
AXF or AXF Media Format

The Archive Exchange Format (AXF) is based on a file and storage media encapsulation approach which abstracts the underlying file system, operating system, and storage technology making the format truly open and non-proprietary. AXF helps ensure long-term accessibility to valued assets, and keeps up with evolving storage technologies.


The designation of a slot in the Tape Library.

Complex Object

An object is defined as a complex object when it contains more than 1,000 components (configurable). Complex object handling may differ from non-complex objects as noted throughout this document.

Legacy Format

Proprietary storage format used in DIVArchive releases 1.0 through 6.5.1.

Metadata Database

The metadata database is the location where the metadata for components of complex objects are stored in the DIVArchive system.

Metadata File

The file listing the Object Name and Object Category contained on a tape and its location.

Non-complex Objects

DIVArchive objects with 1,000 files or less are considered non-complex objects. The maximum number of files an object can hold is configurable.

Robot Manager

The mechanical tape system used with DIVArchive to insert and eject tapes to and from the tape library. See Appendix B for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

Universally Unique Identifier (uniquely) identifies each object created in DIVArchive across all Oracle customer sites except for objects created through Copy As requests. An object created using a Copy As request will contain the same UUID as that of the source object.