15. Virtual Account Code Creation

This chapter contains the following section:

15.1 Virtual Account Code Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

15.1.1 Maintaining Virtual Account Code

In the ‘Virtual Account Code Maintenance’ screen, different virtual account codes can be maintained. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDVIRPM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details in this screen:

Virtual Account Code

Specify the Virtual Account Code in this field.

Virtual Account Code Description

Specify the Virtual Account Code description in this field.

Inactive Days

Specify the number of days after which the virtual account linked with the virtual account code should become inactive if there is no credit activity in the account.

The following actions can be performed in this screen:

15.1.2 Viewing Virtual Account Code

You can view the summary of the virtual account codes created in the system. To invoke this screen type ‘STSVIRPM’ in the field on the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can query records on the basis of the following criteria:

Click the ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records that satisfies the specified criteria and displays the following details for each one of them: