D ServerStats Metric Descriptions

This appendix describes the default Oracle Load Testing ServerStats metrics. Use the Perfmon data source to add metrics that are not listed.

D.1 AIX 4.3 Virtual Agent

File System Free Space - Total free space on the mounted directory (from df -k).

File System Percent Used - The directory space in use (from df -k).

File System Size - The total size of the mounted directory (from df -k).

vmstat cpu(id) - CPU Idle Time - CPU Idle Time (from vmstat cpu(id) value).

vmstat kthr(b) - Number of kernel threads placed in wait queue (awaiting resource, awaiting input/output).

vmstat kthr(r) - Number of kernel threads placed in run queue.

vmstat memory(avm) - Active virtual pages.

vmstat memory(free) - Size of the free list.

D.2 Apache Web Server

Busy Servers - The busy servers.

Bytes/Request - The number of bytes per request.

Bytes/sec - The number of bytes per second.

Idle Servers - The idle servers.

Requests/Second - The number of page requests per second.

Server Uptime - The server up time in days.

D.3 Cisco Network Devices

1 Minute CPU Utilization - The overall CPU utilization for the last 1 minute period (cpmCPUTotal1min).

Chassis Temperature Alarm (1=No Alarm) - Chassis temperature alarm status (chassisTempAlarm). 1=off, 2=on, 3=critical.

Current Bandwidth Usage - The current bandwidth in megabits per second on 3500 XL series switches.

Layer 3 Packet Throughput - Number of packets per minute switched at Layer 3 by this engine (cseL3SwitchedTotalPkts).

Peak Bandwidth Usage - The most recent entry in the peak bandwidth table.

Power Supply 1 Status (2=OK) - Status of power supply number 1 (chassisPs1Status). 2=ok, 3=minor fault, 4=major fault.

Power Supply 2 Status (2=OK) - Status of power supply number 2 (chassisPs2Status). 2=ok, 3=minor fault, 4=major fault.

Traffic Utilization, Peak - Peak traffic meter value since the last time port counters were cleared or the system started (sysTrafficPeak).

Traffic Utilization - Traffic meter value for the previous polling interval (sysTraffic).

D.4 Foundry Load Balancer

CPU Util - The SNMP Foundry CPU util.

Fan 1 - The fan 1 status for SI/FIWG.

Fan 2 - The fan 2 status for SI/FIWG.

Power Supply 2 - The power supply 2 status for SI/FIWG.

D.5 General Web Server

IP Throughput - IP traffic through a host in bytes per second.

Ping - Measures response time for an ICMP echo request to determine system availability over the network.

Home Page Response Time - The number of seconds required to download the server home page.

D.6 Host

Ping (ms) - The response time for an ICMP echo request to determine system availability over the network.

Ping (percent) - Measures percentage of success for several ICMP echo requests to determine system availability over the network.

Ping (sec) - Measures response time for an ICMP echo request to determine system availability over the network.

D.7 Host Resources MIB

% Disk Space Used - Percentage of disk space used (hrStorageUsed/hrStorageSize).

% Memory Used - Percentage of memory used (hrStorageUsed/hrStorageSize).

% Swap Space Used - Percentage of swap space used (hrStorageUsed/hrStorageSize).

Process CPU Time - Number of seconds of the total system's CPU resources consumed by this process per minute (hrSWRunPerfCPU).

Process Memory Used - Kilobytes of real system memory allocated to this process (hrSWRunPerfMem).

System Processes - The number of process contexts currently loaded or running on this system (hrSystemProcesses).

D.8 IIS Web Server

ASP Queue Length - Number of ASP requests waiting for service from the queue.

ASP Request Rate - Number of ASP requests processed per minute. If high, may indicate slow response.

Blocked Request Rate - Number of requests temporarily blocked due to bandwidth throttling per minute.

CGI Request Rate - Number of CGI requests processed per minute.

HTTP 404 Not Found Error Rate - Number of HTTP 404 Not Found errors reported per minute.

KBytes Transferred Per Minute - Number of kilobytes sent and received per minute.

Rejected Request Rate - Number of requests rejected due to bandwidth throttling per minute.

D.9 Linux VIrtual Agent

% Disk Space Used - How much of the file system's total capacity has been used (from df -kP).

Disk Size - The Disk Size (from df -kP).

Disk Space Available - Total amount of available disk space (from df -kP).

Disk Space in Use - Total amount of disk space in use (from df -k).

vmstat cpu(id) - CPU Idle Time - CPU Idle Time.

vmstat cpu(sy) - CPU System Time - CPU System Time.

vmstat cpu(us) - CPU User Time - CPU User Time.

vmstat memory(free) - Free Memory - Free Memory.

D.10 Memory

% Committed Bytes In Use - Percentage of available virtual memory in use. If high, may indicate low memory and slow system response.

% MDL Read Cache Hits - Percentage of memory descriptor list (MDL) read requests that hit the cache.

% Paging File In Use - Percentage of virtual memory paging file in use. If high, may indicate low memory or poor paging file configuration.

Committed Kbytes - Virtual memory kilobytes committed, i.e. really used, not just reserved. Committed memory should be less than physical RAM.

Free Kbytes - Virtual memory kilobytes available. If low, may indicate low memory and slow system response.

Page Faults Per Second - Soft and hard paging; virtual memory pages read from non-Working Set memory or from disk. Look also at Pages Per Second.

Pages Per Second - Hard paging; virtual memory pages read to/from disk per second. If high, may indicate memory shortage.

D.11 MIB-II Network Devices

icmpOutDestUnreachs Per Minute - SNMP: ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent per minute. May indicate nonexistent address or hardware out of service.

icmpOutSrcQuenchs Per Minute - SNMP: ICMP Source Quench messages sent per minute. Indicates datagrams are arriving too quickly for the host to process.

icmpOutTimeExcds Per Minute - SNMP: ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent per minute. Indicates inability of datagrams to reach their destination.

ifInDiscards Per Minute - SNMP: Network input packets discarded per minute. Dropped packets may indicate a network hardware or congestion problem.

ifInErrors Per Minute - SNMP: Network input errors per minute. Errors may indicate a network hardware problem.

ifInNUcastPkts Per Minute - SNMP: Network non-unicast input packets per minute.

ifInOctets Per Minute - SNMP: The total number of octets received on the interface per minute, including framing characters.

ifInUcastPkts Per Minute - SNMP: Network unicast input packets per minute.

ifOutDiscards Per Minute - SNMP: Network output packets discarded per minute. Dropped packets may indicate a network hardware or congestion problem.

ifOutErrors Per Minute - SNMP: Network output errors per minute. Errors may indicate a network hardware problem.

ifOutNUcastPkts Per Minute - SNMP: Network output non-unicast packets per minute.

ifOutOctets Per Minute - SNMP: The total number of octets sent out the interface per minute, including framing characters.

ifOutUcastPkts Per Minute - SNMP: Network output unicast packets per minute.

ipInAddrErrors Per Minute - SNMP: IP input datagrams discarded per minute because their IP destination was not this machine.

ipInHdrErrors Per Minute - SNMP: IP input datagrams discarded per minute due to errors in their IP headers.

System Uptime - SNMP: The time in days since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized (sysUpTime).

tcpOutRsts Per Minute - SNMP: TCP resets sent per minute. Resets indicate incoming connections to invalid ports were refused.

tcpOutSegs Per Minute - SNMP: TCP segments sent per minute. A measure of total TCP activity.

tcpRetransSegs Per Minute - SNMP: TCP segments retransmitted per minute. Retransmissions may indicate a network hardware problem.

D.12 Netscreen Firewall

Average CPU Usage - average CPU utilization.

CPU Usage in Last 5 Minutes - The CPU utilization in the last five minutes.

Incoming Packets - The incoming packet number through an interface.

Interface Availability - Determines whether an interface is active.

Memory Allocated - The memory allocated.

Memory Available - The memory still available.

Outgoing Packets - The outgoing packet number through an interface.

D.13 Network

Packets Received Per Second - The rate at which packets are received on the network interface.

Packets Sent Per Second - The rate at which packets are send out on the network interface

D.14 Oracle Database

Average active session - The average active sessions at a point in time. It is the number of sessions that are either working or waiting. It is the average session load in seconds per second.

Average active sessions on CPU - The average active sessions on at a point in time. It is the number of sessions that are using CPU.

CPU parse time usage - Used to identify how much time is spent parsing by the CPU. It is the Total CPU time used for parsing (hard and soft) in 10s of milliseconds. See the Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide for additional information about 'parse time cpu'.

CPU recursive usage - Used to identify the total CPU time used by non-user calls (recursive calls). See the Statistics Descriptions in the Oracle Database Reference for additional information.

Physical IO per second - Rate of read/write requests on database blocks for all instance activity including application, backup and recovery, and other utilities.

Physical IO requests total - Number of write requests which wrote one or more database blocks from all instance activity including application activity, backup and recovery, and other utilities.

PGA (MB) - The Program Global Area (PGA) is a memory region containing data and control information for a single process (server or background). One PGA is allocated for each server process; the PGA is exclusive to that server process and is read and written only by Oracle code acting on behalf of that process. A PGA is allocated by Oracle when a user connects to an Oracle database and a session is created.

SGA (MB) - The System Global Area (SGA) is an area where data and program caches are shared among database users. It is made up of the database buffer cache, shared pool, and redo log buffer.

Total Global Area - The total of PGA(MB and SGA(MB).

User calls per second - The number of logins, parses, or execute calls per second.

User login rates per second - The number of user logins taking place in one second.

User Transaction Commit Rate - The number of database transactions per second. When a user commits a transaction, the redo generated that reflects the changes made to database blocks must be written to disk. Commits often represent the closest thing to a user transaction rate.

D.15 Solaris Virtual Agent

% Disk Space Used - How much of the file system's total capacity has been used (from df -k)

Disk Size - The Disk Size (from df -k).

Disk Space Available - Total amount of available disk space (from df -k).

Disk Space in Use - Total amount of disk space in use (from df -k).

vmstat cpu(id) - CPU Idle Time - CPU Idle Time.

vmstat cpu(sy) - CPU System Time - CPU System Time.

vmstat cpu(us) - CPU User Time - CPU User Time.

vmstat memory(free) - Free Memory - Free Memory.

D.16 Solaris (multi-CPU)

vmstat cpu(id) - CPU Idle Time - CPU Idle Time.

vmstat cpu(sy) - CPU System Time - CPU System Time.

vmstat cpu(us) - CPU User Time - CPU User Time.

D.17 SQL Server Databases

% Log Space Used - Percentage of transaction log space used. If the log becomes full, database transactions and recovery may fail.

Availability - Measures response time for a simple database query to verify SQL Server availability.

Average Latch Wait Time - Average time a SQL Server thread has to wait for a latch. If high, may indicate contention problem and slow response.

Average Lock Wait Time - Average time a SQL Server thread has to wait for a lock. If high, may indicate contention problem and slow response.

Batch Requests Rate - The number of SQL batch requests on the server.

Buffer cache hit ratio - Percentage of requests that hit the buffer cache. If low, may indicate poor database tuning and slow response.

Cache Hit Ratio (Ad Hoc Plans) - Percentage of ad hoc plans that hit the cache. If low, may indicate poor database tuning and slow response.

Cache Hit Ratio (Prepared Plans) - Percentage of prepared plans that hit the cache. If low, may indicate poor database tuning and slow response.

Checkpoint Pages Per Second - The number of pages flushed by Checkpoint or other operations that require all dirty pages to be flushed.

Data File Size - The cumulative size of all the files in the database.

Log File Size - The cumulative size of all the log files in the database.

Log Flushes per Second - The number of log flushes.

Number of Lock Blocks - The current number of lock blocks that are in use on the server.

Page Reads per Second - The number of database page reads issued.

Page Writes per Second - The number of database page writes issued.

Pages Read Ahead per Second - The number of pages read ahead in anticipation of its use.

Procedure Plans Cache Hit Ratio - The ratio between cache hits and lookups for procedure plans.

SQL Compilations per Second - The number of SQL compilations.

SQL Re-compilations per Second - The number of SQL re-compiles.

Total Server Memory - The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic S SQL QL cache.

Transaction Rate - Number of database transactions per second. A measure of total database activity.

User Connections - Number of user connections.

D.18 WebLogic

Server Heap Utilization - SNMP: Percentage of heap used (serverHeapUsedPct).

Server Queue - SNMP: Current length of the execute queue (serverQueueLength).

Server State (1=Up, 2=Down) - SNMP: State of the WebLogic server (serverState). 1=up, 2=down.

Server Throughput - SNMP: Throughput of the execute queue in requests per second (serverQueueThroughput).