3 DIVArchive Architecture Overview

The DIVArchive system is an integrated archive solution composed of several hardware and software components described in this chapter. Refer to the Linux installation instructions in the Oracle DIVArchive Installation and Configuration Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.6 Core documentation library for Linux-specific directions concerning running DIVArchive components as services under Linux.

All Windows batch files (.bat) have corresponding shell scripts (.sh) in Linux. You must substitute Windows paths with Linux paths when operating on Linux. For example, the Windows path C:\DIVA\Program will be /home/diva/DIVA/Program when running under Linux. Also, Linux paths and file names are case-sensitive.

Hardware Components

Multiple hardware components are required to install the software components and together comprise a complete archiving system. The following sections describe the main system components.

Storage Devices

DIVArchive performs operations among different types and formats of storage devices. Examples of usable devices include the following (see Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information):

  • RAID sets store data on hard disk drives

  • Tape libraries automate storage on magnetic tapes. The tape library includes robotics, tape drives, and a set of tapes stored in the tape library.

  • Tape drives can either be SCSI attached to the DIVArchive Actors, or through a Fibre Channel interface. When connected to a Fibre Channel Switch, they can be shared by multiple Actors. Sharing of resources among the Actors is controlled and coordinated by the DIVArchive Manager. The Fibre Channel Switch provides the connectivity between the Actors and any tape drives that are connected to it.

  • DIVArchive 7.6.1 enables archiving operations to an Oracle Storage Cloud account, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Storage, and Sony optical libraries.

Management Stations

At least one management station is required to run the DIVArchive Manager software component, and the library control software supplied with the library to control the robotics. This is called the Main Management Station. The Main Management Station features a mirrored (RAID1) configuration for the data disk where the databases and all essential data are stored.

Because the Management Station is essential to the operations of the archive system, it is strongly recommended to also configure a backup Management Station. In case of failure, the main station is stopped and the backup station is started.

Oracle DIVArchive Actors

Dedicated Windows or Linux servers can host the DIVArchive Actor component. The DIVArchive Actor software can also typically be installed directly on a production server.

Actors running in the Linux operating system do not support UNC paths for CIFS sources and destinations. However, you can define a local path to a mounted SMB share.

Linux-based Actors only support Telestream Vantage transcoding operations.

See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

Oracle DIVArchive Managers

The DIVArchive Manager is the main component in a DIVArchive system and can be installed on Windows or Linux platforms. As a purchasable option, DIVArchive also supports Main and Backup DIVArchive Managers. A Backup Manager must be configured for you to use the DIVArchive Backup Service.

See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

Network Devices

The connections between the DIVArchive system components are achieved through a 10/100BaseT or Gigabit Ethernet hub or switch.

Other Components

Other systems and components interacting with the DIVArchive system include the following:

  • The applications controlling the archive operations either to move objects to the archive or to retrieve objects from the archive, and to obtain information about the archive systems or objects stored within the archive. These applications are referred to as Archive Initiators. Examples of an Archive Initiator are Broadcast Automation systems, or a Media Asset Management (MAM) applications.

  • The production servers are where objects (for example, video files) are produced or from where they are broadcast. For example, a video server is a production server. Production servers can be the source of the objects to archive or the destination of the objects to retrieve from the archive.

  • The production network is typically a high-speed LAN connecting the production servers together to allow object transfer between the servers. It also allows the connection of the DIVArchive Actors that are either attached directly to the high-speed network or through a gateway device provided by the production server manufacturer.

Software Components

DIVArchive software currently includes the following components (see Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information):

  • DIVArchive Actor

  • DIVArchive Manager

  • DIVArchive Robot Manager

  • DIVArchive Configuration Utility

  • DIVArchive Control GUI

  • DIVArchive Backup Service

  • Oracle DIVAnet (optional)

  • Oracle Avid Connectivity (optional)

    • AM Communicator (AMC)

    • TM Communicator (TMC)

  • Checksum Support and Content Verification

  • Client APIs

    • C++ (compatible with DIVArchive 6.3 and later)

    • Java

    • Oracle DIVA Enterprise Connect (Web Services API)

    • DIVAprotectWS

  • Customer Information Collection Tool

  • DIVAprotect

  • Drop Folder Monitor (optional)

  • SNMP Agent (optional)

  • Oracle DIVArchive Storage Plan Manager (SPM - optional)

  • VACP Converter (optional)

Third party control software may also be provided by the library manufacturer to control the library robotics. The name of the software depends on the type and brand of the library used in the DIVArchive solution.

Password Security

You cannot use the default password to log in to the Control GUI with the administrator or operator profile after DIVArchive installation is complete. You must assign an administrator or operator password in the Configuration Utility before you will be permitted to switch to the respective mode in the Control GUI.

If you attempt to switch to administrator or operator mode in the Control GUI without first assigning a password to the respective profile, a dialog box is displayed notifying you that you must set a password for the corresponding profile in the Configuration Utility. After you set the corresponding profile password in the Configuration Utility the first time, it no longer matters what you use for the old password when changing passwords.

DIVArchive Actor

The DIVArchive Actor is the data mover between devices in the production system. It supports the data transfer between many different types of devices and handles transcoding operations with Telestream transcoding software (optional). All Actor operations are initiated and coordinated by the DIVArchive Manager. You can configure one or more Actors to be controlled by a single DIVArchive Manager. See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

Each DIVArchive Actor runs as a Windows service and will automatically start and begin accepting connections from the DIVArchive Manager when the Actor host is started. Actor services on each host may be managed from the Windows services dialog box.

When restoring the same file to the same destination twice in parallel, the behavior on Windows and Linux is different. On Windows, the first restore (they cannot arrive exactly at the same time) will lock the file so that the second one will terminate. On Linux, there is no such lock at the file system level. Both restores are executed at the same time, and both will write to the same file. The content of the resultant file is not predictable.


Linux-based Actors currently only support Telestream Vantage transcoding operations.

The following list are the Actor executable files:

%DIVA_HOME%\Program\Actor\bin\ActorService.exe command [option]

Executes commands for the Actor Service. Appending the -conf (or -f) option after one of the following commands specifies a specific configuration file to load settings from. The ActorService.exe command parameters are as follows:

install (-i)

Installs the Actor as a system service.

uninstall (-u)

Removes the Actor service.

debug (-d)

Starts the Actor in console mode.

version (-v)

Displays the Actor release information and then exits.

help (-h)

Displays help information and then exits.


Identifies the tape drives in the system. There are no command-line parameters.


Opens the Tape Reading Utility, which enables manually reading the tape drives in the system. There are no command-line parameters.


Opens the Video Analyzer Utility. This utility's GUI displays the internal structure of a video format by dropping video files to the appropriate top tab of the user interface for that file type (for example, drop a .mov file on the MOV tab, a .avi file on the AVI tab, and so on). File information is displayed in the lower window panes. There are no command-line parameters.

DIVArchive Manager

The DIVArchive Manager is the main component in a DIVArchive system. All archive operations are controlled and handled by the DIVArchive Manager. Operation requests are sent by initiator applications through the DIVArchive Client API. As a purchasable option, DIVArchive also supports Main and Backup DIVArchive Managers. See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

The DIVArchive Manager runs as a Windows Service. You can manage the service through the Windows Services screen. The static configuration file for the Manager is manager.conf. Most settings in this file can typically be left set to the default values. Operations of the Manager can be monitored by launching the Control GUI.

You use the batch files in the Manager's bin folder to perform the following major operations:

  • Start, stop, and restart the Manager Service. All of these operations can be executed using the manager batch file by specifying start, stop, or restart after the manager.bat command respectively (for example, manager.bat start).

    You can also terminate all running requests with a graceful_shutdown command. The graceful_shutdown command waits until all running requests have terminated before stopping the Manager instead of the abrupt shutdown that occurs with the stop command.

  • Notify the Manager of any changes to the Manager's configuration using the NotifyManager batch file.

  • Import tapes into a group using the importtapes batch file.

  • List all active connections and end some connections (by connection identifier) with the ConnMgr batch file.

The manager.bat file enables you to run the Manager as a service or using a console window. Execute the batch file using the following command and parameters:

%DIVA_HOME%\Program\Manager\bin\manager.bat [command] [options]

For example:

%DIVA_HOME%\Program\Manager\bin\manager.bat start -conf config_file_name.conf

Appending the -conf (or -f) option after one of the following commands specifies a specific configuration file to load settings from. The manager.bat command parameters are as follows:

install (-i)

Installs the Manager as a system service.

uninstall (-u)

Removes the Manager service.


Starts the Manager.


Stops the Manager immediately if it is running.


Stops the Manager after all requests running at the time of the shutdown have terminated and ignores any new requests.


Stops and subsequently starts the Manager.


Requests that the current service reloads its settings.


Determines whether the service is running and displays the status.


Requests that the Manager Service create a system dump.

version (-v)

Displays the Manager release information and then exits.

help (-h)

Displays help information and then exits.

Refer to the Oracle DIVArchive Installation and Configuration Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.6 Core documentation library for information about running Windows services in a Linux environment.

Checksum Support and Content Verification

The purpose of the Checksum Support and Content Verification program is to provide additional levels of verification for each file managed by a DIVArchive system.

During the archive process the checksum is generated automatically by the Actor and stored in the database. This checksum is not verified until an initial read-back or restore operation is performed.

Checksum verification occurs when transferring data from a Source/Destination or when reading data from a source or a storage medium. The latter occurs during the retrieval of an object from a storage medium during routine functions (Restore, Copy, Repack, Transcode, but not Partial File Restore), or during a read-back from storage (Verify-Following-Write feature), or from the source (Verify-Following-Restore feature).

You view the checksum verifications and failures through the Control GUI Manager view, Actor view, or other request control views. Double-clicking on the resource will display a dialog box showing verification (or failure) messages and the checksum information. you can pause over the checksum notation to open a smaller dialog box displaying the Source, Component, Checksum Type, and Checksum Value.


Additional checksum verification is performed at the Oracle Storage Cloud level. See the Oracle Storage Cloud documentation for information.

See the Oracle DIVArchive Checksum Support User's Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.6 Additional Features documentation library for more detailed information and new enhancements and features.

Import Tapes Tool

The importtapes.bat batch file imports one or more tapes into a user-specified group in the DIVArchive system. You must specify the XML files created during the tape export as a command-line parameter.

This tool only imports the tape's metadata into the database and not the actual objects (or tape) themselves into the system. You must still insert the tapes using the Insert Tape functions.

See the Oracle DIVArchive Export/Import User's Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.6 Core documentation library for more detailed information. See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

Execute the importtapes.bat batch file using the following command and parameters:

%DIVA_HOME%\Program\Manager\bin\importtapes.bat [group_name] [mfiledir] [mfiledir]

The importtapes.bat command parameters are as follows:

help (-h)

Displays help information and then exits.


The tape group to which imported tapes will belong.


The XML files containing exported tape metadata or a folder that contains the files. The first mfiledir is required, additional entries are optional. Multiple files may be used as follows:

mfiledir1 mfiledir2 mfiledir3 mfiledir4 (and so on)



This is an advanced option and not recommended for normal use! Use of this option causes the object on the tape to become invisible and DIVArchive will use only the visible object existing in the system.

This is an advanced parameter and skips importing of objects with naming conflicts. Normally, if the object name exists the program stops and nothing is imported. This option enables skipping the existing object and continue to import the next object in the XML file.


Forces use of the Import Date instead of the original Archive Date as the Archive Date of the object imported into DIVArchive.

DIVArchive Robot Manager

Although you can use DIVArchive to only manage disk storage, storage capacity can be further expanded by adding one or more tape libraries. In these cases, the DIVArchive Robot Manager module provides an intermediate software layer for the DIVArchive Manager to interact with many different types of tape libraries. It is connected to the DIVArchive Manager through TCP/IP. See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

The DIVArchive Robot Manager interfaces to the library using either a direct interface to the library itself (through native SCSI or SCSI over Fibre Channel), or through an intermediate Ethernet connection to the manufacturer's own library control software.

The Robot Manager alerts the DIVArchive Manager when the collection of tapes in the associated library requires synchronization with the DIVArchive database. This functionality is specific to the SCSI Robot Manager module, and detects potential tape inventory mismatches between the DIVArchive database and the library inventory.

Potential inventory issues are trapped by the Robot Manager if the library sends unit attention codes 06h 00h 28h (inventory may be altered), or 06h 00h 29h (reset occurred). When this happens, the Robot Manager notifies the DIVArchive Manager so that it resynchronizes the database with the content of the library.

You access the DIVArchive Robot Manager Client using either the Robot Manager Client (command line based) or the Robot Manager Client GUI (graphical interface). The Robot Manager Client GUI is a graphical interface making it easy for you to interact with the Robot Manager.


If intermediate robotics control software is installed between the Robot Manager and the library under control (such as ACSLS, SDLC, or PSC), it must be running before starting the associated DIVArchive Robot Manager.

When the Robot Manager Client command-line interface is started it will display a screen similar to a Windows command line. The Robot Manager Client will already be started and only the commands necessary to perform the required operations, or to display the required information, need to be entered.

The following list are the Robot Manager executable files:


Although a Robot Manager may be restarted while the DIVArchive Manager is running, an attempt to mount a tape to a drive while the Robot Manager is offline may cause the drives to be set Out of Order.
%DIVA_HOME%\Program\RobotManager\bin\RobotManager.exe command [options]

Executes commands for the Robot Manager Service. Appending the -conf (or -f) option after one of the following commands specifies a specific configuration file to load settings from. The RobotManager.exe command parameters are as follows:

install (-i)

Installs the Robot Manager as a system service.

uninstall (-u)

Removes the Robot Manager service.

debug (-d)

Starts the Robot Manager in console mode.

version (-v)

Displays the Robot Manager release information and then exits.

help (-h)

Displays help information and then exits.

%DIVA_HOME%\Program\RobotManager\bin\RobotManagerClient.bat [rmHost] [rmPort]

This is a command line utility to take control of the Robot Manager if the DIVArchive system is down.


The remote host name for the connection.


The remote host port for the connection.


This is a GUI utility to take control of the Robot Manager if the DIVArchive system is down.

DIVArchive Configuration Utility

The DIVArchive Configuration Utility configures a DIVArchive system. It can be run on any computer that has TCP/IP connectivity to the host running the DIVArchive database.


The Configuration Utility is intended only for experienced users. Incorrect or incomplete changes in the Configuration Utility can adversely affect DIVArchive operations, possibly delete data from the archive, or prevent the DIVArchive Manager from running. If you are unsure about making changes, contact Oracle Support for assistance before attempting to make alterations to the system configuration.

The Configuration Utility primarily connects to the DIVArchive Database, and for some tasks, directly to the DIVArchive Robot Managers. After launching the utility you must first connect to the database to edit the DIVArchive system configuration. The Oracle username and password for DIVArchive should be documented in the DIVArchive Site Configuration for your site. Although used primarily for configuration of DIVArchive, some operational functions are also performed from the Configuration Utility.

Since it is an Oracle Java based utility, the Oracle Java Runtime Environment 64-bit (build 1.8.0_45-b14) must also be installed. For the Configuration Utility to launch, the %DIVA_HOME% environment variable in the computer's operating system must be defined. This variable should match the absolute directory path to the JRE bin folder. For example %DIVA_HOME%\Java, where %DIVA_HOME% is the chosen DIVArchive installation directory).

You use the following command to launch the Configuration Utility in Windows:


You use the following commands to launch the Configuration Utility in Linux:

cd /home/diva/DIVA/Program/ConfigUtility/bin
sh configUtility.sh

DIVArchive Control GUI

You use the DIVArchive Control GUI to monitor, control, and supervise operations in DIVArchive. Several DIVArchive Control GUIs can be running and connected to the same DIVArchive system at the same time.

You use the either the Windows Start menu item, or one of the following commands to launch the Control GUI in Windows:


You use the following commands to launch the Control GUI in Linux:

cd /home/diva/DIVA/Program/GUI/bin
sh gui.sh

DIVArchive Backup Service


When using complex objects, it is strictly required that you use the DIVArchive Backup Service. Users should have an elevated awareness of error messages produced by the Backup Service.

The DIVArchive Backup Service ensures reliability and monitoring of both the Oracle database and metadata database backups. The DIVArchive Backup Service component is installed as an integral part of the standard DIVArchive system installation, and is typically installed on the same server as the DIVArchive Manager and Oracle database. The service enables configuration of scheduled backups through its configuration file, and manages and monitors the entire backup process.

The service generates both full and incremental database backups. Oracle database backups and metadata database backups are incrementally replicated to all remote backup systems. It is the only component backing up the metadata database and removing outdated metadata files. When you send a Delete request for a complex object and it is processed, the data is removed from the Oracle database, but the metadata database file is not deleted. It is removed by the Backup Service after the configured clean up period (define by the Recovery Period parameter) has been reached.


Do not change the metadata location parameter when the system is running.

The DIVArchive Backup Service periodically sends status messages to the DIVArchive Manager. The Manager saves all error messages received in the Manager Events Log, and also forwards messages to all connected Control GUI applications for display in a dialog box. If no Control GUIs are connected at the time of the error, no error dialog boxes will be displayed, but they are still written to the events log for later review.

The service also incorporates the ability to send emails of issues arising from the process of backing up both database files. DIVArchive must be configured to connect to an SMTP mail provider to take advantage of this feature. The email notifications are configured through the DIVArchive Configuration Utility under the Manager Setting tab. Identified issues are displayed on all connected GUI systems, saved to the Events log, and notification is delivered by email.

If a database or system failure occurs, where restoring from a system backup is necessary, restoration of a stored backup is accomplished manually through existing Oracle scripts. Oracle recommends this process be performed by Oracle Support personnel only. Contact Oracle Support for more information.

Oracle DIVArchive Avid Connectivity

Avid Connectivity with DIVArchive transfers archival data to and from DIVArchive in specific video formats and enables archiving and retrieval of single clips, or a sequence of clips. Avid Connectivity is no longer packaged with DIVArchive and is a separate installation process. Additional installation is required for certain plugins for both AMC and TMC.

All operations for the AM Communicator are performed from Avid Interplay, not DIVArchive. All TM Communicator archive operations are performed from Avid, while all restore and delete operations are performed from DIVArchive.

DIVArchive 7.6.1 includes support for the Avid Web Services API for Archive, Restore, and Partial File Restore of clips and sequences directly from Interplay. Also included is AMC support for Interplay 3.8 and TMC support for Interplay 3.7 and 3.8.

Certain DIVArchive API operations used in Avid Connectivity (such as GetByFilename and DeleteByFilename) are not currently supported for complex objects.

See the Oracle DIVArchive Avid Connectivity User's Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.6 Additional Features documentation library, or contact Oracle Support for more detailed information. Also see Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

DIVArchive Client API

The DIVArchive Client API is a set of documented functions enabling external applications, acting as clients, to use the services offered by the DIVArchive system.

A library of client functions is provided and must be linked to each DIVArchive client application. These functions encapsulate client commands into DIVArchive request messages sent over a TCP/IP connection to the DIVArchive Manager.

The getFilesAndFolders API call is called successively to get the complete file and folder list. Normally the first time the method is called the startIndex is set to 1. For successive calls, set the startIndex to the endIndex as returned from the previous call. After all requests have been returned, a call to this method will return an empty list.

Folders do not contain a checksum, but several checksums per file are provided if available including MD5, SHA1, and so on. The returned information will identify which of the checksums is the Genuine Checksum.

See the corresponding manuals in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.6 Additional Features documentation library for specifications and details on the use of each API. Various APIs are available as follows:

  • DIVArchive C++ API (compatible with DIVArchive 6.3 and later)

  • DIVArchive Java API

  • Oracle DIVA Enterprise Connect (Web Services API)

  • DIVArchive DIVAprotectWS API

DIVAS version 2.2 includes three WS API bundles and supports both SOAP and RESTful interfaces. The WS API uses connection pooling to enhance performance, and different API bundles can be started and used at the same time.

The included API bundles are as follows:

  • DIVArchive WS 6.5 API

  • DIVArchive WS 7.0 API

  • DIVArchive WS 7.1 API

  • DIVArchive WS 7.2 API

  • DIVArchive WS 7.3 API


The new release of the Web Services API is called Oracle DIVA Enterprise Connect. See the Oracle DIVA Enterprise Connect documentation library for information on installation, configuration, and operations.

Customer Information Collection Tool

The Customer Information Collection Tool is a utility feature used by Oracle Support and Development teams to collect information on the client's DIVArchive system to analyze and diagnose issues uncovered in the field. This utility is included in the DIVArchive delivery, but is only intended to be used by Oracle personnel.

The tool receives all customer information required for support investigations including log files, dump files, and client environment information. It receives information from all client sites in a uniform manner, and retains detailed client issue information with the originator's contact information. The tool also notifies the Oracle Development Team as soon as information is transferred to the development facility, where it is stored permanently for future issue resolution as necessary.

The CollectSysInfo.bat file enables you to collect the required information to send to the Oracle Support and Oracle Development teams for issue resolution. Execute the batch file using the following command and parameters:

%DIVA_HOME%\Program\Utilities\bin\CollectSysInfo.bat [parameter value]

For example:

%DIVA_HOME%\Program\Utilities\bin\CollectSysInfo.bat -EXMODULES VACP, AMCommunicator -AFTERDATE 09/25/2016 -MACHINES, -DBTYPE conf -CUST -CUSTOMER1

The main CollectSysInfo.bat command parameters are as follows:


Excludes the specified module from collection logs and configuration files. Using -EXMODULES ALL will exclude all of the modules and only collect the DIVArchive Oracle Database dump. The default is collecting all modules.


Collects logs only on or after the specified date. The default is collecting all available logs.

-MACHINES [IP:host_name,IP:host_name,and so on]

Collects the logs from any additional computers identified. Multiple host names are identified in a comma separated list. The default is to only collect logs for the current system where the script is running.


Collects a full DIVArchive Oracle Database dump, or just a configuration dump. The default is collecting a full database dump.


The name of the customer where the logs are collected. The customer name will be truncated if it is longer than 13 characters. There is no default value for this optional parameter. If it is not supplied as an argument the script will prompt you to enter the Customer Name during execution.

There are also several internal parameters for the script. Each of the internal parameters has a default value that can be overridden by specifying a custom value using the script options.


%DIVA_HOME%\Program\Utilities\bin\CollectSysInfo.bat -EXMODULES VACP, AMCommunicator -AFTERDATE 09/25/2016 -MACHINES, -DBTYPE conf -CUST CUSTOMER1 -DIVALOC C:\INSTALL\DIVA

The additional script parameters are as follows:


The DIVArchive installation path for all computers from where the script is collecting logs. The default value is %DIVA_HOME%.


The DIVArchive installation location if additional computers are specified using the -MACHINES parameter. The path set in this parameter must be shared within the network. The default value is \\RemoteSystem\C$\DIVA.


The location where the script will generate and output the .7z zip file. The default value is H:\.


The DIVArchive Oracle Database user name and its connection details.


The Cygwin installation path. The default value is C:\cygwin\bin.


The 7z zip tool installation path. The default value is C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe.


The temporary directory where the script copies the logs and configuration files. This folder is created automatically at the beginning of the script execution and subsequently deleted after the script completes execution. The script will fail execution if the path set in this parameter already exists. The default value is H:/supportinfo.

DIVArchive Drop Folder Monitor (DFM)

The DIVArchive Drop Folder Monitor (DFM) provides automatic monitoring of newly created files in up to 20 local or FTP folders (or combinations of the two). One (or multiple) files in FTP folders per DIVArchive object are supported. When a new file (or FTP folder) is identified, DFM issues an archive request automatically to DIVArchive to archive the new file or folders. After the files are successfully archived, they are automatically deleted from the source.

When using DFM in a Linux environment to monitor an FTP folder, it must be configured as follows (this is an example):

  • User: diva

  • User home directory: /ifs

  • Folder to be monitored: /ifs/folder1

  • Correct DFM configuration: ftp://diva:password@host_ip/folder1

  • Incorrect DFM configuration: ftp://diva:password@host_ip/ifs/folder1

The DFM Service can be started, stopped, and restarted using the operating system Services or the DFM command line utility on each host that is running a DFM installation. When the DFM Service starts, or restarts, DFM loads and validates the configuration file. If any configuration issues are detected, the process terminates and runs diagnostics.

If the configuration validation completes successfully, DFM begins scanning all of the configured Drop Folders, checks the status of all objects that were initialized before DFM was last shutdown, and updates the internal database with the current status of the objects. After all of these checks have completed DFM is in the Running state.

When DFM finds files in a configured Drop Folder, it updates the internal database and requests DIVArchive to archive all files found as new objects. To avoid repeated archive requests, DFM continuously updates the archive operations status in the internal database.

If DIVArchive requests fail, the DIVArchive Status Module informs the internal database about the failure. If the number of unsuccessful request attempts reaches a preconfigured number, the object status is changed to could not be archived and the object is marked as incomplete. DFM logs information about the incomplete files and calls the DFM File Manager Module to move them to the Trash folder.

If the request completes successfully, the internal database is updated by the DIVArchive Status Module. In the case of a File Set Object, DFM removes the Metadata File and the File Set folder.

DFM terminates upon execution of the shutdown script and stops all internal processes before all archive operations are complete. After all of the modules are stopped, all internal statuses on the disk are saved in the internal database before the DFM completes shutdown.

The DFM configuration file is %DIVA_HOME%\Program\conf\dfm\dfm.conf. Service logging is performed through the log file located in the %DIVA%\Program\log\dfm\ folder. The logging configuration is in the %DIVA%\Program\conf\dfm\dfm.trace file.

The dfm.bat file enables managing DFM from a command-line interface. Execute the batch file using the following command and parameters:

%DIVA_HOME%\Program\InterLink\dfm\bin\dfm.bat [command] [options]

Appending the -conf (or -f) option after one of the following commands specifies a specific configuration file to load settings from. The dfm.bat command parameters are as follows:

install (-i)

Installs the DFM module as a system service.

uninstall (-u)

Removes the DFM module service.


Starts the DFM module.


Stops the DFM module if it is running.


Stops and subsequently starts the DFM module.


Determines whether the service is running and displays the status.

version (-v)

Displays the release information and then exits.

help (-h)

Displays help information and then exits.

DIVArchive SNMP Agent

The DIVArchive Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Agent and Management Information Base (MIB) supports status and activity monitoring of DIVArchive and its subsystems to a third party monitoring application through the SNMP protocol.

The DIVArchive SNMP agent is integrated with the Windows SNMP Service, which starts automatically when the server is started. SNMP information from DIVArchive to a monitoring application is obtained through the DIVArchive SNMP Agent, which in turn establishes a connection to the Manager automatically when the Manager is started.


The DIVArchive SNMP Agent is not currently supported in the Linux environment.

You use the following procedure to configure the SNMP Service to monitor DIVArchive:

  1. Install the Microsoft SNMP Services on the computer where the DIVArchive Manager is installed (if not already installed).

    1. On your server, navigate to the Windows Key, then Administrative Tools, and then Server Manager.

    2. Click Manage, and then Add Roles and Features.

    3. Click Next on each of the first four screens.

    4. Verify the SNMP Services are listed.

    If the SNMP Service is not listed in the services window, use the following procedure to add the service:

    1. On your server, navigate to the Windows Key, then Administrative Tools, and then Server Manager.

    2. Click Manage, and then Add Roles and Features.

    3. When you get to the screen showing services that can be installed, select SNMP Service and click Add Feature.

    4. Click Next, and then Install.

    5. After installation is complete, return to the Windows Services screen and click Refresh to refresh the display. The SNMP Service should now be included in the services list.

  2. Stop the SNMP Service and SNMP Trap Service.

  3. Navigate to the DIVArchive SNMP installation folder.

  4. Confirm this folder contains the DIVAapi.dll file. If not, you can copy it from the API Visual Studio .Net Dynamic Release directory.

  5. Enter the correct DIVArchive Manager connection information in the config.txt.ini file.

    Also, set the POLLING_RATE to 60 (to poll for running requests every 60 seconds), and remove the .ini from the end of the file name when saving the edited file.

  6. Open the appropriate registry file and edit pathname so that it points to the DIVArchive SNMP path being used.

    For example, %DIVA_HOME%\Program\SNMP\bin\divasnmpagt.dll.

  7. Double-click the registry file that you just edited to install the SNMP registry keys.

  8. Start regedit and using the registry information in the registry file, navigate to each registry key and make sure the path in the registry is as displayed in the registry file.

  9. Open the SNMP Service properties and edit the following parameters:

    • On the Traps tab, enter public in the Community Name field and add the IP address of the computer where traps will be viewed (for example, the computer where the MIB browser is installed).

    • On the Security tab, confirm the Send authentication trap and Accept SNMP packets from any host checkboxes are selected.

    • In the Accepted community names field, add public with READ ONLY rights.

    • Click Apply.

  10. Start the SNMP service. Do not start the SNMP Trap service.

The SNMP Service can also be manipulated through the Windows command prompt as follows (typically the same host as that of the DIVArchive Manager):

  1. Open a Windows command prompt.

  2. To start the SNMP Service, enter net start "SNMP Service" at the command prompt. The quotation marks are required for services with spaces in their service name.

  3. To stop the SNMP Service, enter net stop "SNMP Service" at the command prompt. The quotation marks are required for services with spaces in their service name.

Oracle DIVArchive Storage Plan Manager (SPM)

The Oracle DIVArchive Storage Plan Manager (SPM) provides automatic migration and lifecycling of material within the archive based on the rules and policies defined in the SPM configuration. The SPM component is also used to trigger deletion of material from SPM managed arrays (based on disk space watermarks). See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

You can now change the status of SPM failed actions to Completed by right clicking the action and selecting Mark Action Completed from the context menu.

Normally SPM will retry a completed Copy action if the Once Only option is set to NO, and a user manually (or accidentally) deletes the instance that SPM copied before the Storage Slot expires. SPM will also normally retry a completed Delete action if a user manually (or accidentally) copies an instance to the Storage Slot medium after SPM deleted it.

Actions marked as complete by a user will never be retried by SPM. However, you can reschedule a user-completed action by right clicking it and selecting Reschedule Action from the context menu. The Mark Action Completed (by a user) option is only available using the administrator profile.

Using FTP is currently not recommended for complex objects or Partial File Restore requests if the complex object has more than three thousand files included.

Although FTP servers are supported as Sources/Destinations, the recommended practice (currently) is to use a local Source/Destination, CIFS, or local disk.

The current (validated) workaround for using complex objects with FTP servers is to slow down the FTP transfer rate of either the Source/Destination or the FTP server. However, slowing down the transfer rate decreases the performance and may also be incompatible with many workflows.

A case-sensitive FTP server is recommended for SPM metadata features.

SPM will retry failed Copy, Delete and Restore actions after the configured failed action retry interval as set in the SPM configuration file.

SPM supports disk cleaning based on the object's archived date. Previously, the SPM disk cleaning feature only supported cleaning based on an object's last access time and object size.

Actors in the Linux operating system do not support UNC paths for CIFS sources and destinations. However, you can define a local path to a mounted SMB share.

The service requires a successful connection to the DIVArchive Manager to start. Therefore, it must be started manually either through the Windows Services component or from the command line after the DIVArchive Manager is running.

Use the following commands to start the SPM Service from the command prompt:

  1. Open a Windows command prompt.

  2. To start the SPM Service, enter net start "DIVArchive SPM" at the command prompt. The quotation marks are required for services with spaces in their service name.

  3. To stop the SPM Service, enter net stop "DIVArchive SPM" at the command prompt. The quotation marks are required for services with spaces in their service name.

The SPMService.exe file enables managing SPM from the command-line interface. Execute the file using the following command and parameters:

%DIVA_HOME%\Program\SPM\bin\SPMService.exe command [options]

Appending the -conf (or -f) option after one of the following commands specifies a specific configuration file to load settings from. The SPMService.exe command parameters are as follows:

install (-i)

Installs the SPM module as a system service.

uninstall (-u)

Removes the SPM module service.

debug (-d)

Starts the SPM module in console mode.

version (-v)

Displays the release information and then exits.

help (-h)

Displays help information and then exits.

See the Oracle DIVArchive Storage Plan Manager (SPM) Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.6 Additional Features documentation library for detailed information.

DIVArchive VACP Converter

Video Archive Command Protocol (VACP) is a protocol developed by Harris Automation for interfacing to an archive system. DIVArchive has its own API for communicating with the DIVArchive Manager, which is not compatible with VACP.

To provide interoperability without the need to redevelop the archive interface at the automation level, this module is provided to act as an interface to convert VACP commands from the attached automation system to DIVArchive API commands.

The service requires a successful connection to the DIVArchive Manager to start. Therefore, it must be started manually either through the Windows Services component or from the command line after the DIVArchive Manager is running.

Use the following commands to start the VACP Service from the command prompt:

  1. Open a Windows command prompt.

  2. To start the VACP Service, enter net start "VACP Converter" at the command prompt. The quotation marks are required for services with spaces in their service name.

  3. To stop the VACP Service, enter net stop "VACP Converter" at the command prompt. The quotation marks are required for services with spaces in their service name.

The VACPService.exe file enables you to run the VACP Converter as a service. Execute the file using the following command and parameters:

%DIVA_HOME%\Program\VACP\VACPService.exe command [options]

Appending the -conf (or -f) option after one of the following commands specifies a specific configuration file to load settings from. The VACPService.exe command parameters are as follows:

install (-i)

Installs the VACP module as a system service.

uninstall (-u)

Removes the VACP module service.

debug (-d)

Starts the VACP module in console mode.

version (-v)

Displays the release information and then exits.

help (-h)

Displays help information and then exits.

Miscellaneous DIVArchive Utilities

DIVArchive includes various miscellaneous utilities, some of which are associated with the modules previously listed in this chapter. The included utilities are as follows:


Prints the current DIVArchive configuration. There are no command-line parameters.


This utility enables using command line orders to execute DIVArchive requests and operations.

%DIVA_HOME%\Program\Utilities\bin\GetVersion.exe [application_path]

Returns the release number for a specific application. The application_path is the valid path to the application being checked.


The Recover Damaged Tape Utility (RDTU) recovers object instances that reside on a damaged tape. The utility can recover instances that have valid copies on other available media (that is, internal tape or a connected disk array) within a local or remote DIVArchive system. There are no command line parameters. The settings and configurations are defined in the rdtu-conf.xml configuration file.