL_TYPE_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
SERIAL_TYPE_INVALID The serial type entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
SERIAL_TYPE_IS_REQUIRED The serial type is required when importing products. Please provide a valid serial type.
SERIAL_TYPE_MAX_EXCEEDED The maximum serial number for your serial type {0} has been exceeded.
SERIAL_TYPE_MAX_EXHAUSTED The maximum serial number for your serial type has been exceeded.
SERIAL_TYPE_NOT_CORRECT_FOR_LOCATION The serial type {0} is not the non-product serial type for location {1}. This location {2} is set up for non-product serial type of {3}
SERIAL_TYPE_NOT_CORRECT_FOR_PRODUCT The serial type {0} is not correct for the product {1} {2} {3} unit of measure {4}. Check the product and use its serial type, or change the product serial type.
SERIAL_TYPE_NOT_UNIQUE The Serial Type provided will cause a duplicated record, Enter a unique one.
SERIAL_USAGE_INVALID The serial usage entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
SERIAL_USAGE_INVALID_SUB The serial usage {0} for item serial number {1} is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
SERIALIZATION_CONTROL_REQUIRED Serialization control is required.
SHIP_COUNTERFEIT_STATUS Serial number {0} on the transaction is at a counterfeit status of {1}.
SHIP_DOCUMENT_NUMBER_REQUIRED Document number required on the transaction document record for a pedigreed control product.
SHIP_DOC_TYPE_ADDED The transaction document type {0} has been added to the lookup table.
SHIP_DUP_SERIAL_NOT_ADDED Serial number {0} has not been added because the Serial already exists in OPSM.
SHIP_DUPLICATE_SERIALS For serial number {0} sent into the transaction duplicate serials have been found in OPSM. Update the serials.
SHIP_DUPLICATE_SERIAL_OR_ERRORS For serial number {0} sent into the transaction either multiple serial records have been found in OPSM or all serial records found have errors. Validate the serial number in OPSM.
SHIP_EXPIRE_DATE_NOT_ON_LOT The expiration date is missing from lot number {0}, lot source {1}. Expiration date is required on the lot for shipment transactions. Update the lot with the expiration date and reprocess the transaction.
SHIP_IMPORT_SERIALS_ERROR The import serials flag is on for this transaction. The OPSM system is not set up to import serials for this product code {0}, product code type {1} and location {2}.
SHIP_INVALID_LOT The Lot {0}, Lot Source {1} and Lot Location {2} do not exist in OPSM for Product Code {3}, Product Code Type {4}. Change the lot information on the transaction or enter the information in OPSM.
SHIP_INVALID_LOT_LOCATION The Lot Location {0} does not exist in OPSM. Change the Lot Location on the transaction or add the Lot Location to OPSM.
SHIP_LABEL_ALREADY_PACKED Cannot ship label {0} and label type {1} which is already packed.
SHIP_LABEL_ERROR The serial or package {0}, {1} sent in with the transaction does not exist or duplicates exist in OPSM. The serial or package {0}, {1} must be researched in OPSM and the transaction reprocessed.
SHIP_LOCATION_REQUIRED The transaction location is missing. Location is required. Add a location to the transaction and resend the transaction.
SHIP_LOT_REQUIRED The lot information is missing from the transaction. Lot information is required for the transaction and must be added to the transaction in the transactional system and resend the transaction.
SHIP_NO_LOT_ON_SERIAL Serial number {0} is missing lot information. Lot information is required on the serial for the transaction. Update the serial in OPSM with the lot information and reprocess the transaction
SHIP_NO_PRODUCT_ON_SERIAL Serial number {0} is missing product information. Product information is required on the serial for the transaction. Update the serial in OPSM with the product information and reprocess the transaction
SHIP_PACK_QTY_NOT_CORRECT The (label) serial {0}, should have {1}, serials contained in it and it has {2} in it.
SHIP_PARENT_LABEL_ERROR The parent package {0}, {1} sent in with the transaction does not exist or duplicates exist in OPSM. The package {0}, {1} must be researched in OPSM and the transaction reprocessed.
SHIP_PRODUCT_LOT_REQUIRED The lot information is missing from the transaction product. Lot information is required for the transaction and must be added to the transaction product in the transactional system and resend the transaction.
