The Approval workflow management is maintaining series of approval levels that are necessary to complete an approval flow. It is triggered when initiators initiate a transaction. As per the approval workflow maintenance, the transaction will follow the levels of approvals and complete the transaction only when one of user from all the approval levels approves the transaction.

Workflow Management allows Corporate Administrator to:





You are here How to reach here:

Corporate Administrator Dashboard > Quick Links > Approvals > Workflow Management
Toggle Menu > Approvals > Workflow Management

Approval Workflow – Summary

Corporate Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the Approval Workflow screen; workflows maintained (if any) under a party mapped to the user are displayed on the screen. User can opt to view the details of existing workflows or can create new approval workflow using this screen.

Workflow Management - Create

Corporate Administrator can create approval workflows for the corporate users. By default, user can specify minimum one and maximum five levels of approvals as a part of workflow.

Administrator can set either an individual user or user group of a corporate as a part of each level of approval. Approval type (sequential/non-sequential/no authorization) is defined at the party preference.

To create an approval workflow:

  1. Click Create. The Workflow Management - Create screen appears.
  1. In the Workflow Code field, enter the workflow code.
  2. In the Workflow Description field, enter the name of the workflow.
  3. In the Approval Details section, from the Level 1 field, click appropriate user / user group.
  4. From the User/ User Group list, select the approver user name.
  5. Click Add to add the selected user/ user group at specific level of approval.
  6. Click Delete icon to remove specific approval level.

  1. Click Save to save the Approval Workflow.
    Click Back to go back to previous screen.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
  2. The Workflow Management - Create - Review screen appears post necessary validations. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Edit to make the changes if any.
    The Workflow Management - Create screen with values in editable form appears.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
  3. The success message of saving the approval level group creation appears along with the transaction reference number and status.
    Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

Workflow Management - View

On accessing ‘Workflow Management’ menu option, summarized view of all the approval workflows maintained if any under a party are shown on the screen. Further drill down is given on the each workflow to view the details of the users/ user groups who are the part of workflow.

To view the approval workflow:

Edit Workflow Management

This function enables the corporate administrator to update the description of the workflow and also to remove existing and add the new approval levels. Edited workflows are applicable for new transactions initiated post workflow update, whereas the previously initiated and transactions pending approval follows the old workflow.

To edit an approval workflow:


ClosedWhat is approval management?

Approval Management provides an option to the corporate administrator to enable various transactions to follow approval flow on channel banking. The approval management allows setting the maker / checker flow, wherein a transaction is initiated by a maker and the same is authorized by a single / multiple checkers depending on the configuration

ClosedWhat is approval workflow maintenance?
