3 Troubleshooting

This chapter describes basic troubleshooting procedures. Contact Oracle Support for additional assistance when required.

Export Failed Error Message

Robot Manager Error : Error while ejecting tapes: StatusCode[70:INTERNAL_ERROR]Request step is STEP_WAITING_FOR_OPERATOR()


Check that the CAP where tapes are being ejected to has not reached its capacity. Even if the CAP is empty, if more tapes than the capacity of the CAP are exported a successful export operation cannot be completed. This is specifically an issue with sets of spanned tapes and the number of tapes in that spanned set is greater than the number of tapes supported by the CAP. In this case, eject the tapes first then perform the export.

Invalid Parameter Error During Export

Invalid parameter : Tape Y00105 must be included into export list


When selecting the tapes for export, you can possibly see more tapes available in the tape window than initially selected. If a tape has objects that are spanned onto another tapes, these tapes are also included. In this case, select all of the spanned tapes from this list in order for the export to succeed.

Tape Already Exists Error During Import

The following errors were found in tapeset-J00026.xml\Tape J00026 already exists in DIVA. Consider performing a tape Insert operation...


A tape with the same barcode as the one being imported already exists in the DIVArchive system. It is likely that the tape metadata for the tape you want to import already exists in the DIVArchive database and you just need to perform an Insert Tape operation to use the tape. Verify the tape contains the correct objects by using the DIVArchive Control GUI.

Unsupported Type Error During Import

The following errors were found in tapeset-[Y00109].xml\Tape Y00109 has unsupported type 19.


The type in the message refers to the mediaTypeId. The mediaTypeId is an ID that represents the type of tape media being exported. DIVArchive exports a mediaTypeId field that corresponds to the Id column in the Tape Properties table under the Tapes tab in the DIVArchive Configuration Utility. You may need to execute a Synchronize DB call to update the mediaTypeId and (or) update your hardware to be compatible with a newly imported tape. Ensure that the block size and total size of the mediaType in the source DIVArchive system matches the mediaType definition in the destination.

Import Process Terminated without Importing

There are several reasons why the import process may terminate without completing successfully including the following:

  • When using complex objects, the FFM files must be in the same folder as the XML files for importing. If the FFM file is not found, the import process will terminate and an error will be written to the log file.

  • If the Object Name and Object Category already exist, and the -skipIfNameExists or -addAsInstanceIfNameExists options are not passed, the utility will terminate without importing.

  • If the Manager detects a database error the import process will be terminated and any operations performed during the failed import will be rolled back and not saved in the system.