4 Frequently Asked Questions

This chapter discusses some frequently asked questions and includes the following information:

What should be done if no SPM actions are being generated?

  • Confirm the SPM Service is operational.

  • Check the SPM configuration file in the conf/spm folder and verify that the values for DIVA_MANAGER_ADDRESS, DIVA_MANAGER_PORT, ORACLE_USER, ORACLE_PASSWORD, and ORACLE_CONNECTION parameters are set correctly.

  • Confirm that slots are enabled.

What should be done if only Storage actions are being generated?

  • Confirm that the non-Storage type slots are enabled and are included in the correct Storage Plan.

  • Confirm that in the SPM Slot configuration on the Restore, Transcode & Metadata Archive tab that the Object Name, Object Source, and Object Category filters are set so that they do not filter out the SPM actions you are expecting.


What should be done if SPM actions are generated but are never executed (they stay in the Scheduled state)?

Check the Archive Date of the objects for which the actions were generated and compare it to the values configured in the Slot Begin Time and Slot End Time parameters, and Request Execution Begin Time and Request Execution End Time in the Configuration Utility to verify if one of the following cases is true:

  • If the age of the object has not met or exceeded the number of minutes specified in the Slot Begin Time. In this case, the actions may still be executed but only after the age of the object has met or exceeded the number of minutes specified in the Slot Begin Time.

  • If the age of the object has met or exceeded the number of minutes specified in Slot Begin Time and has not exceeded the minutes specified in the Slot End Time, but the clock time the object has existed (for example, 9:30 to the current time of 13:20) has not yet fallen within the Request Execution Begin Time and Request Execution End Time range (for example, 13:30 to 15:30), the actions may still be executed, but only after the clock time has met or exceeded the Request Execution Begin Time.

  • If the age of the object has exceeded the number of minutes specified in the Slot End Time without the SPM action being executed, then this SPM action will never execute and stay in the SCHEDULED state. For example, if the Slot End Time is 10 minutes, but the age of the object is 20 minutes, the SPM action for this object will not execute even if the clock time is within the slot Request Execution Begin Time and Request Execution End Time range because the object has expired.

This can occur by design where the object's lifetime is expected to expire before the slot Request Execution Begin Time is even reached. It can also occur if the Manager is frequently or constantly running more requests than specified in the DIVA_MANAGER_MONITOR_MAX_REQUESTS parameter in spm.conf. This, in turn, can cause the SPM Service to hold off submitting the SPM actions to the Manager to the point where the object eventually expires before its associated SPM action is allowed to be submitted to the Manager.

What should be done if SPM actions always Fail Long?

Usually when an SPM action Fails Long it is due to the request submitted by SPM terminating in the Manager. Check the reason why the requests are terminating in the Manager and remedy the problem there.

Why are SPM actions removed from the SPM Actions List?

SPM actions are removed from the SPM Actions List when the objects they are associated with have been deleted from DIVArchive.

Why does the Start At time not update when an SPM action is rescheduled?

The Start At time only represents the initial date and time when the action was initially executed.

Why are copies being recreated on the disk after a Delete Instance?

Check that the Once Only flag in the slot configuration is set to true. If Once Only is set to false, then the system will continue to make copies of deleted instances.

What are the different components of SPM?

DSM (Disk Space Monitor) Controller

This module monitors the Watermarked array and does the cleanup when the High Watermark is reached.

SPM Controller

This module is responsible for creating, updating, and executing actions based on the configuration.

It appears that sometimes not all components start as part of SPM. What, if anything, controls whether a given component starts, and how do I tell if the DSM Controller is started since it is now integrated with SPM?

The SPM Controller is always started. The DSM Controller is started only if there is at least one Watermarked array configured.

SPM appears to communicate only with the Oracle Database and the Manager (through DIVArchive API calls). Does SPM interact with any other processes?

SPM only interacts with the Oracle Database and the Manager using the DIVArchive API. SPM may interact with the Access Gateway instead of the Manager if configured to do so. Otherwise, SPM does not interact with any other processes.

Is SPM event driven, or does it purely repeat some looped processing of slots and rules or database query results?

Only the DSM Controller part of SPM is event driven. It waits for the Watermarked array to reach the High Watermark to trigger the cleanup of the array.

Is SPM stateful across restarts?

SPM is stateful across restarts. It saves the current state of the actions in the database. The actions that were running are recovered during the next SPM start.

An archived object can only belong to a single Storage Plan. When an object is first archived, DIVArchive Manager appears to archive to the default media for the corresponding Storage Plan, or the next-best media if the default media is not available for some reason. Is this correct?

Yes, an object can only belong to one Storage Plan. If a Storage Plan is specified in the request, that object is always assigned to that Storage Plan.

If the Storage Plan is specified and no destination media is specified in the request, the object is assigned the given Storage Plan and archived to the default media of the Storage Plan. However, if the default media is not available, the object is then archived to the first available media of the Storage Slots in the given Storage Plan in ascending order of Slot Priority, Slot Window Begin Time, and Slot ID. If no media is available for the given Storage Plan the request is terminated.

What are the meanings of the DATARCHIVED, DATELASTUPDATE, and DATENEXTUPDATE properties for objects under SPM?


This property is the date when object was archived.


This property is the date of the last time actions were created or updated for this object.


This property is the date when SPM checks for any changes in the slot that will affect any actions of this object, and updates them if any changes are identified.

A newly archived object appears to have its DATELASTUPDATE and DATENEXTUPDATE fields set to the same value as DATEARCHIVED automatically by DIVArchive independent of SPM. Is this correct?

Yes, DATELASTUPDATE and DATENEXTUPDATE will change after SPM generates actions for that object.