32. Developer and Developer Project Maintenance

In Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can maintain details of the real-estate developer and developer projects. You can link the developers to loan accounts.

This chapter contains the following sections:

32.1 Developer Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

32.1.1 Maintaining Developer Details

You can maintain contact and project details of the developer in the ‘Developer Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CSDDEVDT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can specify the following details:

Developer Code

Specify the unique code of the developer.


Specify the address of the developer.


Specify the ZIP code of the developer.


Specify the code of the country to which the developer belongs. The adjoining option list displays all valid country codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Country Name

The system displays the corresponding country name based on the specified code of the country.

Developer Name

Specify the name of the developer.


Specify the telephone number of the developer.

Email ID

Specify the Email ID of the developer.


Specify the fax number that should be linked with the specified developer.


Specify the mobile number of the developer.


Specify the URL of the website linked to the developer.

32.1.2 Project Button

You can view the details of the projects linked to the developer by clicking ‘Project’ button in the ‘Developer Maintenance’ screen.

Here you can view the project names and descriptions that are linked to the specified developer.

32.1.3 Fields Button

You can view the UDF details by clicking ‘Fields’ button in the ‘Developer Maintenance’ screen.

Here you can view the field names and its value.

32.1.4 Viewing Developer Maintenance Summary

You can view the summary of developer maintenance in the ‘Developer Maintenance Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CSSDEVDT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In this screen, you can query based on any combination of the following fields:

After specifying the parameters for the query, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays all the records matching the parameters specified. You can view the following details:

32.2 Developer Project Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

32.2.1 Maintaining Developer Project Details

You can maintain the details of real estate development projects in the ‘Developer Project Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CSDDEVPR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can specify the following details:

Project Name

Specify the name of the project.

Project Description

Specify a brief description about the project.


Specify the address of the project location.


Specify the status of the project.

Developer Code

Specify the unique code of the developer. The adjoining option list displays all valid codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Unit Details

Specify the following details.

Unit ID

Specify the unit ID of the developer project.

Unit Holder Name

Specify the name of the unit holder of the developer project.

32.2.2 Fields Button

You can view the UDF details by clicking ‘Fields’ button in the ‘Developer Project Maintenance’ screen.

Here you can specify values for the UDF.

32.2.3 Viewing Developer Project Maintenance Summary

You can view the summary of developer project maintenance in the ‘Developer Project Maintenance Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CSSDEVPR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In this screen, you can query based on any combination of the following fields:

After specifying the parameters for the query, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays all the records matching the parameters specified. You can view the following details: