3 SCI Objects

Primitive Types

  • int - a 32-bit signed, two's complement integer value.

  • long - a 64-bit signed, two's complement integer value.

  • float - a 32-bit floating point number.

  • double - a 64-bit floating point number.

  • string - a text string of unicode characters.

  • boolean - true or false.

  • date - a representation of a date and time. The SOAP implementation is an xsd:dateTime. The dateTime is specified in the following form "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ" where:

    • YYYY indicates the year

    • MM indicates the month

    • DD indicates the day

    • T indicates the start of the required time section

    • hh indicates the hour

    • mm indicates the minute

    • ss indicates the second

    • (optional) adding a Z behind the time indicates UTC timezone. All times on the library are in UTC by default.

    A sample dateTime would be "2016-10-31T15:30:10Z". Details are language-specific once the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) has been transformed into a specific language.

Lists and Sets

Some data transfer object (DTO) attributes are lists. These are documented as "list of <something>" where <something> is a primitive type or DTO type. For example, if the WSDL is translated into Java, these attributes become java List objects. Other languages will result in a similar, but language specific, translation.

Some input values allow a set of values. Sets are similar to lists, but are unordered.


SCI uses MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) when uploading or downloading files. For methods that upload or download content, the client must provide a "DataHandler" that performs the client side actions.

Downloading means transferring a file, such as a log file, from the library to the machine where the SCI client is running. The DataHandler receives the data from the library and must store it locally. Methods that download data will return a DataHandler object. The caller must then get an input stream from the returned data handler. The caller then loops, reading data from the input stream constructed from the Data Handler and writing the read data to the desired location.

Uploading means transferring a file to the library, such as for a firmware upgrade. The DataHandler reads the file from a location that is accessible on the machine where the SCI client is running and sends the contents. Methods that upload data require that the caller construct a DataHandler and pass this into the upload call. Typically this data handler would be associated with the file that is to be read. The library will then use the DataHandler to read the contents of the file.

The details of the DataHandler are language specific. Java provides an implementation for a DataHandler. The Java DataHandler can be constructed with a DataSource. A DataSource can be used to read and write files, which is the appropriate usage of MTOM for these SCI methods. A DataSource requires an InputStream or OutputStream. A client must open the input or output file as a FileInputStream or FileOutputStream. The InputStream or OutputStream is then used to create a DataSource which is in turn used to create the DataHandler that is an input to the methods that transfer files.

Subclass of an Object

Some object classes are subclasses of other object classes. This means all elements in the base object are included. For instance, if TigerDto is a subclass of the base WildAnimalDto, then TigerDto will contain all the attributes from WildAnimalDto, plus new attributes unique to TigerDto.

Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)

Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) are objects returned by SCI methods and sent by OSCI methods. These translate into language-specific classes when the WSDL files are processed. Data Transfer Objects, unlike true object oriented objects, contain only data elements. They do not provide any behavior methods.

Requests, Jobs, and Resources Objects


RequestDtos record library requests which most commonly come from the GUI, SCI, and SCSI interfaces. However, the library may also create requests internally, in particular when detecting a hardware problem.

  • long requestId - unique identifier for the request.

  • date createDateTime - date/time stamp when the request was created.

  • string parameters - a string representation of the request inputs.

  • RequestSource source - the interface that created the request.

  • RequestStatus status - current status of the request.

  • JobDto jobs - a list of zero or more JobDtos that were created to perform the request. Not all requests result in jobs.

  • RequestErrorDto error - an object that contains more detailed information about the outcome of the request for failed requests.

  • RequestOutputMessageDto outputMessages - a list of raw messages produced by the request. You can retrieve a localized, string version of these messages using getLocalizedRequestMessages().


Included in a RequestDto. RequestErrorDto provides details about errors encountered while executing the request.

Only consider the request error object final if the state of the request is "Failed". During execution, a request may encounter recoverable errors that will be reflected in the request error if the state of the request is "Active". The request error will not apply if the state of the request is "Submitted", "Complete", or "Cancelled".


Included in a RequestDto. RequestOutputMessageDto contains raw data for each message produced as the library processes the request. You can retrieve a human consumable version of the messages with getLocalizedRequestMessages(). However, a program may find the raw messages useful.

  • long requestOutputMessageId - a unique internal identifier for each request output message.

  • date createDateTime - date/time stamp when the message was created.

  • string messageKey - identifies the message. Used to look up the localized message format strings.

  • string outputParameters list - an array of zero or more parameters associated with the message. To create the localized version, parameter values are substituted into the message format string.


Requests may result in the creation of jobs. Jobs are individual tasks inside the library. Jobs typically either interact with devices or create child jobs.

  • long jobId - unique id for the job.

  • date createDateTime - date/time stamp when the job was created.

  • date startDateTime - date/time stamp when the job was started executing.

  • date completedDateTime - date/time stamp when the job was completed.

  • JobStateType jobState - an enumeration showing the current state of the job.

  • JobType jobType - an enumeration showing the type of the job.

  • JobParameter jobParameter - a list of key/value pairs that are the parameters used by the job.

  • long parentJobId - job id of the parent job, if any.

  • JobDto childJobs - a list of child jobs of this job, if any.

  • long requestId - unique id of the request that created (directly or indirectly) this job.

  • boolean markedForCancellation - true if a request has been made to cancel the job and the cancellation is in progress.

  • ResourceDto resources - a list of resources needed or used by the job. Once a job completes this shows the specific devices, cells, or rail segments used by the job.


Most jobs have parameters that control what the job does. The JobParameter DTO contains one parameter. These are name/value pairs.

  • string key - name of the parameter.

  • string value - value of the parameter.


As jobs execute, they use resources in the library. This can include devices and segments of a rail or cells. In the JobDto, the resources attribute is a list of ResourceDtos. The actual objects will be one of three specific object types:

In object-oriented terms, these are subclasses of ResourceDto. The list of resources will never contain a ResourceDto object. It will only contain objects of the three subtypes.

  • ResourceType type - the type of resource.

  • long jobId - job ID for the job using this resource.

  • ResourceState state - current state of this resource.

  • ResourceName name - name for the resource in the context of its job.

  • date allocatedDateTime - date/time stamp when the resource was allocated.

  • date freedDateTime - date/time stamp when the resource was freed.


Represents the use of a cell by a job.

  • long cellID - unique ID of the cell used by the job.


Represents a device used by a job.

  • long deviceId - unique ID of the device used by the job.

  • DeviceType deviceType - enumeration for the type of device.


Represents a portion of the rail used by a job.

  • long railNumber - unique ID for the rail.

  • int startMil - mil (one thousandth of an inch) position of the start of the rail segment, as measured from the left-most position a robot can occupy on the rail.

  • int endMil - mil (on thousandth of an inch) position of the end of the rail segment, as measured from the left-most position a robot can occupy on the rail.


Records the resources used after a job completes. You can use this data to analyze the usage of resources over time. The library stores this data for seven days after the job that used the resource completes.

  • long jobId - id of the job that used this resource

  • JobType jobType - type of the job that used this resource

  • long parentJobId - job id of the parent job of the job that used this resource

  • long requestId - request id of the request that resulted in the job that used this resource.

  • ResourceName name - An internal name for this resource, as defined by the job.

  • ResourceType type - Type of this resource (CELL, DEVICE, or RAIL_SEGMENT).

  • ResourceState state - Current state of this resource. Can be NEEDED (the job needs this resource and has not yet been able to allocate it), ALLOCATED (the job has allocated this resource), or COMPLETE (the job is finished with this resource).

  • date allocatedDateTime - Date and time when the resource was allocated.

  • date freedDateTime - Date and time when the job was finished with the resource and it was freed.


Represents a portion of the rail used by a job. RailSegmentResourceDto provides information about the resource used for an active job. RailSegmentResourceUsageDto is used for historical data after jobs have completed.

  • long railNumber - unique ID for the rail.

  • int startMil - mil (one thousandth of an inch) position of the start of the rail segment, as measured from the left-most position a robot can occupy on the rail.

  • int endMil - mil (on thousandth of an inch) position of the end of the rail segment, as measured from the left-most position a robot can occupy on the rail.

  • int sourceMilPosition - mil (one thousandth of an inch) position of the starting point of the robot when performing the move.

  • int targetMilPosition - mil (one thousandth of an inch) position of the ending point of the robot when performing the move.

  • int safeColumn - column number where the robot can safely swing the wrist.

Library Objects


  • boolean ready - TRUE means the library has completed the initial audit that may occur during startup.

  • string name - string name for the library complex.

  • string currentLibraryTime - current library time as a string.

  • TimeSettingsDto timeSettings - library complex time settings.

  • ControlState controlState - current user-controlled control state for the library complex.

  • LibraryComplexStateType operationalState - Current operational (functional) state of the library complex.

  • DoorStateDto doorState - Current state of the library doors.

  • LibraryComplexCountsDto counts - Counts of various objects within the library.

  • boolean suppressHasBeenOpened - TRUE indicates the library will not audit after a restart if the door has been opened. This value affects only the next power cycle for the library. After powering up, it will be set back to FALSE. When selecting TRUE, you must guarantee the contents of the cells and drives will not be modified while the library is powered off, even if doors are opened. This setting applies only to the next library startup.

  • boolean checkLibraryConfiguration - TRUE indicates the library should scan the module id blocks on the next power up. This value affects only the next power cycle for the library. After powering up, it will be set back to FALSE.

  • boolean redundantFcPortsEnabled - TRUE indicates that the second FC port on each controller card is enabled. This feature requires the Redundant FC HWAF or the Redundant Ethernet HWAF.

  • boolean redundantEthernetPortsEnabled - TRUE indicates the second customer network Ethernet port on each controller card is enabled. This feature requires the Redundant Ethernet HWAF Redundant FC HWAF.

  • boolean redundantControllersEnabled - TRUE indicates the second LOC controller card is enabled.

  • boolean redundantRoboticsEnabled - TRUE indicates the library has dual robots.

  • boolean partitioningEnabled - TRUE indicates the library can have more than one partition and multiple CAP pools.

  • int licensedCapacity - the total number of cells allowed by all installed Capacity HWAFs. This is adjusted by adding or removing capacity HWAFs.

  • long auditRequestId - If an audit is in progress, this is the request id for that audit. Use getRequest() for details about the audit.

  • LabelWindowing labelWindowing - the presentation of cartridge label volsers to the client. This setting is obsolete and replaced by the partition setting of the same name.


  • int libraryCount - number of libraries in the complex. For SL4000, this is always 1.

  • int partitionCount - number of partitions defined in the library complex.

  • int deviceCount - number of devices in the library complex. This is a total count that includes all nested devices that are inside modules and other devices.

  • int driveCount - number of drives in the library complex. Same as the number of drive trays in the library complex.

  • int cellCount - number of cells of all types (storage, drives, CAPs, and so on).

  • int storageCellCount - number of storage cells (application-accessible cells that can hold cartridges).

  • int systemCellCount - number of system cells. These are cells reserved for internal use by the library and are not usable by external applications.

  • int capCellCount - number of CAP cells.

  • int driveBayCount - number of drive bays in the library complex, whether they contain a drive tray or not.

  • int cartridgeCount - number of cartridges in the library complex.

  • int failedDeviceCount - number of devices that are in a failed state.

  • int failedRailCount - number of rails that are in a failed state.

  • int degradedRailCount - number of rails that are in a degraded state.

  • int robotCount - number of robots in the library.

  • int slotCount - number of slots in the library complex. This is a total count that includes all nested slots that are inside modules and other devices.

  • int moduleCount - number of modules in the library complex.

  • int diagnosticsCartridgeCount - number of diagnostic cartridges in the library complex that are in system cells.

  • int cleaningCartridgeCount - number of cleaning cartridges in the library complex that are in system cells. Cleaning cartridges in storage cells are managed by applications and are not included in this count.


  • long libraryId - the unique database identifier for the library.

  • string name - string name for the library.

  • int number - always 1 for SL4000 libraries.

  • LibraryIdentityDto identity - identity information for the library.

  • CardCageIdentityDto cardCageIdentity - identity information for the card cage.

  • LibraryFirmwareDto activeFirmware - information about the version of firmware that is currently running on the library.

  • LibraryFirmwareDto oldFirmware - information about the version of firmware that was previously running on the library. The version is still present on the library and the library can be rolled back to this version.

  • LibraryFirmwareDto newFirmware - information about the version of firmware that has been installed but is not currently running on the library. This version can be activated and the library will begin running this new version.

  • ControlState controlState - current user-controlled control state for the library.

  • LibraryStateType operationalState - current operational (functional) state of the library.

  • long wwnSeed - WWN seed value for the library. Used to assign WWNs to FC ports on the library and tape drives.

  • long originalWwnSeed - WWN seed value for libraries that have been upgraded from SL3000 to SL4000 libraries. For upgraded libraries, this is used for the base and first drive module to the left of the base. For upgraded libraries, any other drive module will have WWNs assigned using the wwnSeed value.

  • long fcNodeName - WWNN for the library.

  • RailDto rails - list of information about the rails.

  • LibraryCountsDto counts - count information for objects in the library.

  • long AuditRequestId - if an audit is in progress for the library, this is the request ID for that audit.

  • LibraryProductionState libraryProductionState - production state for the library. Normally, "Production" is when the library has been installed at a customer site.

  • RedStackInfoDto redStackInfo - the version information for the Oracle Red Stack components used in the software.


  • string marketingPartNumber - marketing part number for the library

  • string systemRevision - revision level for the library.

  • string systemSerialNumber - serial number of the library.

  • string systemModelName - description of the library on the bill of materials.

  • string manufacturingPartNumber - manufacturing part number for the library.

  • string qPartNumber - part number used for some service functions.

  • string vendorId - vendor name for this part.


  • string cardCagePartNumber - manufacturing part number for the base card cage.

  • string cardCageRevision - revision level for the base card cage.

  • string cardCageSerialNumber - serial number of the base card cage.

  • string cardCageModelName - description of the base card cage on the bill of materials.


  • int deviceCount - number of devices in the library complex. This is a total count that includes all nested devices that are inside modules and other devices.

  • int driveCount - number of drives in the library complex. Same as the number of drive trays in the library complex.

  • int cellCount - number of cells of all types.

  • int storageCellCount - number of storage cells (application-accessible cells that can hold cartridges).

  • int systemCellCount - number of system cells. These are cells reserved for internal use by the library and are not usable by external applications.

  • int capCellCount - number of CAP cells.

  • int driveBayCount - number of drive bays in the library complex, whether they contain a drive tray or not.

  • int cartridgeCount - number of cartridges in the library complex.

  • int failedDeviceCount - number of devices that are in a failed state.

  • int failedRailCount - number of rails that are in a failed state.

  • int degradedRailCount - number of rails that are in a degraded state.

  • int robotCount - number of robots in the library.

  • int slotCount - number of slots in the library complex. This is a total count that includes all nested slots that are inside modules and other devices.


Version information about the Oracle software components used internally by the library.

  • string webLogicAppServerVersion

  • string oracleClusterwareVersion

  • string oracleAdfVersion

  • string databaseServerVersion

  • string databaseDriverVersion

  • string libraryOsVersion

  • string javaRuntimeVersion


The SL4000 consists of modules that are attached together to form a library. At minimum, a library has a base module. It can also have Access Modules, Drive Modules, Cartridge Modules, and Parking Modules.

  • long moduleId - unique ID for the module.

  • int moduleNumber - the module number used to identify the module that contains this slot. The base module has a module number of 0. Modules to the left of the base (when viewed from the front of the library) have negative values, starting at -1 for the module immediately to the left of the base. Modules to the right of the base have positive numbers, starting with 1 for the module immediately to the right of the base.

  • ModuleCountsDto moduleCounts - counts of various objects in the module.

