12. Implementation Sign-Off

12.1 The Sign-Off Procedure

After the Oracle FLEXCUBE system starts functioning smoothly in the branch and all outstanding issues have been addressed to the satisfaction of the branch staff, the system is ready to go live. At this stage, it is the responsibility of the Oracle Financial Services implementation team to prepare a DELIVERY DOCUMENT which addresses various topics that the Data Center Manager, Internal Control Unit Head and the Senior Branch Operations Officer of the branch must be aware of, in order to run the system smoothly thereafter.

The Oracle FLEXCUBE Delivery Document is the definitive specification of the complete Oracle FLEXCUBE system at the specific installation site.

This document will be the reference document that details the initial set-up of the branch Oracle FLEXCUBE and will be used by the Internal Control Head and the auditors of the branch to check the integrity of the system at any later date and check whether the system is being operated as per procedures laid down.

This document will be updated whenever any changes are made to the system. These changes include all program changes, upgradation to a new version of Oracle FLEXCUBE, any changes in basic parameters, products, product level parameters and procedure.

The Internal Control department following the instructions in the Control Manual can verify the system integrity using this document and subsequent release documents.

The contents of Delivery Document cover the entire software area of Oracle FLEXCUBE, Operating System and Third Party products.

This document contains the following:

A cover sheet specifying the branch at which installation has been carried out, date of installation and the names of all Oracle Financial Services implementation team members.

The specific hardware and software environments at the time of implementation sign-off giving details of the version of operating system, third-party software, Oracle FLEXCUBE software. Mention should also be made of the versions to which the branch can upgrade without having to cross-check with Oracle Financial Services (formerly i-flex).

A list of all volumes set up on the hard-disk, including their size and a full list of all directories and sub-directories created on the volumes.

A description of each sub-directory contents, including a statement of whether it contains programs, data files or a combination of both, which users have access rights to it, the types of accesses they have to the directories and their contents who is responsible for maintaining its contents, and who is responsible for checking software integrity.

For each sub-directory that contains Oracle FLEXCUBE programs, a complete list of all programs, together with their checksums. This report should give the checksums’ values at the time of software installation, as well as at the time of going live and highlight the changes that have been carried out.

For each sub-directory that contains data files, a list of files on the sub-directory, where this is possible, or else the naming convention of the files is to be given. The contents of the test /trial database should also be included.

The listings of Configfile log in scripts, REGEDIT. The user profiles under Oracle FLEXCUBE, as at the time of going live should also be included.

For workstations with hard disks, a list of software on the hard disk that is needed to run the Oracle FLEXCUBE system (e.g. Anti-virus software) should be listed.

The document must clearly spell out all the static set-up, basic parameter set-up, product level set-ups done during initial database design and input.

Special operational work-flow, procedures, work-around methodology, if any suggested, should be documented.

The document must also state all the contractual obligations that have been met like customization, training, documentation supplied and any other issues like meeting specific performance criteria etc. If any issues are pending, these must be mentioned along with probable dates of completion.

Details of Oracle Financial Services maintenance support details including the contact persons, telephone, telex, GTN and Fax details should be listed. The contact details for third-party software should also be given so that the branch can contact them directly, if required.

This document must be signed-off by the concerned branch officer (Data Center Manager / Internal Control Head / Senior Branch Operations Officer) and approved by the audit team of the branch. Copies of the document must be sent to Oracle Financial Services (formerly i-flex) office in Bangalore.