Mapping the User to the Groups

To map the user to PCD user groups:

1.      Login to IDCS using Tenant Administrator User credentials.

2.      Click Users and enter the name of the user in the Search box.

3.      Select the User.

4.      Click Groups.


5.      Click Assign and select the required users. Click OK.

The following message is displayed and the User is mapped to the Group.

All the business users can now login and access the OFS PCD Service UIs based on their entitlements.


The following are examples of user groups assigned to different users.

6.      DIHEXEC group is assigned to PCDVBE user to map the user with DIH application.

7.      UGPRMGRADMIN group is assigned to PCDVBE user to map the user with PCD application administration.

Any change to user group entitlements has to be managed on the OFS PCD Service Admin & Identity console. See the section User Roles and Actions in OFS PCD Admin Guide for details on how to map roles to user group.


The following screen shot is an example of user and group mapping. In this example, the user is mapped to the group Bank Administrator, which has access to all left-menu items.

The following is an example where the user is mapped to the group Relationship Manager, which has access to restricted left-menu items: