User group is a set created with multiple users to perform certain tasks/actions.

Using this option, Corporate Administrator can maintain the user groups. Only the users of party ID mapped to a corporate administrator can be clubbed together in the user group. User groups maintained by administrators are used while creating approval workflows and approval rules.




Features supported in application

User Group Management allows Corporate Administrator to:

You are here How to reach here:

Corporate Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Others > User Group Management

User Groups – Summary

Once the logged in corporate administrator navigates to User Group Management screen, user groups maintained (if any) under the party mapped to the user are displayed on the screen. User can opt to view the details of existing user groups or can create new user group using this screen.

User Groups - Create

Corporate administrator can create a new User Group for the mapped Party ID by using this option. Only the users of party ID mapped to a corporate administrator can be clubbed together in a User Group.

Administrator can create multiple user groups and one user can be part of multiple user groups, whereas creating a user group without any user is not allowed.

To create the user group:

  1. Click Create.
    The User Groups - Create screen appears.
  1. In the Group Code field, enter the name of the group that is to be created.
  2. In the Group Description field, enter the user group description.
  3. From the User Name list, select the appropriate user.
  4. Click Add to add the selected user in the User Group. A row displaying the details of the selected user appears.
    Once added, the user name will be removed from the user drop-down to avoid duplication of users.
    Click Delete to remove a user from the User Group.
  5. Click Save to save the User Group .The User Group-Create - Review screen post necessary validations appear.
    Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’
  6. Verify the details, and click Confirm. The User Group-Create – Confirmation screen appears.
    Click Edit to modify the changes if any.
    The User Group-Create screen with values in editable form appears.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
  7. The success message of user group creation appears along with the transaction reference number.
    Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘User Groups’ screen.

User Groups - View

On accessing ‘User Group Management’ menu option, summarized view of all the user groups created (if any) for the Party mapped to the corporate administrator is displayed on the screen. Further drill down is given on the each user group to view the details of the users who are the part of user group.

To view the user groups:

  1. In the User Groups screen, click the Group Code link of the record whose details you want to view.
    The User Groups - View screen appears.
  1. Click Edit to edit the user group. The User Groups - Edit screen with values in editable form appears.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
    Click Back to go back to previous screen.

User Groups - Edit

This function enables the corporate administrator to edit the description of existing user groups. Corporate Administrator can also add new users and remove existing users of the user group as part of this function.

A check is performed on minimum and maximum number of users allowed as a part of user group while adding or removing the users from the user group.

To edit or update a user group:

  1. In the User Groups screen, click the Group Code link of the record whose details you want to view.
    The User Groups - View screen appears.
  2. Click Edit to edit the user group.
    The User Groups - Edit screen appears.
