Payment Purpose Mapping

The customers of the bank initiate various outgoing payments from their accounts using channel banking facility. As per regulations set by Central Bank of various countries, outgoing payments must contain the purpose of payment which needs to be provided by the customer while initiating a transaction. Host systems/Product Processor maintains various purposes of payments. System Administrator maps these purposes to each type of payment available through channel banking, which are then made available to the customers for selection while initiating each payment.




Features Supported In Application

This option allows the System Administrator to:

You are here How to reach here:

Administration Dashboard > Payment Purpose Mapping


Administration Maker Dashboard > Quick Links > Payment Purpose Mapping

Payment Purposes - View

System Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the Payment Purpose Mapping maintenance. This screen allows the administrator to search and view payment purposes mapped to payment transactions.

User selects the transaction type to view the mapping; the results are displayed on the same screen.

To search purposes for the payment type:

Payment Purposes - Edit

Administrator can edit payment purposes mapped to specific transaction type. As a part of edit payment purpose mapping, user is allowed to remove the existing payment purposes and map new payment purposes to the transaction type.

To edit purposes for the payment type:

  1. From the Payment Type list, select the appropriate option.
  2. Click Search to search the purposes mapped to selected transaction type.
  3. Click Edit to make the changes if any. User is directed to the Payment Purpose Mapping – Edit screen with values in editable form.
  1. To update the purposes of payment, select the Purpose Description check box.
  2. Click Save to save the Payment Purpose Mapping.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  3. The Review screen appears. The Verify the details, and click Confirm.
  4. The success message of payment purpose mapping edit appears along with the transaction reference number.
  5. Click OK to complete the transaction.

Payment Purposes Mapping- Map Purposes

Administrator can map payment purposes to new transaction types for which an existing mapping is not available.

To map the payment purposes:

  1. In the Payment Purpose Mapping screen, click Map Purposes. The Map Purpose screen appears.
  1. From the Payment Type select the appropriate option.
  2. Select the Purpose Description check box.
  3. Click Map to save the Payment Purpose Mapping.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  4. The Review screen appears. The Verify the details, and click Confirm .
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  5. The success message of payment purpose mapping appears along with the transaction reference number.
  6. Click Done to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.


ClosedWho can create-edit this maintenance?

Closed Can I maintain new payment purposes using this option?

ClosedCan customer specify his own purpose of payment while making a payment from channel?

Closed If new purposes are added in the Host system, will they get mapped automatically to a transaction type for which the existing maintenance is available?

ClosedCan I edit the payment purpose mapping? How does it impact the transactions

ClosedWhat happens if the payment purpose code mapped to a transaction type is deleted from the host system?