  • ModuleType type - module type for this module.


  • long ModuleId - unique ID for the module

  • int deviceCount - total number of devices in the module.

  • int driveCount - number of drives in the module.

  • int cellCount - total number of cells in the module.

  • int storageCellCount - number of storage cells.

  • int capCellCount - number of CAP cells.

  • int driveBayCount - number of drive bays.

  • int cartridgeCount - number of cartridges.

  • int failedDeviceCount - number of devices in a failed operational state.


  • long railId - unique ID for the rail.

  • int railNumber - number of the rail within the library.

  • RailCountsDto railCounts - counts of various objects associated with the rail.

  • long AuditRequestId - if an audit is in progress for the library, this is the request ID for that audit.

  • int sweptLengthMils - The actual value measured by the robots for the usableLengthMils. This value will vary slightly from usableLengthMils due to manufacturing tolerances.

  • int usableLengthMils - Nominal length of the rail in mils (thousandths of an inch). This is the distance from the left-most position a robot can occupy on the rail to the right-most position a robot can occupy.


  • int deviceCount - number of devices associated with the rail. This is a total count that includes all nested devices.

  • int driveCount - number of drives in the library complex. Same as the number of drive trays in the library complex.

  • int cellCount - number of cells of all types.

  • int storageCellCount - number of storage cells (client-accessible cells that can hold cartridges).

  • int capCellCount - number of CAP cells.

  • int driveBayCount - number of drive bays accessible on this rail, whether they contain a drive tray or not.

  • int cartridgeCount - number of cartridges accessible on this rail.

  • int failedDeviceCount - number of devices that are in a failed state.


A cell object represents a location inside the library that can hold a cartridge.

  • long cellId - unique ID for each cell.

  • CellType type - the type of cell.

  • boolean allocated - true if the cell is currently allocated to a job.

  • CellState state - physical state of the cell. PRESENT means the cell is physically present and a robot can put or get a cartridge. NOT_PRESENT means it is not physically present, such as a CAP cell when the CAP is open. UNKNOWN means the state cannot be determined at this time.

  • CellContentsState contentsState - contents state of the cartridge in this cell, if any.

  • CartridgeDto cartridge - information about the cartridge in this cell, if any.

  • CellAddressDto address - address for this cell.

  • long deviceId - the unique ID of the device that contains this cell.

  • long partitionId - the unique ID of the partition that owns this cell.

  • long libraryId - the unique ID of the library that contains this cell.

  • int scsiElementId - for cells that belong to partitions with SCSI enabled, this is the SCSI element ID assigned to the cell. These are unique within a partition, but duplicates will appear across multiple partitions.

  • string addressAsString - text string of the form L,R,C,S,R (library, rail, column, side, row).


A cell address object is a physical address of a cell in the library. For more information on addressing, see the SL4000 Library Guide.

  • int libraryNumber - library number for this cell. This is always 1 for SL4000 libraries.

  • int columnNumber - column number for this cell.

  • int railNumber - rail number for this cell. This is always 1 for SL4000 libraries.

  • int sideNumber - side number for this cell. For SL4000 libraries, 1 = back wall and 2 = front wall.

  • int rowNumber - row number for this cell.


A slot is a physical location inside a module or device that can hold a device. A slot might or might not actually contain a device.

  • long slotId - ID for the slot. Unique for all slots in a library complex.

  • int slotNumber - number for this slot. Unique for all slots within a module that can hold the same type of device.

  • long moduleId - unique database identifier for the module that contains this slot.

  • int moduleNumber - the number used to identify the module that contains this slot. The base module has a module number of 0. Modules to the left of the base (when viewed from the front of the library) have negative values, starting at -1 for the module immediately to the left of the base. Modules to the right of the base have positive numbers, starting with 1 for the module immediately to the right of the base.

  • long libraryId - this is null for SL4000 libraries.

  • int libraryNumber - this is null for SL4000 libraries.

  • long parentDeviceId - for slots inside devices, this is the unique Device ID for the containing device. For slots located directly within a module, this is null.

  • ComponentLocationState controlState - a state that controls whether or not a device inserted into this slot is automatically brought online.

  • DeviceType slotDeviceType - type of device this slot can contain.

  • DeviceDto containedDevice - DeviceDto for the device in the slot, if any.

  • string locationName - name of the slot location.


The DoorState object provide the states of the doors.

  • boolean demDoorOpen - TRUE indicates the DEM door is open. Only one value is available, even if there are multiple DEMs in the library.

  • boolean leftAemDoorOpen - TRUE indicates the left AEM door is open.

  • boolean rightAemDoorOpen - TRUE indicates the right AEM door is open.

  • boolean baseDoorOpen - TRUE indicates the Base door is open.

  • boolean leftAemSafetyDoorOpen - TRUE indicates left AEM safety door is open.

  • boolean rightAemSafetyDoorOpen - TRUE indicates right AEM safety door is open

  • DoorState leftAemSafetyDoor - indicates the left AEM safety door status.

  • DoorState rightAemSafetyDoor - indicates the right AEM safety door status.


  • long partitionId - unique ID for this partition.

  • string name - user-assigned name for the partition.

  • string group - name of the user group to which the partition belongs.

  • PartitionStateType operationalState - provides the current operational state of the partition. INOPERATIVE indicates a failure has left this partition unusable.

  • ControlState controlState - current user-defined control state of the partition. When OFFLINE, a partition will reject all host commands that cause robotic actions.

  • long capPoolId - unique ID of the CAP pool assigned to this partition. Use with getCapPool() to get details of the CAP pool. Use getPartitionCaps() to get the list of CAPs for the partition.

  • FastLoadType fastload - controls when SCSI Move Medium commands return:

    • IMMEDIATE: the command returns as soon as it has been validated. Not currently supported.

    • FAST: the command returns as soon as the cartridge has been loaded into the drive. The drive may not be ready at that time.

    • NORMAL: the command waits for the drive to thread the tape and become ready before returning.

  • boolean driveSerialNumberSpoofing - controls whether tape drive serial numbers are "spoofed". TRUE returns the first 10 digits of the drive tray serial number. FALSE returns the drive manufacturer's serial number. This only applies to LTO drives. T10000 drives do not support spoofing.

  • LabelWindowing labelWindowing - controls which characters of the barcode are presented to clients.

  • boolean autoCleaning - TRUE means the library will sense when drives in the partition need cleaning, and will automatically mount, run, and then dismount a cleaning cartridge (from the system cells) before the next mount. FALSE means the host software must manage drive cleaning.

  • boolean scsiAllowed - TRUE indicates the partition can be accessed as a SCSI Medium changer device. If TRUE, SCI commands that move cartridges will be rejected. If FALSE the partition is not exposed as a SCSI medium changer LUN and only SCI commands can be used to move cartridges.

  • PartitionCountsDto partitionCounts - counts of the various objects in the partition.

  • string scsiPartitionCode - A two character code assigned to each partition. This is combined with the library serial number so that each partition has a unique serial number in the response to INQUIRY commands.

  • boolean PartitionMediaValidationDrivePool - TRUE indicates that the partition is the media validation partition.


  • int cellCount - total number of cells of all types.

  • int storageCellCount - total number of storage cells (client-accessible cells that can hold cartridges).

  • int capCellCount - total number of CAP cells.

  • int cartridgeCount - total number of cartridges in the partition.

  • int driveCount - total number of drives in the partition.

  • int driveBayCount - total number of drive bays.


  • long wwnn - wwnn for the SCSI host.

  • long wwpn - wwpn for the SCSI host.

  • long abortFlag - the value of the abortFlag for the SCSI host.

  • string name - a text name for the host, supplied by the user.

  • ScsiHostState scsiHostState - the state of the SCSI host.

  • long lunIds - list of IDs for the corresponding logical units.


  • long scsiHostID - ID of the SCSI host that participates in this nexus.

  • long partitionId - ID of the partition that participates in this nexus.

  • int lunNumber - Logical Unit Number for this nexus.

  • string source - AUTOMATIC means this SCSI Logical Unit was added automatically by the library. USER means it was explicitly added by a user through the GUI.

  • boolean enabled - if TRUE, commands are allowed using this SCSI logical unit. If FALSE, commands are blocked. It is set to FALSE by configuring access using the GUI.


Time settings define how the clocks are set on the library complex. You can explicitly set the date and time or use an NTP server (external to the library).

  • string ntpServers - NTP servers, in string format.

  • boolean ntpEnabled - true if NTP has been configured.

  • boolean forceEnabled - reserved for future use. This parameter is not currently used.

  • date currentTime - current time on the library when this DTO was created.

Tape Cartridge Objects


A cartridge object represents a tape cartridge. Because the library cannot definitively identify cartridges, a cartridge object does not have unique IDs common in other objects.

  • string volser - if the contents state is readable, this is the volser derived from the rawLabel.

  • string rawLabel - full data read from the barcode label.

  • CartridgeTypeDto detailedType - contains information about the type of cartridge (make, model, size, and so on).

  • boolean diagnostic - TRUE indicates this is a diagnostic cartridge. Volsers for diagnostic cartridges start with "DG".

  • long cellId - unique ID of the cell that contains this cartridge.

  • long partitionId - unique ID of the partition that contains this cartridge.

  • long lostCartridgeId - a unique ID valid only for lost cartridges. This attribute will be populated only in the output from the getLostCartridges() method.


  • long cartridgeTypeId - unique ID for this cartridge type.

  • string family - family for the cartridge: T10000 or LTO.

  • string generation - generation for the cartridge. For LTO, this starts with 1 for the first generation. For T10000, this starts with A. The value of 0 is used for some cleaning cartridges.

  • int capacity - native (uncompressed) capacity of the cartridge in GB.

  • string domainCode - the domain code.

  • string typeCode - the type code.

  • boolean cleaning - TRUE indicates the cartridge is a cleaning cartridge.

  • boolean worm - TRUE indicates the cartridge is a WORM (write once, read many) cartridge.

  • string descriptiveName - name for the media type.

  • MediumType mediumType - the type of cartridge: DATA or CLEANING.

  • int recommendedMaximumUsage - manufacturer's recommendation for maximum number of uses.

  • int warningThreshold - user-specified warning threshold. The cartridge is considered expired after this number of uses.


  • int cleanCount - number of times the cartridge has been used for cleaning

Network Objects


This object holds settings associated with FC ports on drives. These settings are only meaningful on an arbitrated loop configuration.

  • boolean hardAssignedPhysicalAddress - TRUE if the port is set to use a specific physical address (an ArbitratedLoopAddress must be specified). If FALSE, you should set the SoftAssignedPhysicalAddress attribute.

