7 Setting Test Goals

This chapter explains how to test goals for the current scenario.

7.1 Setting Test Goals

You can set test goals that specify conditions for specific counter and script parameters.

To set test goals for a scenario:

  1. Click the Composer tab.

  2. Add a Script to a scenario in the Profiles pane.

  3. Click the Goals section on the Composer tab.

    This dialog box specifies the test goals for the current scenario.

    Add Goal - adds a new goal condition.

    stop ramping VUs when:

    • any of these goals are met - when selected, the load test scenario continues ramping up virtual users until the all of the specified goal(s) are met. Specify one or more goals for the scenario below.

    • all of these goals are met - when selected, the load test scenario continues ramping up virtual users until the all of the specified goal(s) are met. Specify one or more goals for the scenario below.

      • Goal 1 (through X) - specifies the goal criteria for the load test. Click the Add Goal button to add additional goals and conditions.

        Add Condition - adds a new goal condition to the current goal.

        Goal is met when:

        any of the following conditions are met - when selected, the test goal is achieved when any of the specified goal conditions are met. Specify one or more goal conditions.

        all of the following conditions are met - when selected, the test goal is achieved only when all of the specified goal conditions are met. Specify one or more goal conditions.

        Select Counter - opens a list of counters that can be used as the goal condition.

      For each goal condition, the following script counters can be used as a condition of the test. Click the Add Condition button to add additional conditions to the current goal.

      • Total - Average Performance (sec)

      • Total - Average Server Time (sec)

      • Total - Hits/sec

      • Total - Kb Rcvd/sec

      • Total - Pages Rcvd/sec

      • Total - Trans Failed/sec

      • Total - Trans/sec

      • [Script name] - Average Performance (sec)

      • [Script name] - Average Server Time (sec)

      • [Script name] - Hits/sec

      • [Script name] - Kb Rcvd/sec

      • [Script name] - Pages Rcvd/sec

      • [Script name] - Trans Failed/sec

      • [Script name] - Trans/sec

      • - Number of VUs

      For each script counter, the following conditions can be specified for the counter value of the test:

      • is greater than [value]

      • is less than [value]

      • equals [value]

      • does not equal [value]

      When goals are met, mark load session

      • No result

      • Passed

      • Failed

      • User-defined value [value]

      When goals are not met, mark load session

      • No result

      • Passed

      • Failed

      • User-defined value [value]

  4. Select the stop ramping VU when option.

  5. Click Add Goal.

  6. For each goal, select the Goal is met when option.

  7. For each goal condition, select the counter, select the condition, and specify the value. Click the Add Condition button to add additional counters and conditions to the goal.

  8. Click the Add Goal button to add additional goals and conditions.

  9. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each goal and condition.

  10. Set the When goals are met, mark load session and When goals are not met, mark load session options.

  11. Start the load test.