The goal calculator option present on the pre-login screen or portal page of the application enables the prospect user and visitors to access the goal calculator.

This option allows the user to identify the amount of savings that has to be done to achieve a certain goal. This feature, hence, enables the user to figure out the feasibility of creating a goal based on the regular contribution amount for a defined period.

The user needs to enter the goal details along with his targeted amount. The outcome will be based on values entered by user.

You are here How to reach here:

Portal Page > Achieve Your Dream with Us > Proceed

Goal Category

To create a goal

Enter Goal Amount

  1. In the Enter Goal Amount field, enter the target amount.
  2. Click Proceed. The Goal Calculator screen appears.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Goal Calculator

  1. In the Have you already saved something for it? field, enter the amount which you have already saved for the goal.
  2. From the In how much time do you want to achieve this Goal? list, select the appropriate years and months i.e. time frame in which the user plans on achieving his goal.
  3. In the How frequently do you plan to set aside money for this Goal? field, select the appropriate option.
    The screen section displaying Your Monthly Contributionbased on the data entered and graph displaying your contribution and bank's contribution appears.
    The screen displays a bar chart showing How are we helping you achieve it? This displays the amount paid by user and the interest component provided by Bank and hence the total savings percentage.
  4. Click Set your goal Now! to create the goal. The user is directed to the Login Page of the application.
    Click Cancel to abort the goal creation process.