  • int arbitratedLoopAddress - a specific loop ID value from 0 to 125.

  • string softAssignedPhysicalAddress - Used when hardAssignedPhysicalAddress is FALSE, the drive will seek a physical address. HI means addresses are searched in descending order. LO means the addresses are searched in ascending order.

  • FcPortState fcPortState - state of the FC port.


  • string defaultGateway - IP address of the first router connected to this interface.

  • string ipAddress - IP Address value.

  • IpAddressType ipAddressType - IPv4 or IPv6.

  • string netmask - netmask for IPv4 IP addresses.

  • int prefixLength - prefix length for IP v6 addresses.


Contains internal network information for devices inside the library. These addresses are internal to the library and are not visible through any of the external interfaces.

  • string name - This field is not used.

  • string host - IP address of the device.

  • string port - port number used to communicate to the device.

  • List of string webServiceUri - URI for the device's web service interface.



Network switch ports represent a port on a switch chip on a card connecting to another device. The names used for these measurement points identify the device on the other end of the connection. This is a subclass of MeasurementDto and adds the following attributes:

  • int portSpeed - network speed in Mbps

  • int txOctets - total number of good bytes of data transmitted by a port

  • int txDroppedPackets - number of packet dropped by a port (incremented only if not counted by either the TxLateCollision or the TxExcessiveCollision counters)

  • int txCollisions - number of collisions experienced by a port during packet transmissions

  • int txPausePackets - number of pause events on a port

  • int rxOctets - number of bytes of data received by a port (including bad packets).

  • int rxDroppedPackets - number of good packets received by a port that were dropped due to lack of resources (incremented only if the receive error was not counted by the RxAlignmentErrors or the RxFCSErrors counters).

  • int rxPausePackets - number of pause frames received by a port.

  • int rxAlignmentErrors - number of packets received by a port that have a length between 64 and standard max frame size and a bad FCS with a non-integral number of bytes.

  • int rxFcsErrors - The number of packets received by a port that have a length between 64 and standard max frame size and a bad FCS with an integral number of bytes.

  • int rxSymbolErrors - The total number of times a valid length packet was received at a port and at least one invalid data symbol was detected. Counter increments only once per carrier event and does not increment on detection of collision during the carrier event.



  • list of string traceHops - output of the traceroute command for each router along the route to the target of the traceroute command.

Device Objects

Device objects relate to the hardware components of the library.


Devices are hardware components within the library. These are represented by a hierarchy of classes of objects. "Device" itself is the most generic, and contains information that applies to all devices. Various subclasses are used for device types that have additional data. The more specific classes extend the Device object and add additional attributes for the specific device type. Methods such as "getDevices(Library ID)" return a list of DeviceDto while methods such as "getRobots(Library ID)" will return a list of more specific RobotDtos. The getDevice(deviceId) method returns a DeviceDto while getRobot(deviceId) will return a RobotDto.

  • long deviceId - unique integer ID for each device. Used on many methods to uniquely identify a device.

  • long parentDeviceId - unique id for the parent device. The parent device is the device that physically contains this device.

  • DeviceType parentType - enumeration specifying the type of the parent device.

  • string name - text name for this device.

  • DeviceIdentityDto manufacturingCardIdentity - DeviceIdentityDto data for the bare card. This data is assigned when the card is manufactured.

  • DeviceIdentityDto manufacturingFRUIdentity - FRU level DeviceIdentityDto data for this device. This data is assigned when the card is manufactured into a FRU or other type of higher level assembly. In some cases, FRUs are only a single board and this data will be the same as the manufacturingCardIdentity.

  • DeviceIdentityDto marketingIdentity - Marketing level DeviceIdentityDto data for this device. Used by service to identify the correct replacement part. Assigned when the FRU is manufactured. All parts with the same marketing part number are compatible even if the manufacturing part number is different. .

  • DeviceType type - enumeration specifying the type of the device.

  • FruType fieldReplaceableUnitType - the service category for this device.

  • long moduleId - unique identifier for the module the device is in.

  • long moduleNumber - module number of the module containing the device.

  • long libraryId - unique identifier for the library in a library complex that contains the device.

  • long slotId - Identifier for the slot in the module containing the device.

  • long slotNumber - slot number of the slot containing the device.

  • TopLevelDeviceStateType topLevelDeviceOperationalState - summary device state. This field summarizes the operationalState field into few higher level states.

  • DeviceStateType operationalState - detailed device state. This field provides detailed, device type-specific operational state information for the device.

  • ControlState controlState - current user-defined control state of the device.

  • boolean hotSwap - TRUE indicates the device can be hot-swapped.

  • IpAddressDto ipAddress - internal IP address for the device.

  • LedDto leds - list of LedDto for the LEDs on this device. If this device has no LEDs, the list will be empty.


A DeviceIdentityDto contains information that identifies a device. This information is a combination of a serial number (defined when the device is manufactured) and additional information (part number, revision, and description) that is defined when the part is designed.

Many parts contain a FRUID Storage Container chip that holds this information. Some FRUID Storage Containers contain information about multiple devices. The LOD card and the LOID card in a drive tray, for example, contain the identity information for both the individual card and for the drive tray. Some third party components, such as tape drives, encryption cards, and web cameras, also have this identification information. Where possible, the library controller will retrieve this information and include it in this object. Some components do not have this information, including rails, power buses, PDUs, and power supplies.