SHIP_PRODUCT_REQUIRED The product information is missing from the transaction. Product information is required for the transaction and must be added to the transaction in the transactional system and resend the transaction.
SHIP_SERIAL_ALREADY_PACKED Cannot ship serial {0} which is already packed.
SHIP_SERIAL_LOT_NE_OPSM_LOT The lot on serial number {0} being passed into the transaction does not match the lot for the serial in the OPSM system.
SHIP_SERIAL_NOT_COMM_RESEND Serial number {0} must be commissioned in order to ship. Navigate to Maintain Serials and enter a product and lot on the serial, then resend the transaction.
SHIP_SERIAL_NOT_COMMISSIONED Serial number {0} must be commissioned. Navigate to Maintain Serials and enter a product and lot on the serial, then reprocess the transaction.
SHIP_SERIAL_NOT_FOUND The serial number {0} sent in with the transaction does not exist in OPSM. The serial number {0} must be added to OPSM.
SHIP_SERIAL_OR_PACK_NOT_FOUND The serial or package {0} sent in with the transaction does not exist in OPSM. The serial or package {0} must be added to OPSM and the transaction reprocessed.
SHIP_SERIAL_PROD_NE_OPSM_PROD The product code {0} and product code type {1} on serial number {2} being passed into the Transaction does not match the product code {3} and product code type {4} for the serial in the OPSM system.
SHIP_STATE_RECEIVED Serial number {0} already exists in OPSM. OPSM cannot create a receipt transaction for this serial when Multiple Receipts is not allowed.
SHIP_STATE_SHIPPED Serial number {0} in OPSM has already been shipped. OPSM cannot create a shipment transaction for this serial.
SHIP_TRANS_LOT_NE_SERIAL_LOT Lot {0} on the transaction does not match the lot on serial number {1}.
SHIP_TRANS_PROD_NE_SERIAL_PROD Product {0} on the transaction does not match product {1} on serial number {2}.
SHIP_TRANS_QTY_NE_SHIP_QTY The transaction quantity {0} must equal the number of shipped packages which is {1}. Correct the transaction and resend.
SHIPPED_ITEM_FLAG_INVALID The shipped item flag is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
SHIPPED_PACKAGE_CHILD_PACK_ERROR The serialized item you are attempting to pack has already been shipped, therefore it cannot be packed into another serialized item.
SHIPPED_PACKAGE_PACK_ERROR The package you are attempting to pack into has already been shipped, therefore, you cannot pack anything into it.
SHIPPED_PACKAGE_UNPACK_ERROR The package you are attempting to unpack has already been shipped, therefore, you cannot unpack it.
SHIPPED_SERIAL_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED The serial cannot be changed because it has been shipped.
SOURCE_SYSTEM_INVALID The source system entered {0} is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
SOURCE_SYSTEM_NOT_EQUAL_LOCATION_SOURCE The source system being passed in does not equal the location source system in OPSM.
SRCE_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_MISSING The transaction address is missing for the Business Source for the transaction.
SUBMIT_SERIAL_GEN_REQ_EXPT The request {0} you are attempting to submit has been processed or is processing. This request cannot be submitted again.
SYNC_ACTION_INVALID The synchronization actions should not be blank. Enter a valid synchronization action value.
SYSTEM_PARAMETER_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The SYSTEM_PARAMETER_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
SYSTEM_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND The system parameter does not exist. Go to Maintain System Parameters to add the information.
SYSTEM_PRECEDENCE_INVALID The source system precedence should not be blank. Enter a valid source system precedence value.
TAG_ID_REQUIRED tagId is required. You must provide tagId as part of the input request parameters.
TAG_ID_NOT_FOUND tagId was not found in the OPSM system. Verify the tagId in the input request parameters and resubmit.
THE_SALEABLE_FLAG_INVALID The saleable flag entered is invalid. Enter 0 or 1.
THE_WO_FIRM_PLANNED_FLAG_ENTER The wo firm planned flag entered is invalid. Enter 0 or 1.
THE_WO_TERMINATED_FLAG_ENTERED The wo terminated flag entered is invalid. Enter 0 or 1.
TRANS_EVENT_ADD_OBS_ERROR At least one childEPC should be provided on a Transaction Event with the action of Add or Observe. Please correct the event and resubmit.
TRANS_ITEM_SOURCE_NOT_EQUAL_LOCATION_SOURCE The source system of the item, {0}, does not match the source system of the transaction location, {1}.
TRANS_LABEL_FORMAT_INVALID The label print format {0} does not exist in OPSM. Change the label print format on the transaction or add the label print format to the lookup table in OPSM.
TRANS_LABEL_TYPE_INVALID The label type {0} does not exist in OPSM. Change the label type on the transaction or add the label type to the lookup table in OPSM.
TRANS_LABEL_TYPE_IS_SERIAL_TYPE The label {0}, label type {1} can not be created in OPSM because label type {1} is a serial type in OPSM. A serial type can not be used for a packing label type.
TRANS_LOT_NE_TRANS_PROD_LOT The Lot {0},{1},{2} in the TransactionVO does not match with Lot {3},{4},{5} in TransactionProductVO.
TRANS_LOT_SOURCE_INVALID The lot source {0} sent into the transaction does not exist in the lookup tables. Add the lot source to the source system lookup.
TRANS_LOT_SOURCE_NOT_EQUAL_LOT_LOCATION_SOURCE The transaction lot source {0} does not equal the transaction lot locations source system {1}.
TRANS_PACKAGING_UNIT_INVALID The packaging unit {0} does not exist in OPSM. Change the packaging unit on the transaction or add the packaging unit to the lookup table in OPSM.
TRANS_PROCESS_FAILURE Transaction processing has failed. Please see the Maintain Transactions page in OPSM for details.
TRANS_PROD_ITEM_SOURCE_NOT_EQUAL_LOCATION_SOURCE The transaction product item source {0} does not equal the transaction locations source system {1}.
TRANS_PROD_LOT_SOURCE_NOT_EQUAL_LOT_LOCATION_SOURCE The transaction product lot source {0} does not equal the lot locations source system {1}.
TRANS_PROD_NOT_FOUND No record for the transacted item is found in Transaction Product table.
TRANS_PROD_RECORD_CREATION_ERROR The transaction product record using Id {0} failed to create and initialize
TRANS_PROD_RECORD_INSERTION_ERROR The transaction product record using Id {0} failed to insert.
TRANS_QTY_NOT_MATCH_SERIALS Transaction quantity {0} is different than the number of serials found.
TRANS_SERIAL_ASSOC_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The TRANS_SERIAL_ASSOC_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
TRANS_SERIAL_ASSOC_RECORD_CREATION_ERROR The transaction serial association record using Id {0} failed to create and initialize.
TRANS_SERIAL_ASSOC_RECORD_INSERTION_ERROR The transaction serial association record using Id {0} failed to insert.
TRANS_SOURCE_NOT_EQUAL_LOCATION_SOURCE The source system of the transaction, {0}, does not match the source system of the transaction location, {1}.
TRANSACTION_ADDRESS_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The TRANSACTION_ADDRESS_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
TRANSACTION_ALT_DOC_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The TRANSACTION_ALT_DOC_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
TRANSACTION_DOC_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The TRANSACTION_DOC_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
TRANSACTION_ERROR_FAILURE The transaction error record failed to create and initialize or insert.
TRANSACTION_ERROR_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The TRANSACTION_ERROR_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
TRANSACTION_ERROR_INVALID Transaction error invalid
TRANSACTION_ERROR_WITH_NO_MSG_SETUP Transaction error occurred, but no error message is set up for the error code.
TRANSACTION_FACTORY_FAILURE The transaction factory has failed to commit the transaction.
TRANSACTION_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The TRANSACTION_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
TRANSACTION_LABEL_ID_NOT_UNIQUE The TRANSACTION_LABEL_ID is not unique. Contact your system administrator to verify the database sequence number used by this field.
TRANSACTION_MAIL_ERR_SUMMARY For Transaction Id {0} with Transaction Type {1} :
TRANSACTION_MAIL_PROGRESS_TEXT Transaction Id {0} with Transaction Type {1}
TRANSACTION_PRODUCT_REQUIRED_ITEM The PAS_S_TRANSACTION_PRODUCT record for item {0}, {1}, {2} and lot {3}, {4} in this transaction is required. This transaction cannot be processed.
TRANSACTION_PRODUCT_REQUIRED_PROD The PAS_S_TRANSACTION_PRODUCT record for product {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, lot {4}, {5} in this transaction is required. This transaction cannot be processed.
TRANSACTION_RECORD_CREATION_ERROR The transaction record using Id {0} failed to create and initialize.
TRANSACTION_RECORD_INSERTION_ERROR The transaction record using Id {0} failed to insert.
TRANSACTION_TYPE_INVALID The transaction type entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
TRANSACTION_TYPE_REQUIRED The transaction type is required. Provide a valid transaction type.
TRANSMIT_FAILED The transmit transaction failed for {0} method of communication. The intended destination was {1}.
UNIQUE_NUMBER_INVALID The unique number is not within a valid range.
UNIQUE_NUMBER_REQUIRED The unique number is required. Provide the required unique number.
UNIQUE_SERIAL_METHOD_INVALID The attempt to identify serial range failed because its serial generation method is random.
UNIQUE_SERIAL_NUMBER_METHOD_INVALID The unique serial number method entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
UNIT_TEST_SHOULD_HAVE_ERRORED Unit Test did not throw error when it should have.
USE_PROD_SPEC_RANGE_FLAG_INVALID The use product specific range flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
USER_NOT_AUTHORISED The user specified in the requested query is not authorized to query the EPCIS repository. Please correct the user information and resubmit or contact the EPCIS repository owner for access.
USERNAME_PASSWORD_INVALID Either the Username or Password entered is invalid. Enter a valid user name and password
WEB_SERVICE_INVALID The web service entered is invalid. Enter or select a value for this field using the associated lookup table.
WO_COMM_SERIAL_TO_LOT_FLAG_INVALID The work order commission to lot flag value is invalid. Enter a value of 0 or 1.
WOS_EXISTING_RECORD_CNT {0} records in interface table prior to extract from source system {1}.
WOS_EXISTING_SERIAL_GEN_REQ_ERROR Source system = {0}, work order = {1}, product = {2}: This work order serialization record is for a cancelled or terminated work order. This record cannot be processed because there are one or more pending serial generation requests for the work order. You must either manually delete the existing request(s) or wait until the serial generation request(s) have been processed before re-processing the serialization record. (The system will automatically attempt to re-process this work order serialization record during the next serialization job.) (Record Id = {3})
WOS_EXTRACTED_RECORD_CNT {0} records inserted by the extract.
WOS_INVALID_PRODUCT_ERROR Source system = {0}, work order = {1}, product = {2}, lot = {3}: The product code and/or product UOM is invalid. (Record Id = {4})
WOS_LOCATION_INVALID Source system = {0}, work order = {1}, product = {2}, location = {3}: The location is invalid. (Record Id = {4})
WOS_NOT_OPSM_SERIALIZED_ERROR Source system = {0}, work order = {1}, product = {2}, lot = {3}: The serial control attribute for the product indicates that it is not serialized by OPSM. (Record Id = {4})
WOS_SELECTED_JOB_OPTIONS_EXT Selected job options: Synchronization Action = {0}, Extract Scenario Code = {1}, Source System = {2}, Purge Interface Flag = {3}
WOS_SELECTED_JOB_OPTIONS_EXTPROC Selected job options: Synchronization Action = {0}, Extract Scenario Code = {1}, Source System = {2}, Purge Interface Flag = {3}
WOS_SELECTED_JOB_OPTIONS_PROC Selected job options: Synchronization Action = {0}, Source System = {1}, Purge Interface Flag = {2}
WOS_SELECTED_RECORD_CNT {0} records selected for serialization.
WOS_SOURCE_SYSTEM_NOT_EQUAL_LOCATION_SOURCE Source system = {0}, work order = {1}, product = {2}, location = {3}: The source system is not equal to the location source system. (Record Id = {4})
WOS_SUCCESSFUL_RECORD_CNT {0} records processed successfully.
ZERO_OR_BLANK_QUANTITY_ERROR The quantity provided on the Quantity Event is blank or invalid. Please provide a valid quantity and resubmit.
ZERO_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED A value that is either zero or negative is not allowed. Please enter a value that is greater than zero.