Party Account Access

Using this option the corporate administrator can set up account and transaction access for the corporate party.

The Corporate Administrator can only provide access to the party to which the corporate administrator is associated to.

Corporate Administrator cannot provide access to the party to which the administrator is not associated to.




Features Supported In Application

This option allows the corporate administrator to:

You are here How to reach here:

Corporate Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Account Access > Party Account Access
Corporate Administrator Dashboard > Quick Links > Party Account Access

Party Account Access - Create

The Corporate Administrator has the list of account(s) and transactions for which access needs to be provided to the corporate party.

Party Id and Party Name of the corporate administrator are defaulted and not allowed for input.

To provide the party with account and transaction access:

Party Account Access - View

The Corporate Administrator can view the list of account(s) and transactions for which access has been provided to the corporate party.

Party Id and Party Name of the corporate administrator are defaulted and not allowed for input. User list of the corporate party is displayed with details like user ID, user name and mapping details.

To view the party account and transaction access:

Party Account Access - Edit

The Corporate Administrator has the list of account(s) and transactions for which access details needs to be edited for the corporate party.

Party Id and Party Name of the corporate administrator are defaulted and not allowed for input.

Party Account Access - Delete

The Corporate Administrator will have the provision to delete access for the corporate party.

As part of this option, own account mapping and/ or linked party account mapping can be deleted for the party.


ClosedIs it necessary to setup Party Account Access Management before setting up User Account Access?

Yes. The party account access management setup must be done before the user level mapping of accounts and transactions.

ClosedWhat is the significance of Auto and Manual option in ‘Map Accounts’?

This feature allows the corporate administrator to configure access policies for accounts and associated transactions which may get added subsequently in the future.
Auto: Gives access to the newly added accounts and transactions of the party as soon as the account is opened. This option can be selected whenever corporate administrator wishes to provide access by default
Manual: Denies the newly added accounts and transactions by default. This is to ensure that access to accounts and transactions is provided only upon receiving specific instructions

ClosedParty Account Access has not been maintained for the user for Own or Linked party, still there is no ‘Map’ button available?

It is possible that the channel access and/or party preferences has not been maintained for the corporate party.
There will be an appropriate message provided to the user below the party details.
Before proceeding with account access, corporate admin can co-ordinate with bank admin to get ‘Party Preferences’ screen and/or channel access maintained for the party.

Closed Will Party Account Access – Deletion for a party (Own/Linked) lead to automatic deletion of User Account Access?

Yes. Deletion of account access for a party will lead to automatic deletion of access for the users of the corporate party.

ClosedIf I remove access of account(s) and transaction(s) for my party, will it lead to automatic access removal for the users?

Yes. Access removal at party level for an account and/or transaction will automatically remove access at user level of the corporate party.

ClosedHave mapped/edited/deleted party account access but it is not reflecting in the system even after a successful maintenance save message?

There is a possibility that the maintenance is saved but the status is ‘Pending Approval’.
For the maintenance, if there is an approval required then the changes will reflect only once the approver(s) approve the submitted request.
If the setup does not require an approval workflow or is self / auto approved, then the same will reflect immediately.