  • string partSerialNumber - serial number of the individual component.

  • string partNumber - manufacturing part number for individual component.

  • string partRevision - revision level for the individual component.

  • string partDescription - description of the individual component on the bill of materials.

  • long deviceId - unique integer ID for each device. Used on many methods to uniquely identify a device.

  • DeviceType deviceType - the type of device.



  • long deviceId - device ID of the device being pinged (from input to the pingDevice method).

  • DeviceType deviceType - type of device that was pinged.

  • ControlState deviceControlState - current control state of the device that was pinged.

  • DeviceStateType deviceOperationalState - current operational state of the device that as pinged.

  • boolean devicePinged - TRUE if the device was successfully pinged.

  • string errorMessage - error message if the ping was unsuccessful.


The FruIdDto contains data from the FRUID storage containers present on active cards. These are EEPROMs (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) which are programmed during manufacturing with serial numbers, part numbers and other data that uniquely identifies active boards and assemblies that contain active boards. An active board is a board that has active electronic components as opposed to a passive board which contains only non-active components, usually just connectors. The EEPROM is divided into "segments" which then contain one or more "records". Records contain individual fields. The segments used in the SL4000 are named "SD" and "FL", but these names have no particular meaning.

Each device which has a FRUID chip has five unique identity records. These five records can record unique data:

  • Base Part Identity - identity data about an individual board. Located in the SD segment.

  • FRU Identity - identity data about the assembly that contains the board. In some cases, the same as the base part identity data.

  • Configured Item Identity - Contains "marketing" identity data about a FRU. Parts will the same marketing identity are fully compatible, even if the FRU or Base Part data differs.

  • System Identity Data - data for the last library the part was inserted into.

  • Product Identity Data - currently always identical to System Identity Data.

The attributes of FruIdDto are:

  • string rawFruIdData - raw data from the FRUID EEPROM chip on the device, in base64 encoding.

  • SDSegmentDto SDSegment - described below.

  • FLSegmentDto FLSegment - described below.


  • BasePartIdentityDto basePartIdentityRecord - Base Part identity data for the device.

  • wwnRangeDto wwnRange - WWN seed information.

  • string crc32 - CRC 32 bit error checking code for the SD segment.


  • FrudIdentityDto fruIdentityRecord - FRU identity data for the device. Contains manufacturing based identity information.

  • ConfiguredIdentityDto configuredIdentityRecord - Marketing identity data for the assembly.

  • SystemIdentityDto systemIdentityRecord - Library identity data for the last library where the part was installed.

  • ProductIdentityDto productIdentityRecord - Library identity data for the last library where the part was installed.

  • string checksum - checksum for the FL segment.


  • date basePartTimeStamp - Date and time of last update of this record.

  • string basePartDescription - Card part description.

  • string basePartSerialNumber - Card serial number.

  • string initialBasePartNumber - Card part number.

  • string initialBasePartRevision - Card part revision.

  • string specPartNumber - Vendor part number

  • string supplierId - Vendor ID.


  • string wwn - starting WWN for the library.

  • long range - not used.


  • date fruTimeStamp - Date and time of last update of this record.

  • string fruDescription - FRU description

  • string fruSerialNumber - FRU serial number.

  • string fruPartNumber - FRU part number.

  • string fruRevision - FRU revision level.


  • date configuredPartTimeStamp - Date and time of last update of this record.

  • string configuredPartDescription - FRU part description, same as in FrudIdentityDto.

  • string configuredPartSerialNumber - FRU serial number, same as in FrudIdentityDto.

  • string configuredPartNumber - FRU marketing part number

  • string configuredPartRevisionLevel - FRU revision level, same as data in FrudIdentityDto


  • date systemIdentityTimeStamp - Date and time of last update of this record.

  • string systemIdentityModelName - Library model name string.

  • string systemIdentitySerialNumber - Library serial number.

  • string systemIdentityPartNumber - Library part number.

  • string systemIdentityRevisionLevel - Library revision level.

  • string hostId - not used.

  • string macAddress - not used.


  • date productIdentityTimeStamp - Date and time of last update of this record.

  • string productIdentityModelName - Library model name string.

  • string productIdentitySerialNumber - Library serial number.

  • string productIdentityPartNumber - Library part number.

  • string productIdentityRevisionLevel - Library revision level.

  • string hostId - not used.

  • string macAddress - not used.


Sensors on devices collect and record measurements periodically. You can view device measurements by using getDeviceTelemetry(). You can view a list of sensors on a device by using getDeviceSensors().

  • long sensorId - unique ID for the sensor.

  • string name - name for the sensor.

  • SensorType type - the sensor type.


  • long deviceId - identifier of device associated with measurements

  • SensorDto sensor - sensor that generated the measurements.

  • List of MeasurementDto measurements - telemetry data for energy, hotswap, network, temperature or fan (see subclasses below).


  • date timeStamp - date and time value for when the readings were captured.


This is a subclass of MeasurementDto and adds the following attributes:.

  • float powerKw - Instantaneous power consumption at the time the reading was taken in kilowatts.

  • float energyKwh - Energy consumption in kilowatt hours.


Most cards have hot-swappable controllers with measurable power consumption. For example, the LOS card has a hot-swappable controller for the card and another for the rail. This is a subclass of MeasurementDto and adds the following attributes:

  • float inputVoltage - Input voltage to the hot swap controller

  • float inputCurrent - Input current to the hot swap controller.

