10 Viewing Active Sessions

This chapter explains how to view runtime session data and graphs for currently running scenarios.

10.1 Active Session Tab Overview

The Active Session tab is where you can view runtime graphs. These graphs are only available for the running load test session. Use the Reports tab to view reports and graphs after the load test has finished running.

The Session menu provides options for selecting active sessions to attach or detach.

The Session Overview sub-tab shows an overview of the running virtual users, transactions, performance by profile, and any monitors configured for the scenario.

The Virtual User Status sub-tab shows the virtual users grid.

The Runtime Graphs sub-tab is where you can view runtime reports. These graphs are only available while the load test is running. Use the Reports tab to view reports and graphs after the load test has finished running.

The Virtual User Logs sub-tab shows the virtual user information saved to the log file.

The ServerStats sub-tab shows server statistics for metrics being monitored.

The Sync Point Status sub-tab shows the current staatus of Sync Points configure in the scenario profiles.

The Active Session tab is refreshed according to what is set in the Graph Refresh Interval setting in the reporting options.

10.1.1 Session Menu

The session menu includes the following options for working with sessions:

  • Add - adds Virtual Users to the session.

  • Pause Ramp - pauses ramping of additional Virtual Users.

  • Attach To - attaches to a running session in full control mode.

  • Watch - attaches to a running session in view only mode.

  • Detach - detaches from the current session.

  • Stop - stops the current session.

  • Terminate Idle Agents - stops all idle agent processes running on your agent systems.

10.2 Active Session Overview

The Session Overview sub-tab shows an overview of the running virtual users, transactions, performance by profile, and any monitors configured for the scenario.

Virtual Users graph - shows the ramp rate of the running virtual users.

Transactions graph - shows the average transactions per second.

Overview pane - shows the min, max, average, and standard deviation for the listed performance measures.

Totals pane - shows the totals for the listed performance measures.

Performance by Profile pane - shows the min, max, average, passed, warning, and failed totals for each profile in the scenario.

Monitors pane - shows any ServerStats performance monitors configured for the scenario.

10.3 Virtual User Status

The Virtual User Status sub-tab shows the Virtual User grid for the running Virtual Users.

Once you start running virtual users, the Virtual User Status sub-tab on the Active Sessions tab lists the running virtual users and shows the run details for each.

10.3.1 Overview of the Virtual Users Grid

The Virtual User Status sub-tab on the Active Session tab show the virtual users grid. The virtual user grid has the following columns:

Results Per Page - select number of VUs you want to view.

arrows - use the arrows to go the first page, previous page, next page, and last page in the virtual user grid.

VU-Id - the ID number for the virtual user.

Profile - shows the name of the user profile being run by the virtual user.

Status - shows the current status for the virtual user.

Iterations - shows the number of times the virtual user has attempted to play back the run section of the user profile/script. The Iterations count will be incremented for each new iteration attempted. The iteration count is updated when the iteration ends. An iteration could end if the script fails, if the user calls "return" from inside the master script's run() method, or if the iteration completes all the way through successfully, for example.

When databanking with Stop After Last Record Used, the script will not stop immediately after the last record is requested. It is not known how many requests in the future would rely on the values of the last requested record. Therefore, the user does not abort until after the user attempts to request a record after the last record was already requested.

Failed - shows the number of failures that occurred for the virtual user.

Last Run Time - shows the average elapsed time it took for the virtual user to execute the scripts in the run section of the profile.

Current Step - shows the name of the OpenScript step group currently being accessed by the virtual user.

System - shows the name of the system on which the virtual user is running.

Data Bank - shows the record of data from the Oracle OpenScript Data Bank, if any, used by the script during playback.

Current Error - provides a description of the error encountered on the most current completed iteration by the virtual user while executing the scripts. If the next iteration passes, this column is cleared.

Previous Error - shows a description of the previous error that occurred while the Virtual User was running.

10.3.2 Controlling Individual Virtual Users

You can control the running of specific running virtual users using the virtual users grid.

  1. Define virtual user profiles in the Composer tab.

  2. Click the Run Now button.

  3. Click the Active Session tab.

  4. Click the Virtual User Status sub-tab.

  5. Select the virtual user row in the Virtual User Status sub-tab.

  6. Click the right mouse-button to open the popup menu.

  7. Select options, as follows:

    • Modify Run Attributes - opens a dialog box for changing the profile attributes for the selected virtual user.

    • Stop - stops running the selected virtual user. Stopping allows the virtual user to finish executing the script, complete the run section but not run another iteration.

    • Abort - aborts running the selected virtual user. Abort stops execution after the current page in the script and terminates execution altogether.

    • Release Sync - releases the virtual user from any synchronization point that may have been reached during the execution.

10.3.3 Modifying Run Attributes

You can modify the profile run attributes for specific virtual users running in the virtual user grid.

