B Configuration Files and Examples

This appendix includes default configuration files and configuration examples, and includes the following information:

Configuring Objects

All File Set objects are described by a companion MDF (Metadata File). You must specify object configuration in the MDF file using the following parameters:


This parameter identifies the priority of the DIVArchive request for this object. Object priority can be in the range of 0 - 100. The value 0 is the lowest priority and 100 the highest.


This parameter identifies the object Category Name. DFM provides this value to DIVArchive.


This parameter identifies the Object Name. DFM provides this value to DIVArchive.


This parameter identifies optional information describing the object. DFM provides this value to DIVArchive.


This parameter identifies the DIVArchive Source/Destination Name used in the archived request.


This parameter identifies the DIVArchive Source/Destination Path used in the archived request.


This parameter identifies the Source/Destination to store in the object catalog, if different from the actual Source/Destination. This is useful when you use an intermediate storage area for archiving, but you want to store the original source for the data in the object catalog information.


This parameter identifies the File Root Path to store in the object catalog, if different from the actual File Root Path. This is useful when you use an intermediate storage area for archiving, but you want to store the original source for the data in the object catalog information.


This parameter identifies the list of File Path Names that should be archived relative to the folder specified in sourceDestinationDIVAPath parameter.

Metadata File


The last file to be created in the File Set Drop Folder must be the metadata file (.mdf), which then triggers the archive operation. If the metadata file is transferred before the actual data files, content loss can occur!

You can create the MDF (Metadata File) in the original MDF format, or in XML format. Initially, DFM will attempt to parse the MDF as an XML file. If it fails, then it will parse it in the original MDF format.

Sample of the sample.mdf File in XML Format

The following is an example of the MDF file in the XML format:

#Object configuration.

 <objectName>object name</objectName>
 <comments>here are our comments</comments>

Sample of the sample.mdf File in Original MDF Format

The following is an example of the MDF file in the original format:

#Object configuration.

objectName=object name


originalServer=original server
originalPath=original path


Sample of the Full Trace Log File

The following is an example of the full Trace log file:

