1. Preface

1.1 Introduction

Millionaire Certificate (MC) is a savings and investment opportunity which offers a maximum returns of 1000 times the investment value and at the same time the customer’s certificates are completely capital guaranteed and en-cashable at any point in time.

Oracle FLEXCUBE Millionaire Certificate module (MB) module helps you to facilitate MC/LMC transactions. This module provide features to issue, redeem, partially redeem, cancel and mark as lost or reissue certificates. Certificates can be bought by cash or cheque or credit card. Certificates can also be bought on lien by paying the interest amount.

1.2 Audience

This manual is intended for the following User/User Roles:



Back Office Trade Finance Department Clerks

Contract Input functions except Authorization.

Back Office Trade Finance Department Officers

Contract Authorization, maintenance of static data specific to this module.

Front end Trade Finance Product Man­agers

Product definition functions excluding authorization. Query functions.

End of Day Operators

End and beginning of day related processing functions

Bank’s Financial Con­troller/Trade Finance Department Manager

Branch level processing related setup for this module and Authorization of the same.

MIS Department Officers

Query/Report functions.

1.3 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

1.4 Organization

This Manual is organized into the following chapters:



Chapter 1

About this Manual gives information on the intended audience. It also lists the various chapters covered in this User Manual.

Chapter 2

Overview - Millionaire Certificates gives you an overview of the MB module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Chapter 3

Maintenances chapter elaborates on the required maintenance for enabling and using the Millionaire Certificates (MB) module of Ora­cle FLEXCUBE.

Chapter 4

Defining Product Attributes explains about defining the basic infor­mation such as associated accounting roles, events, branches/cus­tomers restrictions, charges, product preferences, MIS & UDF and so on specific to setting up MB product.

Chapter 5

Processing MB Contract details about Capturing and processing Contract details related to MB

Chapter 6

Payment elaborates upon the operations which can be performed using the function present as part of the Millionaire Certificate (MB) module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Chapter 7


Accounting Entries and Advices list the suggested accounting roles and events related to the MB module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Chapter 8

Function ID Glossary has alphabetical listing of Function/Screen ID's used in the module with page references for quick navigation.

1.5 Glossary of Icons

This User Manual may refer to all or some of the following icons.






Add row


Delete row


Option List

1.6 Related Documents

You may need to refer to any or all of the User Manuals while working on the MB module: