4 Frequently Asked Questions

This chapter contains frequently asked questions about DIVArchive DIVAprotect, and includes the following information:

How often are metrics updated?

DIVAprotect calculates and updates the data metrics every hour through an automated database job running in the background.

How is DIVAprotect installed in a new DIVArchive installation?

DIVAprotect is automatically installed with DIVArchive; no additional installation is required.

Can you choose not to install DIVAprotect?

You cannot select to bypass DIVAprotect installation. DIVAprotect is a mandatory subsystem built into DIVArchive. However, you can disable DIVAprotect data collection and computation after the system has been installed.

Can DIVAprotect be disabled?

Yes, you can disable DIVAprotect functionality through proper configuration. See Main Configuration for detailed configuration options.

How is Engineering Mode accessed?

You must contact Oracle Support to access the system in Engineering Mode. Engineering Mode is only accessible to Oracle Support personnel to avoid accidental misconfiguration of the system. Misconfiguration can possibly result in degradation of DIVArchive operations.