An in principal approval loan indicates whether bank can potentially lend the amount to the borrower.

In principal approval is availed in the following scenarios:

Important information pertaining to in principal approval:

In Principal Approval Workflow

IPA Workflow

Following are the steps involved as part of application submission:

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > In Principle Approval

To apply for in principal approval loan

  1. Click the Proceed option available on the desired product card. The Mortgage Loans Orientation screen is displayed containing details informing the applicant about the steps involved in the loan application, details required for application and eligibility criteria.
  1. Click Continue, if you are a new/unregistered user.
    Click Login if you are a registered user. For more information on the application of an existing user, view the Existing User section.
    Click Cancel to abort the loan application process. For more information on cancelling an application, view the Cancel Application section.
  2. The loan requirement screen is displayed. Enter loan requirement details such as loan amount i.e. the amount to be borrowed, the purpose of the loan, loan tenure, and if a co-applicant is to be added to the application or not.

Loan Requirement

  1. Enter the relevant loan requirement details such as loan purpose, loan tenure, amount and other details.
  2. If a co-applicant is to be part of the application select option Yes in the Would you like to add a co-applicant? field.
    Click No if the loan is required for a single applicant.
  3. If co-applicant is an existing user click Yes in the Is co-applicant an existing user? field.
    Click No if the co-applicant is not an existing user.
  4. If you have clicked Yes in the Is co-applicant an existing user? field, enter the co-applicant customer ID in the Co-applicant Customer ID field.
  5. Once the co-applicants customer ID is entered, it needs to be verified. From the Send Verification Code via field, select the desired option through which the verification code is to be sent.
  6. Click Verify. The Verification screen is displayed.
  7. In the Verification Code field, enter the verification code and click Submit.
  8. A message stating that the code has been verified is displayed. Click Continue.
  9. The sections comprising of the application form are displayed. If a co-applicant has been added, the respective sections in which the co-applicant’s information is to be captured are enabled.
  1. The aplicant information section will open to enter basic information about the applicant.

Applicant Information

In the applicant Information screen enter the information like, salutation, first name, middle name, and last name.

Applicant Information

  1. Click Continue to confirm the applicant’s information. If a co-applicant has been added, the screen on which co-applicant’s name is to be defined will be displayed, after which the Property Information section will be displayed.

Property Information

In the property Information screen enter the information like property type, subtype, ownership and address of the property.

Property Information

  1. Click Continue to update the property information. The Funding Information section is displayed.

Funding Information

This section displays the total fees that are applicable on the loan application, the total cost which is the sum of the property purchase price and the fees, as well as any amount that needs to be contributed by you which is the difference between the amount of loan you have requested and the total cost.

You can click on Edit or the Modify option to edit either the property purchase price or the amount of loan you are requesting if the contribution amount is not suitable to you. Once the values displayed are suitable, click on Accept and Continue to proceed to the next step in the application.

Funding Information

  1. Click Accept to agree with the contribution amount displayed.
    Click Modify if you wish to get the contribution amount modified. You will need to modify the requested loan amount and/or property purchase price for the contribution amount to change.
  2. Click Save to save the modified loan details.

Primary Information

In the primary Information screen enter the appropriate information like, salutation, first name, last name, date of birth, citizenship, etc.

Primary Information

  1. Click Continue . The Proof of Identity section is displayed.

Proof of Identity

In the proof of identity section enter the identity details such as, identity type, ID number, and expiry date.

Proof of Identity

Contact Information

In the contact information section enter the contact details including your email address, phone number and current residential address.

You will be required to enter details of your previous residence if you have stayed at your current residence for less than the amount of time required. This amount of time is defined by the bank in terms of years.

Contact Information (Current and Previous Residential Address)

Landlord Information

The Landlord Details section appears if you select Rented or Leased option in the Accommodation Type list.

Contact Information (Landlord Details)

  1. Click Continue to save the contact information. The Employment Information section is displayed.

Employment Information

In this section enter details of your employment over a defined period starting with your current primary employment. The details required are type of employment, employment status, date on which specific employment was started and if you are salaried or self-employed, the company or employer name. If the amount of time at which you have been employed in your current employment is less than the required amount of time, the system will display fields in which you can enter details of previous employment.

Employment Information

  1. Click Add to update the employment information.
    You can lick Edit to edit the employment information.
  2. Click Add to add more than one employment information.
    Click Continue to proceed with the application process.
  1. The Financial Profile screen appears with Income, Expense, Asset, and Liability sections.

Financial Profile

  1. Enter the appropriate details in the relevant sections.

Income Information

In this section enter details of all income that you want to be considered to be the basis on which you will repay the loan. You can add multiple records of income up to a defined limit. Click the Add Another Income Icon icon to add additional income records and the Delete Record icon against a specific record to delete it.

  1. Click Save to update the income details.
  2. Click Continue to proceed with the expense details section.
    Click Add Another Income Icon to add another income record.