  1. Select the virtual user row in the virtual user grid.

  2. Click the right mouse button to open the popup menu.

  3. Select Modify Run Attributes. Oracle Load Testing opens a dialog box for modifying the attributes.

  4. Select options, as follows:

    • <check box> - select the checkbox in front of the field that you want to change to make the field available to change.

    • Enable Logging - select when you want to enable or disable logging of messages.

    • Message Delivery - select when you want to log all virtual user messages, on error or always.

    • Logged Messages - select when you want the change the type of messages that are logged, Standard or Extended. See the Logged Messages in Section 5.1.3, "Specifying Scenario Profile Properties" or Section 14.4.2, "Setting Scenario Default Properties" for details about Standard and Extended log messages.

10.4 Viewing Runtime Graphs

Oracle Load Testing performance graphs can be viewed using the Runtime Graphs sub-tab of the Active Session tab. The Runtime Graphs are available only when an Oracle Load Testing session is running.

You can view the graphs while the virtual users are running or after they have been stopped or have finished. The performance data is reported at the conclusion of each iteration. When the running virtual users complete the first iteration, the first set of performance data is captured. The graphs and performance statistics that you see are updated in real time based on the Graph refresh interval setting in Reports Options to give you a snapshot of the load test results. However, there is a small amount of processing time required to generate the graphs/statistics and print them to the screen. The default refresh is 30 seconds. If you run long or over night tests, you should increase the refresh interval to 60 seconds or longer.

If you run a very quick session, the Active Session tab may not have enough time to update the screen with the real time data. However, the data is stored in the database.

In addition to real-time data shown, Oracle Load Testing can generate a summary report and save data to the database for post-testing analysis. The Latest Load Session reports let you generate a summary of performance and error statistics data for the virtual user session. You can use the Reports tab to generate a variety of reports and graphs from the data stored in the database.

10.4.1 Using Default Runtime Graphs

The Runtime graphs lets you view real-time performance, statistical, and error information about the virtual users being run by the session. The default Oracle Load Testing graphs automatically start and consist of the following types of runtime graphs:

  • Performance Vs. Users

  • Errors Vs. Users

  • Performance Vs. Time

  • Errors Vs. Time

  • Users Vs. Time

  • Statistics Vs. Time Viewing Runtime Graphs

To view runtime statistics:

  1. Create a Session and click Run Now to start a session.

  2. Click the Runtime Graphs sub-tab on the Active Session tab to display a small view of the default graphs. This is useful for getting an at-a-glance view of all of the run graphs.

  3. You can switch between Oracle load Testing default graphs and custom graphs using the View selector list on the Runtime Graphs sub-tab.

To create a custom graph:

  1. Click Custom Graph option on the View selector on the Runtime Graphs sub-tab.

  2. Click Add Graph.

  3. In the [session counters tree] section, expand the tree to locate the counter data you want to view. If you do not see the data series you are looking for, click Filter Counters and select Show All Counters to display all available data series.

  4. Double-click counter(s) in the session counter tree to add the counter to the graph.

  5. Click the Toggle Legend button to toggle the legend on and off. The legend shows the names and plot line color of each data series in the graph.

  6. Click the Toggle Stats button to toggle the chart statistics table view on and off. The chart statistics show the Data Series and values for each series, as follows:

    • Minimum - shows the maximum value for the data series.

    • Maximum - shows the minimum value for the data series.

    • Average - shows the average value for the data series.

  7. Click the Options button to customize the current graph. The options are the same as graphs created on the Reports tab.

  8. Enter a name for the graph.

  9. Select how to plot the graph in the X-Axis and Y-Axis tabs.

  10. Click Apply. Each custom report is displayed under a separate tab so that you can select the one you want to view. Click X on the graph tab to delete the graph and its tab. Performance Vs. Users Graph

This graph plots the average run time for the number of active virtual users.

If you have multiple profiles in the running Scenario the Performance Vs. Users graph shows separate plot lines for each scenario profile running.

The Average Performance values are a graphical representation of the Average Value data for the Elapsed time entries shown in the Performance Statistics view. The graph adds plot points based upon the number of running virtual users as the Autopilot ramps up to the total number of virtual users for all scenarios.

The plot points are added in the same manner as the Elapsed time entries in the Performance Statistics report. Errors Vs. Users Graph

This graph plots the number of failed transactions-per-second for each Virtual User profile.

If you have multiple profiles in the running Scenario the Errors Vs. Users graph shows separate plot lines for each scenario profile running.

The failed transactions-per-second depends upon the number of virtual users being run by individual profiles and the number server requests (page, image, frame, etc.) that fail during the Oracle Load Testing session. Performance Vs. Time Graph

This graph plots the average run time for virtual users over a period of time.

If you have multiple profiles in the running Scenario the Performance Vs. Time graph shows separate plot lines for each scenario profile running.

