10 Frequently Asked Questions

This chapter contains questions frequently asked during installation and configuration of the DIVArchive system and includes the answers to the following questions. Contact Oracle Support for any additional questions not covered here.

What if the Customer Information Collection Tool does not work?

Confirm that CygWin and the 7z archive programs are installed correctly. If the CygWin or the 7z programs are not installed, the Customer Information Collection Tool will stop running and display one of the following error messages:

Error: Cygwin environment could not be located at "...". Please check the configuration or reinstall Cygwin environment if necessary.

Error: 7Z archiver could not be located at "...". Please check the configuration or reinstall 7Z archiver if necessary.

Should all operating systems be kept up to date with critical updates?

Oracle recommends applying all critical updates to all computers.

Should all operating systems be kept up to date with optional updates?

Optional operating system updates are not necessary in the DIVArchive environment. However the decision to apply optional updates is left to your System Administrator.

Are there any operating system updates that should not be installed?

Oracle is not currently aware of any operating system updates that impact DIVArchive functionality or operations.

Should the servers be restarted with any frequency?

No, restarting the servers will cause downtime for the system and possibly cause data corruption if a process is executing when the server is restarted. Only restart a server when absolutely necessary and perform a normal system shutdown (do not just turn off the computer unless absolutely necessary).

Should any services be restarted with any frequency?

No, restarting the services will cause downtime for the system and possibly cause data corruption if a process is executing when the service is restarted. Only restart a service when absolutely necessary.

Should any vendor applications be restarted with any frequency?

No, only restart a vendor application when absolutely necessary.

Should vendor applications always be updated to the latest version?

No, only update vendor applications to benefit from new functionality or for bug fixes.

What is the recommended frequency of database backups?

The DIVArchive database automatically backs up every fifteen minutes.

Does Oracle recommend any particular database backup application?

A database backup service is provided in the DIVArchive package. You are welcome to use your own backup software as an additional security under the condition that you only backup the DIVArchive database backup files (in H:\oraback) and not the database itself.

Backing up the database directly is forbidden. For example, using Oracle RMAN or other non-DIVArchive database backup applications. Backing up the database directly with another program may interfere with the DIVArchive database backup service. This may render database restoration impossible using the embedded DIVArchive restore utility, and could possibly result in data losses for which Oracle will accept no responsibility.

Where are the backup files located?

The database backup files are located on the Main Manager computer in the H:\oraback folder. The files are synced to the Backup Manager and an Actor in the H:\oraback\mgr1 folder.

Are there iterated versions of the database backup, and if so, how many are retained?

The backup files are retained for the previous ten days. The retention period is configurable for the database backup files in the DIVArchive Backup Service configuration file. Contact Oracle Support for assistance.

Where are vendor-specific logs located?

The vendor-specific log files are located in the %DIVA_HOME%\Program\log folder in Windows and in the /home/diva/DIVA/Program/log directory in Linux.

How far back in time do the logs go?

The log file retention period is configurable in the DIVArchive configuration file. Contact Oracle Support for more information. The log files are retained as follows by default:

  • Manager, DIVAnet: fifty hours

  • Actor, Robot Manager, Storage Plan Manager, Avid Transfer Manager Communicator, Avid Archive Manager Communicator: ten days

  • Drop Folder Monitor: variable based on size

What is the suggested log backup frequency?

The log files do not require backup.

Are there any special considerations regarding maintenance and backup of vendor servers and systems?

Oracle only supports the DIVArchive software. You must contact the server supplier for any hardware issue. You must keep Oracle in the loop for any issues on the DIVArchive solution (for example, loss of a RAID disk, failover to the backup manager, and so on).

Are there any special considerations related to recovering from a server failure when the server is part of the vendor solution?

As previously mentioned, you must keep Oracle in the loop if issues are encountered.