Expense Information

In this section enter details of all expenses you incur on a regular basis. You can add multiple expense records up to a defined limit. Click the Add Another Income Icon icon to add additional expense records and the Delete Record icon against a specific record to delete it.

  1. Click Save to update the expense details.
  2. Click Continue to proceed with the asset information section.
    Click Add Another Income Icon to add another expense record.

Asset Information

In this section enter details of all assets owned by you. You can add multiple asset records up to a defined limit. Click the Add Another Income Icon icon to add additional asset records and the Delete Record icon against a specific record to delete it.

  1. Click Save .
  2. Click Continue to proceed with the liability details section.
    Click Add Another Income Icon to add another asset record.

Liability Information

In this section enter details of all your liabilities. You can add multiple records up to a defined limit. Click the Add Another Income Icon icon to add additional records and the Delete Record icon against a specific record to delete it.

  1. Click Save.
    Click Add Another Income Icon to add another liability record.
  2. Once the asset, liability, income, and expense details are entered click Continue.
  3. • Click Continue to proceed with the application process.

This section displays all the product offers applicable to you. You can select any one offer that best suits your needs.

  1. Select a suitable offer.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Click Review and Submit. The review screen is displayed.

It will display all the information you have entered in the application. You can verify that all the information provided by you is correct and make any changes if required.

  1. Click Edit against any section if you wish to edit any information that is part of that section.
  2. Once the details are edited click Continue.
  3. The review and submit screen appears. Click Submit.
  4. The application reference number is generated with the credit decision outcome along with the next set of steps.

The confirmation page is displayed once you have submitted your application. This page displays the current status of the application along with details of any further steps that might be required to be taken. The application reference number, by which you can track the status of your application, is also displayed on this page. Additionally, the options to register (if you are a new customer and have not yet registered with the bank) and to track the application are also provided on this page.

Register User

To register an applicant

Register Applicant

Register Applicant Confirmation

Cancel an Application

The option to cancel the application is provided throughout the application and you can opt to cancel the application at any step.

To cancel an application

Cancel Application

Save for Later

There are two scenarios in this case:

All saved applications will be available in the app tracker under the In Draft tab. You can select any application to resume the application submission process.

To save an application

Save and Complete Later

Existing User

An application form being initiated by an existing user will differ from that of one being initiated by a new/unregistered user. If you are applying for a checking account product as an existing user, once you login to the banking system after having entered your login credentials, the application form will be displayed with all your personal details pre-populated in the respective fields and sections. You will, hence, be required to only specify details pertaining to the checking account. The sections that will be pre-populated with your information are Primary Information, Proof of Identity, Contact Information and Employment Information.

Application Tracker

The Application Tracker enables you to view the progress of submitted applications and also to retrieve and complete applications that have been saved. Through the application tracker you can perform the following actions:

To track an application

Submitted Application

Application Summary

Status History

This section displays the status history of the loan application i.e. the various stages through which the loan application has gone along with the current status.

Offer / Term Sheet

As part of this section, there will be term sheet available for the applicant to view and download.


ClosedI am an existing customer of the bank but do not have channel access, how can I proceed?

You can register yourself as a channel user through the ‘Register’ option available on the portal page and provide the required details.

ClosedCan I proceed with the application if I am not an existing channel user?

Yes. You can continue filling in the application details as a guest user and need not necessarily login.

ClosedWhy am I required to specify whether I am a first time home buyer or not, in the application?

This information may be required by the bank to decide on the subsidy, if any, granted by the government for first time home buyers.

ClosedDoes the Co-Applicant also need to login for the system to populate the information if he/she is an existing channel user?

No. The co-applicant’s customer ID needs to be entered by the primary applicant if he/she is an existing user. A verification code will be sent to the co-applicants email ID and/or mobile number. Once the verification process is successful, the co-applicant’s details will be populated.

ClosedWhy am I asked to capture previous residential address details?

The bank has a resident stability policy in place wherein if the applicant is staying at the current address for less than a defined term then he/she needs to define the previous residential address.

ClosedMy co-applicant and I live in the same house, do I need to enter address details again while defining co-applicant information?

No. There is an option in the co-applicant contact information section to default the primary applicant’s address in that of the co-applicant’s residential address fields.

ClosedThe application requires me to define certain financial details that are not applicable to me. How do I proceed?

In case a financial parameter such as , an expense as mortgage is not applicable to you, you can mention the value ‘0’ against that specific financial parameter and proceed with the application.

ClosedWhy am I being asked to capture previous employment details?

The bank has a employment stability policy in place wherein if the applicant has not completed a defined term in the current organization then he/she needs to define previous employment details.

ClosedI have saved the application. Can my co-applicant resume the application from the application tracker?

Yes. The co-applicant needs to be a registered channel user to login to the application tracker and resume the application.

ClosedCan the co-applicant perform all the pending tasks in the application tracker?

Yes, the co-applicant has all the rights as that of the primary applicant.