The Average Run Time values are a graphical representation of the Average Value data for the Elapsed time entries shown in the Performance Statistics report that are plotted over time. Errors Vs. Time Graph

This graph plots the number of failed transactions per second for virtual users profiles over time.

If you have multiple profiles in the running Scenario the Errors Vs. Time graph shows separate plot lines for each scenario profile running.

The failed transactions-per-second depends upon the number of virtual users being run by individual profiles and the number server requests (page, image, frame, etc.) that fail during the Oracle Load Testing session. Users Vs. Time Graph

This graph plots the number of active virtual users over a period of time.

If you have multiple profiles in the running Scenario the Users Vs. Time graph shows separate plot lines for each scenario profile running. Users Vs. Time Graph

This graph plots the average hits, transactions and kilobytes per second over a period of time.

The Average Statistic values are a graphical representation of the Average Value data from the Performance Statistics tab over time. The plot points are updated while the Autopilot runs the virtual users.

10.4.2 Custom Graphs

The Custom graphs view of the Runtime Grahs sub-tab has the following options:

View - displays options for creating a new graph and viewing default graphs.

  • Add Graph - displays a new tab with options for customizing the graph. The tab label is the name you enter in the Graph Title field on the Graph tab of the graph options.

  • Graph <#> - displays custom graphs that you have created using New Graph.

  • Edit Graph- the pencil button on the graph opens the selected graph for editing.

  • Remove Graph - the (X) button on the tab deletes the associated graph tab.

Custom graphs have the following options:

  • Session - displays the session that is running.

  • Filter Counters - selects the filter to use for the session data counters.

    • Show Average Performance Only - when selected, the counters tree shows only average performance counters.

    • Show All Counters - when selected, the counters tree shows all counters.

  • [session counters tree] - shows a list of session data generated by Oracle Load Testing and ServerStats. Click the arrow to expand the tree. The data series listed is a subset of all of the available data series. Click Filter Counters and select Show All Counters to display all available data series.

  • Default Graphs - double-click a graph name in the session counters tree to view a default graph.

  • Oracle Database Diagnostics - groups a set of Oracle Database profile metrics on the same graph. These metrics appear only if an Oracle Database ServerStats configuration is used with the session run. The graphs and metrics are as follows:

    • Average Active Sessions - shows Average Active Sessions metrics.

    • Host CPU Utilization - shows Host CPU Utilization metrics.

    • Host PGA Utilization - shows Host "Program Global Area (PGA)" Utilization metrics.

    • DB Throughput - groups "Physical I/O per second" and "Physical I/O requests total" metrics.

  • Session Counters - the counters that are available for the overall session.

  • <profiles> - the counters that are available for each Oracle Load Testing virtual user profile.

    • Profile Nodes - list the counters for virtual user profiles available to include in the report graphs. The profile is the name of the virtual user profile(s) that were run in the Session. Select the counter(s) and click the Add Data Source button or double-click to add counters to the Selected Data Series list.

    • Timer Nodes - list the page timers available to include in the report graphs. Timers correspond to the individual pages of the script(s) run by the virtual user profile. They allow you to view the performance of a specific page download within a test run, allowing you to identify bottlenecks. The timer is the name of the virtual user profile(s) that were run by the Session. The timers consist of the virtual user profile name/Script name and the page number of the script. The timers are added to the session data when you select the Generate timers for all resources check box in the Default Properties section of the Profiles group of the user Options. Select the timer(s) and double-click with the mouse to add timer(s) to the Selected Data Series list.

    • ServerStats Nodes - list the Oracle Load Testing ServerStats counters available to include in the report graph. The ServerStats counters are based upon the data source(s) and counters that were included in the ServerStats Data Source configuration when the Oracle Load Testing session was run. Select the counter(s) and click the Add Data Series button or double-click with the mouse to add counter(s) to the Selected Data Series list.

  • ServerStats Counters - shows the ServerStats counter configuration.

Graphs have the following toolbar buttons:

  • Load Query - opens a dialog box for opening a saved graph data query.

  • Save Query - opens a dialog box for saving the current graph data query.

  • Export - opens options for saving the current graph to a file. Select a file type.

    • PNG - opens options for saving the current graph to an PNG image file.

    • SVG - opens options for saving the current graph to an SVG image file.

    • CSV - pens options for saving the current graph data to a comma-separated-value file.

    • Excel HTML - opens options for saving the current graph data to an Excel HTML file.

  • Toggle Legend - displays or hides the names and plot line color of each data series in the graph.

  • Toggle Stats - displays or hides the chart statistics table view. The chart statistics show the Data Series and values for each series.

  • Refresh Graphh - refreshes the data in the graph from the database.

  • Zoom - toggles the zoom tool on and off. When in zoom mode, a magnifier appears in the graph area. Click the magnifier and select the zoom options from the popup menu.

  • Options - opens the options for customizing graph and x/y axis options.

    Graph Tab

    • Graph Title - enter the name of the graph. This name is displayed in the tab in the Reports & graphs section.

    • Series - lists the data series contained in the graph. The (x) button deletes the Data Series from the graph.

    • Data Series Name - displays the name of the data series that is displayed when you place the mouse over the data series in the graph and the label displayed in the legend.

    • Set Label to Default - resets the data series label name to the default name.

    • Delete Series - removes the data series from the graph.

    Axes Tab

    • X-Axis

      Scale - specifies the X-axis data range format. Changing the scale causes the graph to be refreshed from the server.

      • Absolute Time - when selected, the generated report tables and graphs are based upon the actual start and end date and times of the profile/timer.

      • Relative Time - when selected, the generated report tables and graphs are based upon relative time. Profiles/Timers are graphed from a shared zero point. This option can be used to compare two or more metrics from different sessions in the same scale.

      • Users - when selected, the generated report tables and graphs are based upon users.

      Range Filter - specifies a filter for data coming from the server for a particular session. For example, if a session has two hours of data and filter is set to get a one hour time slice, the graph will only show the one hour time slice. Alternatively, you can use the Graph Zoom feature.

      • Start - enter start date and time.

      • End - enter the end date and time.

    • Y-Axis

      Scale - specifies the Y-axis data range format. Changing the scale causes the graph to be refreshed from the server.

      • Linear - displays the Y-axis linearly.

      • Logarithmic - displays the Y-axis logarithmically.

      Threshold Line - displays a threshold line on the graph at the configured location.

      • Value - enter the value of the threshold line, that is, the point on the Y-axis at which you want the line to be displayed.

      • Label - enter the label to display in the legend.

  • Clear Graph - clears the graph.

10.5 Viewing Virtual User Logs

To view Virtual User Logs for the Active Session:

  1. Specify Scenarios on the Composer tab.

  2. Click Run Now or schedule the scenario to run at a later time using the Schedule.

  3. Select the Virtual User Logs sub-tab from the Active Session tab while a session is running.

    The Virtual User Log shows all messages as they are stored without grouping. You can use the filter to see only messages for a particular VU and its chronological path flow. Use this view to debug problems in depth by viewing message contents. The Virtual User Log shows the following information:

    VU-ID - Specifies the virtual user number.

    Level - Indicates the message level. The level can be Info, Debug, Warning, or Error.

    Message - Shows the message.

    Type - Specifies the type of message. Some examples of valid types are: Action, BeginPage, Cached Data, Customized Log, DatabankRecord, FoundResource, ParameterSubstitution, RequestHeader, ResponseContent, ResponseHeader, ScriptError, Sync Point, ThinkTime, Verification.

    Script - Shows the name of the script that generated the message.

    Step - Specifies the step number in the script.

    Parent Chain - Specifies the chain of scripts starting with the parent script if the message occurred in a child script called from another script.

    Iteration - Shows the iteration number.

    Time - Shows the date and time the message occurred.

10.6 Viewing Sync Point Status

You can view the status of Sync Point during a running session. To view Sync Point status:

  1. While a session is running, select the Active Session tab.

  2. Click the ServerStats sub-tab.

    Release - releases the Virtual Users from the selected synchronization point that may have been reached during the execution.

    Release All - releases all Virtual Users waiting at synchronization points.

    Sync Name - displays the Sync Point name defined in the script.

    Users At - displays the number of Virtual User waiting at the Sync Point.

    Status - displays current status of the Sync Point.

10.6.1 Releasing Synchronization Points

To release synchronization points:

  1. While a session is running, select the Active Session tab.

  2. Select the Sync Point that you want to release and click Release or click Release All to release all Sync Points.

10.6.2 Releasing Individual Virtual Users

To release synchronization points:

  1. While a session is running, select the Active Session tab.

  2. Select the virtual user in the Virtual User Status sub-tab.

  3. Click the right-mouse button and select click Release Sync.

10.7 Attaching to a Session

You can attach to another running session on the Oracle Load Testing Server. To attach to an active session:

To attach to a session with full control:

  1. With a session running, click the Active Session tab.

  2. Select Attach to from the Sessions menu.

    <session list> - lists all sessions that are running on the Oracle Load Testing Server.

  3. Select the session to which you want to attach.

To attach to a session in view only mode:

  1. With a session running, click the Active Session tab.

  2. Select Watch from the Sessions menu.

    <session list> - lists all sessions that are running on the Oracle Load Testing Server. Select a session and click OK.

  3. Select the session to which you want to watch.

10.8 Detaching from a Session

If you have attached to a session, you will need to detach from it to run a separate test.

To detach from a session, select Detach from the Sessions menu on the Active Session tab.