08/02 15:53:12.263 INFO [main,] TraceManager: Logging (re)configured with: file:/E:/app/DIVA/, found as: file specified in setConfigurationPath()
08/02 15:53:12.283 INFO [main,] TraceManager: Logging (re)configured with: file:/E:/app/DIVA/, found as: file specified in setConfigurationPath()
08/02 15:53:12.465 INFO [Wrapper-Connection,] TraceManager: Logging (re)configured with: file:/E:/app/DIVA/, found as: file specified in setConfigurationPath()
08/02 15:53:12.482 INFO [Wrapper-Connection,] TraceManager: Logging (re)configured with: file:/E:/app/DIVA/, found as: file specified in setConfigurationPath()
08/02 15:53:12.483 INFO [Thread-1,] Start: Starting...
08/02 15:53:12.521 INFO [Thread-1,] TraceManager: Logging (re)configured with: file:/E:/app/DIVA/, found as: file specified in setConfigurationPath()
08/02 15:53:12.869 WARN [Thread-1,] FOInformationBase: The dump file is absent.
08/02 15:53:12.870 WARN [Thread-1,] FOInformationBase: The dump file is absent.
08/02 15:53:12.974 INFO [Thread-1,] Main: Drop Folder Monitor started.
08/02 15:53:12.974 INFO [Thread-1,] Start: Started
08/02 15:54:12.970 DEBUG [Thread-4,] FOInformationBase: getObjectsForArchiving: archiving objects count is 0; max archive operations is 5; full object list for archive size is 0
08/02 15:55:12.924 DEBUG [Thread-2,] FileMonitorThread: File prépa meeting.docx from folder ftp://anonymous:anonymous@ is accpted!
08/02 15:55:12.967 DEBUG [Thread-4,] FOInformationBase: getObjectsForArchiving: archiving objects count is 0; max archive operations is 5; full object list for archive size is 0
08/02 15:56:12.872 DEBUG [Thread-2,] FileMonitorThread: File prépa meeting.docx from folder ftp://anonymous:anonymous@ is accpted!
08/02 15:56:12.964 DEBUG [Thread-4,] FOInformationBase: getObjectsForArchiving: archiving objects count is 0; max archive operations is 5; full object list for archive size is 0
08/02 15:57:12.869 DEBUG [Thread-2,] FileMonitorThread: File prépa meeting.docx from folder ftp://anonymous:anonymous@ is accpted!
08/02 15:57:12.964 DEBUG [Thread-4,] FOInformationBase: getObjectsForArchiving: archiving objects count is 0; max archive operations is 5; full object list for archive size is 0
08/02 15:58:12.875 DEBUG [Thread-2,] FileMonitorThread: File prépa meeting.docx from folder ftp://anonymous:anonymous@ is accpted!
08/02 15:58:12.967 DEBUG [Thread-4,] FOInformationBase: getObjectsForArchiving: archiving objects count is 0; max archive operations is 5; full object list for archive size is 0
08/02 15:59:12.879 DEBUG [Thread-2,] FileMonitorThread: File prépa meeting.docx from folder ftp://anonymous:anonymous@ is accpted!
08/02 15:59:12.970 DEBUG [Thread-4,] FOInformationBase: getObjectsForArchiving: archiving objects count is 0; max archive operations is 5; full object list for archive size is 0
08/02 16:00:12.881 DEBUG [Thread-2,] FileMonitorThread: File prépa meeting.docx from folder ftp://anonymous:anonymous@ is accpted!
08/02 16:00:12.973 DEBUG [Thread-4,] FOInformationBase: getObjectsForArchiving: archiving objects count is 0; max archive operations is 5; full object list for archive size is 0
08/02 16:01:12.883 DEBUG [Thread-2,] FileMonitorThread: File prépa meeting.docx from folder ftp://anonymous:anonymous@ is accpted!
08/02 16:01:12.976 DEBUG [Thread-4,] FOInformationBase: getObjectsForArchiving: archiving objects count is 0; max archive operations is 5; full object list for archive size is 0
08/02 16:02:12.886 DEBUG [Thread-2,] FileMonitorThread: File prépa meeting.docx from folder ftp://anonymous:anonymous@ is accpted!
08/02 16:02:12.979 DEBUG [Thread-4,] FOInformationBase: getObjectsForArchiving: archiving objects count is 0; max archive operations is 5; full object list for archive size is 0
08/02 16:03:12.889 DEBUG [Thread-2,] FileMonitorThread: File prépa meeting.docx from folder ftp://anonymous:anonymous@ is accpted!
08/02 16:03:12.982 DEBUG [Thread-4,] FOInformationBase: getObjectsForArchiving: archiving objects count is 0; max archive operations is 5; full object list for archive size is 0
08/02 16:04:12.891 DEBUG [Thread-2,] FileMonitorThread: File prépa meeting.docx from folder ftp://anonymous:anonymous@ is accpted!
08/02 16:04:12.985 DEBUG [Thread-4,] FOInformationBase: getObjectsForArchiving: archiving objects count is 0; max archive operations is 5; full object list for archive size is 0
08/02 16:05:12.897 DEBUG [Thread-2,] FileMonitorThread: File prépa meeting.docx from folder ftp://anonymous:anonymous@ is accpted!
08/02 16:05:12.988 DEBUG [Thread-4,] FOInformationBase: getObjectsForArchiving: archiving objects count is 0; max archive operations is 5; full object list for archive size is 0
08/02 16:05:34.369 INFO [Wrapper-Connection,] Launcher: Stopping DFM...
08/02 16:05:34.408 INFO [Wrapper-Connection,] TraceManager: Logging (re)configured with: file:/E:/app/DIVA/, found as: file specified in setConfigurationPath()
08/02 16:05:34.410 INFO [Wrapper-Connection,] Stop: Stopping Drop Folder Monitor...
08/02 16:05:34.410 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Stopping module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.FileMonitorThread...
08/02 16:05:34.410 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.FileMonitorThread stopped.
08/02 16:05:34.410 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Stopping module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.DMFileMonitorThread...
08/02 16:05:34.410 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.DMFileMonitorThread stopped.
08/02 16:05:34.410 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Stopping module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.DIVAArchiveThread...
08/02 16:05:34.410 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.DIVAArchiveThread stopped.
08/02 16:05:34.410 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Stopping module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.DIVAStatusThread...
08/02 16:05:34.411 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.DIVAStatusThread stopped.
08/02 16:05:34.411 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Stopping module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.IncompleteLogThread...
08/02 16:05:34.411 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.IncompleteLogThread stopped.
08/02 16:05:34.411 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Stopping module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.common.config.DFMConfigUpdater...
08/02 16:05:34.411 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.common.config.DFMConfigUpdater stopped.
08/02 16:05:34.411 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Stopping module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.DFMStateSaverThread...
08/02 16:05:34.411 DEBUG [Wrapper-Connection,] DFMModuleThread: Module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.DFMStateSaverThread stopped.
08/02 16:05:34.411 INFO [Wrapper-Connection,] Stop: All Drop Folder Monitor modules stopped. DFM state will be saved.
08/02 16:05:34.414 INFO [Wrapper-Connection,] Stop: Drop Folder Monitor stopped. DFM state was saved.
08/02 16:05:34.414 INFO [Wrapper-Connection,] Launcher: DFM stopped.
08/02 16:05:34.415 INFO [Thread-9,] Stop: Stopping Drop Folder Monitor...
08/02 16:05:34.415 DEBUG [Thread-9,] DFMModuleThread: Stopping module class com.storagetek.diva.proxy.dfm.FileMonitorThread...

Full DFM Configuration File (dfm.conf.ini)

The following is an example of the full DFM configuration file called dfm.conf.ini. You must configure and rename this file to dfm.conf to use DFM.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

 <!-- DIVA Manager address -->
  <address host="host" port="9000" userName="user" password="password" applicationName="DFM"/>

WARNING: This parameter should be written in one line and there should not be any symbols or empty spaces at the beginning of the line. 
Otherwise it will not be correctly parsed by starting script.

 <!-- File name of the File/Object Information Base dump -->

 <!-- File name of the Delete File/Object Information Base dump -->

 <!-- File reloading threshold in seconds. This interval will specify how 
    often File Monitor Module will reload state of DFM folders. 
    It should be positive integer value.

 <!-- Time interval, in seconds. If file last modification time is not changed after this interval it will be marked as "copied" and archived. It should be positive integer value.

 <!-- Directory delete threshold in seconds(for folders in DELETE mode only). This interval will specify how often DFM File Monitor Module will reconnect to storage areas to reload state of DFM folders. If the directory is empty, it will be deleted upon the second connection. It should be positive integer value.

 <!-- File delete threshold in seconds (for folders in DELETE mode only). This interval will specify when file will be deleted from DFM folder after file copying to folder is completed. The state of completion will be identified by the file size. It should be positive integer value.

 <!-- Maximum number of concurrent archive operations that can be performed by DFM simultaneously. The rest objects will wait until some archive operations will be completed.

 <!-- Maximum number of re-archive operations that can be performed by DFM if DIVA rejected at request initializing. If this limit will be reached then the object will be marked as "incimplete".

 <!-- Maximum number of re-archive operations that can be performed by DFM if DIVA rejected on the request processing. If this limit will be reached then the object will be marked as "incimplete".

 <!-- Threshold before DIVA Archive Module re-request DIVA after rejection. This parameter should be provided in seconds. 

 <!-- This parameter specify polling interval of request state for DIVA Status Module. This value should be specified in seconds.

