3 Configuration

This chapter describes Local Delete configuration parameters.

Configuring Local Delete

Use the following procedure to configure Local Delete:

  1. Rename lynxLocalDelete.conf.watermarked.ini or the lynxLocalDelete.conf.sitePurge.ini (use the watermarked version if you plan to use watermarking) to lynxLocalDelete.conf.

  2. Open the lynxLocalDelete.conf file and enter the correct values for each of the configuration parameters.


    The parameter names for this mode are not case-sensitive, but the values are case-sensitive.
  3. Restart the Local Delete service.

Local Delete Configuration Parameters

The following tables describe the Local Delete configuration parameters. See Appendix A for a sample configuration file.

Top Level Configuration Parameters

Top Level Parameter Description Default Value Required
DeleteRequestPriority=Num Num is an integer (1 to 100), which indicates the DIVArchive delete request priority. 50 No
SimultaneousDeleteOperations=Num Num is an integer, which indicates the number of simultaneous deletes that can be processed by the application. none Yes
allowDeleteLastInstance=true/false Set this to true for Local Delete to remove the last remaining instance of an object on any site in the DIVAnet network. false No
purgeMostRecentFirst=true/false Set this to true for Local Delete to remove the most recently archived matching objects first. By default, the utility purges the oldest matching objects. false No

Site Verification Criteria Configuration Parameters

Site verification is optional. The parameters specify what to verify before purging. You can provide multiple criteria by creating criteria groups.


You can only specify one of the following per criteria group: media, numTapeInstance, numInstances, or olderThanOnSiteHours.

Creating a Criteria Group:

The criteria group number distinguishes one group of related parameters from another. For instance:



In the previous example, the SiteToVerify.1 parameters are in a criteria group, while the SiteToVerify.2 parameters are in another group. Local Delete will verify there is one tape instance on the disaster recovery site and one instance on a local array called remoteArray.

Site Verification Parameter Description Default Value Required
SiteToVerify.#.sitename=Site # is the criteria group number

Site is a string, which indicates the DIVArchive sitename. This is DIVAnet sitename of a remote DIVA site or local to indicate the local site.

None No
# is the criteria group number

MediaType is a string. If specified, an instance with this media must be present on the site.

None No
SiteToVerify.#.numTapeInstances=Num # is the criteria group number

Num is an integer (1 to 100). If specified, the site must contain at least this many tape instances of the object.

None No
SiteToVerify.#.numInstances=Num # is the criteria group number

Num is an integer (1 to 100). If specified, the site must contain at least this many total instances of the object.

None No
SiteToVerify.#.olderThanOnSiteHours=Num # is the criteria group number. Num is a positive floating point number. If specified, objects at this site must be older than the value provided here (in fractional hours). none No

Site to Purge Configuration Parameters

You must specify the site name and indicate whether watermarked deletes must be performed. The purge group number distinguishes one group of related parameters from another. In DIVArchive 7.6, multiple purge groups may appear. Each purge group number identifies a site to delete from. The purge group number can also identify the array to delete from if watermarking is selected for the purge group.


Each purge group uses the same verification criteria (aside from the watermark) to determine if deletes should be performed. This can cause unforeseen issues (especially) when watermarked deletes are combined with site deletes.
Site to Purge Parameter Description Default Value Required
SiteToPurge.#.sitename=Site # is the purge group number

Site is a string, which indicates the DIVAnet sitename of the local DIVArchive system.

none Yes
SiteToPurge.#.purgeType=purgeType # is the site numberThe type of purge chosen (watermark for watermarked disk array deletes, or site for deleting all object instances on a site). watermark No
SiteToPurge.#.watermarkedArrayName=ArrayName # is the site number

ArrayName is a string, which indicates the name of the array to monitor and purge from.

none Yes
SiteToPurge.#.highWatermark=Num # is the site number

Num is an integer (1 to 100), which indicates the percentage an array must be full to start the purge process.

none Yes
SiteToPurge.#.lowWatermark=Num # is the site number

Num is an integer (1 to 100), which indicates the percentage an array must be full to stop a purge process that is already active.

none Yes
SiteToPurge.#.excludedMedia=MediaList # is the site number

MediaList is a comma-delimited list of media names. If an object to be deleted has an instance on any media listed here, that instance will not be deleted. This parameter has no effect when deleting from a watermarked array.


Categories Configuration Parameters

Specifying categories is optional. This parameter specifies the categories of objects to consider for deletion. If not specified, the default is all categories.

Categories Parameter Description Default Value Required
CategoryIncludeFilter.#=Category # is an integer, which starts at 1 and increments by 1 for each additional filter.

Category is a string. Any purged object must match one of these categories. Wildcards (asterisks *) are allowed.

All Yes

DIVAnet Configuration Parameters

This information is required to connect to DIVAnet.

DIVAnet Parameter Description Default Value Required
Divanet.address=Address Address is the IP address of the DIVAnet server. none Yes
Divanet.port=Num Num is a positive integer, which indicates the port of the DIVAnet server. none Yes
Divanet.user=UserName UserName is the user name for the DIVAnet API connection., none Yes
Divanet.password=Password Password is the password for the DIVAnet API connection. none Yes

DIVAnet Database Configuration Parameters

This information is required to connect to the DIVAnet database.

DIVAnet Database Parameter Description Default Value Required
DivanetDb.address=Address Address is the IP address of the DIVAnet database. none Yes
DivanetDb.port=Num Num is a positive integer, which indicates the port of the DIVAnet database. 1521 No
DivanetDb.user=UserName UserName is the user name for the DIVAnet database. none Yes
DivanetDb.password=Password Password is the password for the DIVAnet database. none Yes
DivanetDb.sid=Database_sid Database_sid is the SID of the DIVAnet database. lib5 No