B Error Messages

This appendix lists the error messages that can be generated by Oracle Load Testing and possible remedies.

B.1 Viewing Error Codes

The error codes and messages appear either as message boxes or in the Current Error or Previous Error columns of the Oracle Load Testing Autopilot Virtual User grid.

Current Error and Previous Error show errors encountered by running VUs during a test. Current Error is for the current iteration. Previous Error is for the last iteration.

The following sections list the errors and meanings.

B.2 Error Messages

Failed to create server

Oracle Load Testing was unable to create an Agent process to run Virtual Users. Try the following:

  1. Make sure that you have the Oracle Load Testing Agent software loaded on the Agent system(s) and that it is the same version as the Oracle Application Testing Suite software that is loaded on the Oracle Load Testing system. The systems you plan to use as agents must have either the Oracle Load Testing Agent software or the full Oracle Application Testing Suite installed to work as agents. Do not install both the Oracle Load Testing Agent software and the Oracle Application Testing Suite software on the same system. Otherwise, resource conflicts between the two programs may occur.

  2. Make sure you can successfully Ping all of the Agent systems from the Oracle Load Testing system. The names you use to Ping the systems are the same names that you will specify for the Agent systems in the Oracle Load Testing system. If you cannot successfully Ping the Agent systems, contact your network administrator to resolve the issue. If you cannot Ping the Agent systems from the Oracle Load Testing system, you will not be able to run the agents from the Oracle Load Testing system.

  3. Make sure that the same user is logged on both the Oracle Load Testing system and all of the Agent systems. All of the Agent systems must be logged in to be controlled by the Oracle Load Testing system. You may be able to log in as a different user on the Agent systems as long as the user login has the same administrative privileges as the user logged in on the Oracle Load Testing system.

  4. If the Oracle Load Testing and Agent systems are not participating in the Domain security model, both the Oracle Load Testing and the Agent systems must log in as Administrator and have the exact same password.

  5. From the Oracle Load Testing system, try mapping a drive on each of the Agent systems using Windows Explorer. Depending on how your network is setup, the Oracle Load Testing systems may not be allowed to start up processes on the Agent systems. The easiest way around this is to map a drive to the Agent system in order to authenticate with Windows.

  6. In the Oracle Load Testing system, add a script to the Configure Parameters of the Scenario list. Add the Agent system on which you want to run the script using the Systems Manager, then select the system from the System field on the Build Scenarios tab.

This error may also indicate a problem with Registry entries for Oracle Application Testing Suite components. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the Oracle Application Testing Suite. If reinstalling does not fix the problem, contact Customer Support.

Failed to find

Oracle Load Testing is unable to find the navigation between two pages recorded to the script. These errors can occur in Oracle Load Testing for a variety of reasons, even if the script played back correctly in Oracle OpenScript. Oracle OpenScript uses a thick client browser mode exclusively when recording and playing back scripts.

Typically, "failed to find" errors are related to dynamically generated HREFs recorded to a script that is played back in Oracle Load Testing. For example HREFs containing:

  • session information

  • inline JavaScript

  • other dynamically changed attributes

may cause "failed to find" errors in Oracle Load Testing depending upon the specific techniques used for links in the Web page source and Oracle Load Testing current settings.

If you experience "failed to find" errors in Oracle Load Testing, try running the Scenario/Script with one Virtual User. If the Scenario/Script runs in Oracle Load Testing, it will be possible to run small load tests with that Scenario/Script.

To resolve "failed to find" errors, contact Customer Support for assistance with adjusting Oracle Load Testing settings for your specific situation. Note that the solution to one "failed to find" situation may not resolve other "failed to find" situations. You should contact Customer Support every time you encounter a "failed to find" error that you cannot resolve.

Failed to match...

Oracle Load Testing found the navigation path (an internal representation of a clicked link that Oracle OpenScript records to the script) between two pages recorded to the script, but was unable to match one or more partial components of the navigation path.

"failed to match" errors are also related to dynamically generated HREFs recorded to a script that is played back in Oracle Load Testing.

To resolve "failed to match" errors, contact Customer Support for assistance with adjusting Oracle Load Testing settings for your specific situation. Note that the solution to one "failed to match" situation may not resolve other "failed to match" situations. You should contact Customer Support every time you encounter a "failed to match" error that you cannot resolve.

Failed to open scenario 'scenario name'

Oracle Load Testing failed to open the specified scenario file.

Failed to OpenKey 'registry key'

Oracle Load Testing failed to open the specified registry key.

Failed to Query 'registry key'

Oracle Load Testing failed to get the specified registry value string.

Failed to start callout server 'server prog id'

Oracle Load Testing is unable to start the External Callout server specified in the script.

License Error

You are using more VUs than you have licensed. Select About from the Help menu to view the number of licenses that you have.


Oracle Load Testing reports its own internal RSWISERV errors to the error columns of the Virtual User grid. The following is an example of an RSWISERV error:

DRIVER ERROR 2010, RSWISERV Error, http:// ......

Code Error Constant

B.4 Obtaining Support Files

You can obtain support and log files to help troubleshooting by selecting Create Support File from the Tools submenu under the Oracle Application Testing Suite start menu. The OATSSupport.zip file will appear on your desktop.

B.5 Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service Messages

This section lists the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service Messages with possible causes and resolutions.

B.5.1 Agents are Orphaned

Symptoms: Agents are orphaned, messages take forever to be dismissed, or session prematurely stops.

When it Occurs: Mostly during the test.

Cause(s): Communication line is interrupted between Oracle Load Testing, and Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service, Agents.

Resolution: Check the following:

  1. Make sure you can ping the machines where Oracle Load Testing, Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service, and Agents are installed. Verify that the network is up and functional.

  2. Go to  <installdir>\logs directory and check the log files to see if there are any exceptions indicating the nature of the problem, for example, multiple sockets error with the subsequent forced session termination.

  3. Go to System Log on the Event Viewer and check for Network Warnings.

B.5.2 Server is Not Initialized

Symptoms: "Server is not initialized". Messages take forever to be dismissed in the System Manager.

When it Occurs: Always before Test Run:

Cause(s): Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service is not running or is having problems. The location for Oracle Load Testing is incorrect.

Resolution: Check the following: Check the following:

  1. Make sure that right Host\Port number is being used.

  2. Make sure that the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service is running: go to Services on that machine and check for "Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service is started".

  3. Stop and Start the server.

  4. Go to <installdir>\logs directory and look at AdminServer log file to see if there are any exceptions indicating the nature of the problem, for example, the machine is disconnected from the network, etc.

B.5.3 Unable to Start Session

Symptoms: There is no page when you start Oracle Load Testing.

When it Occurs: When attempting to start Oracle Load Testing.

Cause(s): This problem can occur when:

  • The Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service has not been started.

  • There is a port conflict.

  • The installation was not good.

  • CPU usage is at 100% because old messages from the last run are still there.

Resolution: Check the following:

To verify that the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service and the Oracle Load Testing Agent Service are running:

  1. Close all Oracle Application Testing Suite products.

  2. Open Services from the Administrative Tools in the Windows Control Panel.

  3. Verify that the Oracle Load Testing Agent and Oracle Application Testing Suite services are running.

  4. If necessary, restart the Oracle Load Testing Agent and Oracle Application Testing Suite services.

  5. Restart the Oracle Application Testing Suite application and start the session.

To check for error messages in the server log, look in the following file located in the installation directory: C:\OracleATS\logs\wls_oats.log

Oracle Load Testing uses the following ports by default at startup: 8088, 7073, and 9001 on the target agent machine. Port conflicts are indicated by a message similar to the following:

java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind

in the following files located in the installation directory:




To see whether a port is available:

To delete old messages when CPU usage is 100%:

  1. Open Services from the Administrative Tools in the Windows Control Panel. and stop the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service.

  2. Delete everything in the <installdir>\oats\servers\AdminServer\data\store\default directory.

  3. Restart the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service.

Additional items to check:

  • Make sure the service is bounded into the correct IP address if there are multiple NICs. Type ipconfig/all in a command prompt to see how many interfaces you have.

If the problem continues, contact Customer Support.

B.6 Problems During Load Testing

This section lists the possible problems during load testing with possible causes and resolutions.

B.6.1 Cannot Open Scenario

Symptoms: The scenario cannot be opened or scripts are missing.

Cause(s): This problem can occur when:

  • The network drive cannot be accessed because the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service is running under a different user account than the agent.

  • The saved scenario does not contain the required script or databank files. This can happen when the scenario has been copied from another machine.

  • The repository and workspace structure is not the same as the recorded scenario. This can happen when the scenario has been copied from another machine.

Resolution: Check the following:

  1. Check for error messages in the server log, in the following file located in the installation directory: <installdir>\oats\servers\AdminServer\logs\AdminServer.log

    If there are errors refer to the instructions in the "Unable to Start Oracle Load Testing Session" section.

  2. Check the account that the agent is running under using Services.msc.

  3. Verify that the network path is available to this account. Select Log On in the Services under in the Administrative Tools of the Control Panel.

  4. Log on as this user account. See Section, "Configuring Oracle Load Testing Agents" for instructions on changing the user account.

  5. Ensure that the workspace and repository structure are the same on the machine running the test as on the machine from which the scenario was copied.

Ensure that all script and databank files are present. Copy any missing script and databank files from the original machine to the new machine.

B.6.2 Unable to Start Agent Session

Symptoms: The session cannot be started.

Cause(s): This problem can occur when:

  • There is a database error.

  • There are agent manager configuration problems.

  • There are connection problems between machines, such as dual NICs and firewalls.

  • The session timeout setting is too low.

  • The Oracle Load Testing version is incompatible between the server and the agent.

Resolution: Check the following:

  1. Check for error messages in the server log, in the following file located in the installation directory: <installdir>\logs\agentmanager.log

    If there are errors, refer to the instructions under "Unable to Start Session".

To check for a database error:

  1. Open the database management user interface.

  2. Check for database errors.

To change the default agent time out value:

  1. Stop the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service.

  2. Change the setting oracle.load.agent.timeout.default. The default value for this setting is located in the DEFAULT_GENERAL_SETTINGS table in the OATS schema in the OATS database. Any customer-set value is located in the GENERAL_SETTINGS table of the schema.

  3. Change the oracle.load.agent.timeout.default entry to a new value in seconds.

  4. Restart the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service.

If the machines are running different Oracle Load Testing versions, install the same version on all machines.

B.6.3 Performance Problems During the Load Test

Symptoms: The user interface froze during the load test and no longer responds.

Cause(s): This can occur when:

  • CPU usage is at 100%

  • Memory is out of range

Resolution: Check the following:

  1. Check for error messages in the server log, in the following file located in the installation directory:


    If there are errors refer to the instructions under "Unable to Start Session."

  2. Go to <installdir>\oats\servers\AdminServer\logs directory and look at AdminServer.log file to see if there are any exceptions indicating the nature of the problem, for example, multiple sockets error with the subsequent forced session termination.

  3. Go to System Log on the Event Viewer and check for Network Warnings.

To delete old messages when CPU usage is 100%:

  1. Open Services in the Administrative Tools of the Windows Control Panel and stop the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service.

  2. Delete everything in the

    <installdir>\oats\servers\AdminServer\data\store\default directory.

To increase memory if there is an out of memory error, follow these steps:

  1. Stop Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service.

  2. Open Regedit and locate key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service\Parameters.

  3. In the string value CmdLine locate arguments -Xms256m -Xmx512m (NOTE: Actual values may differ).

    Argument -Xms specifies the amount of memory available to Weblogic Server, while -Xmx specifies the maximum

  4. After setting the desired values for both minimum and maximum memory limits, close regedit and restart the machine.

B.6.4 Unexpected Agent Exit in the VU Grid

The Oracle Load Testing Agent service is responsible for starting agent processes, monitoring when they shut down, and terminating them when asked to do so by the Oracle Load Testing controller. Whenever Agent notices that a process terminates, it asks Windows for the exit code of that process. This is the exit code value reported to Oracle Load Testing and logged in the <installdir>\logs\agentmanager.log file.

One of the following values is returned:

  • The exit value specified in the ExitProcess or TerminateProcess function.

  • The return value from the main or WinMain function of the process.

  • The exception value for an unhandled exception that caused the process to terminate.

The following are known causes for commonly seen exit codes:

Unexpected Agent Exit. Code = 143

This code is returned when terminating a JavaAgent process by closing its console window manually, or by terminating the application using the Task Manager's Applications tab.

Unexpected Agent Exit. Code = 1

This code is returned when WgPro.exe or JavaAgent.exe is terminated directly using the Windows Task Manager Processes tab.

Unexpected Agent Exit. Code = 0

This code is returned when the agent form is closed manually or using the Task Manager Applications tab.

Exit code 0 is always reported if a JavaAgent process terminates itself normally. This can happen, for example, if a user callback code were to call System.exit(1).

B.7 Data Collector Startup Errors

This section uses the following terminology:

Server - the server that the user pointed his/her browser at. For example, Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service on the server machine.

Remote Data Collection Server (or RDCS) - the Weblogic server running on the machine where the user is trying to start a data collector. This may or may not be the same Weblogic instance as the server. This is also known as the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service on the data collection machine.

Agent Manager - the agent launching service running on the machine where the user is trying to start a data collector. This is also known as Oracle Load Testing Agent Service.

Data Collector (or DC) - the data collection process started by Agent Manager.


This error occurs if Agent Manager was unable to launch the DC process. This may happen when the remote data collection machine does not have data collectors installed. Verify that the software is installed correctly by checking for the presence of the DataCollector directory in the install tree and that the executables are there.


This error occurs if the remote data collection server has trouble communicating with Agent Manager. This may be caused by the following:

  • Agent Manager is not running - verify that the Oracle Load Testing Agent Service is running and start it, if necessary.

  • Remote Data Collection machine does not have data collectors installed - Verify that the software is installed correctly by checking for the presence of the DataCollector directory in the install tree and that the executables are there.


This occurs most often if the DC was started, but is unable to communicate with the RDCS, or if the DC took more than the timeout interval to contact the RDCS. This may be caused by the following:

  • DC machine is slow - extend the timeout interval. The data collector startup timeout is controlled on the RDCS by the oracle.datacollector.startup.timeout=90000 in the oracle.properties file.

  • DC and RDCS disagree on the port number for communication - the DC determines the port number of the RDCS from DataCollector\bin\hwmagent.txt:SERVER localhost:7073. The RDSC port number is assigned in oracle.properties:oracle.port.dataCollector=7073.


This occurs if the server has problems communicating with the RDCS. If the server and RDCS are the same, this error should not occur. It can be caused by the following:

  • RDCS is not running - verify that the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service is running on the DC machine.

  • Basic network connectivity between the server and RDCS - check that the basic network connectivity between the server and RDCS. If there is a firewall between them, ports may need to be opened or, if the firewall uses NAT, it may not work at all.