 <!-- ======================================================================
     Default folder configurations.
     They may be overridden in folder-specific section
  <!-- There will be two types of directories: single and file set. If folder should be single - "single" value should be specified, if folder should be file set - "set" value should be specified.

     WARNING. Usage of the "Single" mode in combination with the FTP server source is not recommended. If the network connection is lost partial file may be stored in the archive system.
  <!-- DFM folder work mode. Can be Archive or Delete. -->

  <!-- Default priority of the requests for the folder. Folder priority can be in
 the range [0..100]. The value 0 is the lowest priority and 100 the highest.
  <!-- Default value for category name. This value will be provided to DIVA if it will not be overridden in folder-specific configuration.

  <!-- If file is copied in "file set" folder and during incompleteThreshould seconds it was not archived it will be marked as "incomplete".

  <!-- Object Name Convert Rule. Only "simple" algorithm of conversion is implemented. -->
  <objectNameConvertRule method="simple">Name.Ext</objectNameConvertRule>

  <!-- Option to configure extension for the meta data file for each folder. -->

  <!-- DIVA Original Server used in the archived request. -->
  <originalServer>Original Server</originalServer>

  <!-- DIVA Original Path used in the archived request. -->
  <originalPath>Original Path</originalPath>

  <!-- DIVA Source Destination name used in the archived request. -->

  <!-- This field defines location of the Drop Folder root on the DIVA Source Destination. In case of dedicated source destination (so root of S/D will point to the root of DFM), FPR of S/D may contain a path and this field may be left empty.

  <!-- Incomplete folder/file processing strategy. The value could be None, Delete, Rename

  <!-- Defines threshold on number of files in the same directory. If the number of files in the directory will be large then a numberFilesArchiveWildcard, DFM will send the archive request to manager using the wildcard "*" for the whole directory. The value is integer.

  <!-- This parameter is applicable only to "single" drop folders. Using this parameter one can specify the rule for which the Root Path of the Arhcive Request will be generated.
      - platform is "WIN" | "SOL" | "CIFS" | "DETECT"

     The format of the value will be combination of directory names, separators, keywords PARENTn, URL_TO_FILE, URL_TO_PARENTn. Keywords that are supported:
     1) PARENTn - the directory name, where the definition is: DFM_FILE_FULL_PATH = DFM_URL \ PARENTn ... \ PARENT 3 \ PARENT 2 \ PARENT 1 \ filename.ext 
     2) URL_TO_PARENTm - the path from DFM_URL to PARENTm.
     3) URL_TO_FILE - the path from DFM_URL to file.
  <archiveFilePathTemplate platform="DETECT" options="">URL_TO_FILE</archiveFilePathTemplate>

  <!-- This parameter is applicable only to "single" drop folders. Using this parameter one can specify the rule for which the file names of the Arhcive Request will be generated.
     - platform is "WIN" | "SOL" | "CIFS" | "DETECT"

     The format of the value will be combination of directory names, separators, keywords PARENTn, URL_TO_FILE, filename.ext.
     Keywords that are supported:
      1) PARENTn - the directory name, where the definition is: DFM_FILE_FULL_PATH = DFM_URL \ PARENTn ... \ PARENT 3 \ PARENT 2 \ PARENT 1 \ filename.ext 
      2) URL_TO_FILE - the path from DFM_URL to file.
      3) filename.ext - original file name.
      4) filename - file name without extension.
  <archiveFileNameTemplate platform="DETECT"  options="">filename.ext</archiveFileNameTemplate>

  <!-- This parameter specify if DFM should Delete Object before Archive Request or not for specific folder.
      This parameter can have value TRUE or FALSE. 
      This is optional parameter. Default vale is FALSE.

  <!-- This parameter specify if DFM should Delete child and parent folders of MDF file.
      This parameter can have value TRUE or FALSE. 
      This is optional parameter. Default vale is TRUE.


 <!-- ======================================================================
     Folders configurations.

   <!-- Folder URL. -->

   <!-- There will be two types of directories: single and file set. If folder should be single - "single" value should be specified, if folder should be file set - "set" value should be specified.

   <!-- Folder priority can be in the range [0..100]. The value 0 is the lowest priority and 100 the highest.

   <!-- This parameter can have Primary or Secondary values. Primary - configuration parameters specified in mdf are used in archive request. Secondary - configuration parameters specified in folder specific configuration are used in archive request.
Default valued, used when this tag is empty or missing - Primary.

   <!-- Folder category name. This value will be provided to DIVA. -->

   <!-- If file is copied in "file set" folder and during incompleteThreshould seconds it was not archived it will be marked as "incomplete".
   <!-- DIVA Source Destination name used in the archived request. -->

   <!-- This parameter is applicable only to "single" drop folders. Using this parameter one can specify the rule for which the Root Path of the Arhcive Request will be generated.
      - platform is "WIN" | "SOL" | "CIFS" | "DETECT"

     The format of the value will be combination of directory names, separators, keywords PARENTn, URL_TO_FILE, URL_TO_PARENTn. Keywords that are supported:
        1) PARENTn - the directory name, where the definition is: DFM_FILE_FULL_PATH = DFM_URL \ PARENTn ... \ PARENT 3 \ PARENT 2 \ PARENT 1 \ filename.ext 
        2) URL_TO_PARENTm - the path from DFM_URL to PARENTm.
        3) URL_TO_FILE - the path from DFM_URL to file.
   <archiveFilePathTemplate platform="DETECT" options="">URL_TO_FILE</archiveFilePathTemplate>

   <!-- This parameter is applicable only to "single" drop folders. Using this parameter one can specify the rule for which the file names of the Arhcive Request will be generated.
      - platform is "WIN" | "SOL" | "CIFS" | "DETECT"

      The format of the value will be combination of directory names, separators, keywords PARENTn, URL_TO_FILE, filename.ext. Keywords that are supported:
        1) PARENTn - the directory name, where the definition is: DFM_FILE_FULL_PATH = DFM_URL \ PARENTn ... \ PARENT 3 \ PARENT 2 \ PARENT 1 \ filename.ext 
        2) URL_TO_FILE - the path from DFM_URL to file.
        3) filename.ext - original file name.
        4) filename - file name without extension.
   <archiveFileNameTemplate platform="DETECT" options="">filename.ext</archiveFileNameTemplate>

   <!-- DIVA Media Name used in the archived request. -->

   <!-- To specify filters <fileFilter> tag is used in folder configuration. "type" attribute can be "exclude" or "include". In inclusion mode, no files will be archived if no filters are defined. Each filter will allow archiving files by the specific rule. File will be archived only if file will correspond to one or more masks. If file does not correspond to any mask, file will be skipped by DFM (nor deleted neither archived).
      In exclusion mode, all files will be archived if no filters are defined (the same way is working now). Each filter will restrict archiving files by the specific rule. File will NOT be archived if file will correspond to one or more masks. If file corresponds to any mask, file will be skipped by DFM (nor deleted neither archived).
      Filter can be defined as a pattern (mask which can have ? which means any symbol or * which means any string) or as a Regex expression (please see details http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression,       http://www.regular-expressions.info).
      <mask> specifiyng pattern for filter.
      <regexp> specifiyng regular expression for filter.
      PLEASE NOTE: <fileFilter> parameter is optional for dropfolder configuration. If it is not specified DFM will archive any file without any restriction except standard DFM logic.
      PLEASE NOTE: Only one <fileFilter> can be specified per one folder.
   <fileFilter type="include">

   <!-- This parameter specify if DFM should Delete Object before Archive Request or not for specific folder.
 This parameter can have value TRUE or FALSE. 
       This is optional parameter. Default vale is FALSE.

   <!-- This parameter specify if DFM should Delete child and parent folders of MDF file.
       This parameter can have value TRUE or FALSE. 
       This is optional parameter. Default vale is TRUE.
     -->   <deleteParentDirectoryAndContentDirectories>FALSE</deleteParentDirectoryAndContentDirectories>


   <!-- Folder URL. -->

   <!-- There will be two types of directories: single and file set. If folder should be single - "single" value should be specified, if folder should be file set - "set" value should be specified. 

   <!-- Folder priority can be in the range [0..100]. The value 0 is the lowest priority and 100 the highest.

   <!-- Folder category name. This value will be provided to DIVA. -->

   <!-- If file is copied in "file set" folder and during incompleteThreshould seconds it was not archived it will be marked as "incomplete".

   <!-- DIVA Source Destination name used in the archived request. -->

   <!-- This field defines location of the Drop Folder root on the DIVA Source Destination. In case of dedicated source destination (so root of S/D will point to the root of DFM), FPR of S/D may contain a path and this field may be left empty.

   <!-- DIVA Media Name used in the archived request. -->

   <!-- DIVA Media Name Pattern used in the archived request. Using this pattern GROUP will be obtained -->

   <!-- This parameter should be used to enable recursive archive mode of DFM. In this mode DFM will check MDF file and if it contains asterisks as part of data files path recursive archive will be used.
       This parameter can have value TRUE or FALSE. 
       This is optional parameter. Default vale is FALSE.



 <!--WARNING: This is not a comment. Do not modify the text below. It is used by Tanuki Wrapper.
#Wrapper Properties
# Java Application
# Java Main class. This class must implement the WrapperListener interface
# or guarantee that the WrapperManager class is initialized. Helper
# classes are provided to do this for you. See the Integration section
# of the documentation for details.

# Java Classpath (include wrapper.jar) Add class path elements as
# needed starting from 1


# Java Library Path (location of Wrapper.DLL or libwrapper.so)

# Java Additional Parameters
# Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)

# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)

# Application parameters. Add parameters as needed starting from 1

# Wrapper Logging Properties
# Format of output for the console. (See docs for formats)

# Log Level for console output. (See docs for log levels)

# Format of output for the log file. (See docs for formats)

# Log Level for log file output. (See docs for log levels)

# Maximum size that the log file will be allowed to grow to before
# the log is rolled. Size is specified in bytes. The default value
# of 0, disables log rolling. May abbreviate with the 'k' (kb) or
# 'm' (mb) suffix. For example: 10m = 10 megabytes.

# Maximum number of rolled log files which will be allowed before old
# files are deleted. The default value of 0 implies no limit.

# Log Level for sys/event log output. (See docs for log levels)

# Wrapper Windows Properties
# Title to use when running as a console
wrapper.console.title=DIVArchive DFM

# Wrapper Windows NT/2000/XP Service Properties
# WARNING - Do not modify any of these properties when an application
# using this configuration file has been installed as a service.
# Please uninstall the service before modifying this section. The
# service can then be reinstalled.

# Time without CPU before JVM will issue warning and extend timeout (in sec). 
# Timeout will be extended by a few seconds at least once before Wrapper shuts down.

# Number of seconds to allow between the time that the Wrapper launches the JVM process and the time that the JVM side of the Wrapper responds that the application has started.

# Number of seconds to allow between the wrapper pinging the JVM and the response

# Number of seconds to allow between the time that the Wrapper asks the JVM to shutdown and the time that the JVM side of the Wrapper responds that it is stopping.

# Name of the service

# Display name of the service
wrapper.ntservice.displayname=DIVArchive DFM
# Description of the service
wrapper.ntservice.description=DIVArchive DFM allows to monitor FTP and local directories and to archive incoming file to the DIVA system

# Service dependencies. Add dependencies as needed starting from 1

# Mode in which the service is installed. AUTO_START or DEMAND_START

# Allow the service to interact with the desktop.