  • float powerWatts - An instantaneous reading of power being passed through the hot swap controller.


This is a subclass of MeasurementDto and adds the following attributes:

  • float value - Current temperature reading in degrees C.


This is a subclass of MeasurementDto and adds the following attributes:

  • float speed - Current fan speed rpm.

  • FanHealth health - The current health of the fan determined by the fan controller.

CAP Objects


CAP objects represent both rotational CAPs and AEMs. CapDto extends DeviceDto.

  • long capId - unique identifier for the CAP.

  • long capPoolId - unique identifier for the CAP pool which contains the CAP.

  • long owningPartitionId - partition ID for partition that owns the CAP, if any.

  • boolean locked - TRUE indicates the CAP is locked.

  • boolean open - TRUE indicates the CAP is open.

  • string capPoolUsageState - indicates the CAP is UNUSED, DEDICATED, or SHARED.

  • string modulePosition - not used.


  • long capPoolId - unique ID for this CAP pool.

  • string name - string name for this CAP pool.

  • CapDto caps - list of CAPs in this CAP pool.

  • PartitionDto partitions - list of partitions that can use the CAPs in this CAP pool.


  • long totalOperations - running total of open and close operations performed by CAP.

  • long retries - running total of retries.

  • long unrecoverableErrors - running total of unrecoverable errors for the CAP (typically zero or one because an unrecoverable error requires replacement).

  • long ipls - running total of CAP restarts (typically just one at library startup, but this can be higher if you replace the CAP controller card while the library is running)


  • int totalOps - running total of open and close operations performed by CAP

  • int retries - running total of retries

  • int unrecoverableErrors - running total of unrecoverable errors for the CAP (typically zero or one because an unrecoverable error requires replacement)

  • int ipls - running total of CAP restarts (typically just one at library startup, but this can be higher if you replace the CAP controller card while the library is running)

Drive Objects


Drive objects represent tape drives in the library. Drives have several attributes that can be retrieved with the getDrive() method and updated with the updateDrive() method. DriveDto extends DeviceDto.

  • string serialNumberFactoryAssigned - the serial number assigned to the drive by the manufacturer.

  • string serialNumberSpoofed - if serial number spoofing is enabled for the partition containing this drive, this is the serial number assigned to the drive by the library. An empty string if the drive is in a partition where spoofing is disabled.

  • DriveTypeDto detailedType - drive type information.

  • DriveTrayDto driveTray - drive tray information.

  • boolean ready - TRUE indicates a loaded cartridge is ready.

  • CellDto cell - information about the drive cell.

  • string firmwareLevel - drive firmware level.

  • string portAWwn - string representation of the full WWN for port A.

  • string portBWwn - string representation of the full WWN for port B.

  • FcPortDto portAFcSettings - arbitrated loop settings for port A. Not applicable to fabric configurations.

  • FcPortDto portBFcSettings - arbitrated loop settings for port B. Not applicable to fabric configurations.

  • boolean fastload - TRUE indicates fastload is enabled.

  • int tcpPortNumber - TCP/IP port number used to connect to drive.

  • string driveIpAddress - IP address for the drive.

  • string IodIpAddress - IP address for the drive controller card.

  • string driveAlias - user defined name for the drive.


  • string brand - brand name of the drive: STORAGETEK, HP, or IBM.

  • string family - the drive series: T10000 or LTO.

  • string generation - drive generation. LTO drives use numeric generations starting with 1. StorageTek drives use alphabetic generations starting with A.

  • DriveInterfaceType physicalInterfaceType - the drive interface.

  • boolean encryptionCapable - TRUE indicates the drive can encrypt.

  • int typeCode - an integer value provided by Oracle StorageTek drives. This value encodes the family, generation, encryption capability, and emulation mode of the drive.

  • string descriptiveName - a string value that combines the drive family and generation into a human-readable value.

  • string emulation - Oracle StorageTek drives are capable of emulating IBM drives. A value of "3590" indicates the drive is set to emulate IBM drives. A null value means the drive is not emulating IBM drives.


DriveTrayDto extends DeviceDto.

  • DriveDto drive - DriveDto for the drive in the drive tray.

  • DeviceDto drivePowerSupply - DeviceDto for the tape drive power supply in the drive tray.

  • DeviceDto lodCard - DeviceDto for the LOD card in the drive tray.

  • DeviceDto encryptionCard - DeviceDto for the encryption card, if installed in the drive tray.


  • List of DriveActivityDataDto activityList - A list of DriveActivityDataDto object containing information queried from the drive during a mount, dismount, or media verification operation. There will be one DriveActivityDataDto object for each individual command used to query data from the drive.

  • DriveOperationStatus operationStatus - status of the mount or dismount operation.

  • CommandTiming commandTiming - Timing of when the commands were issued to the drive, MOUNT, DISMOUNT or INTERMEDIATE.

Robot Objects


Robot objects represent the robots in the library. RobotDto extends DeviceDto.

  • int trackPosition - track position of the robot.

  • long railNumber - rail number associated with the robot.

  • RobotHomeEnd robotHomeEnd - home end for the robot.

  • string ipAddresses - Internal IP address of the robot.


This object contains the results of a robot calibration for a specific cell array. This data is used by Oracle service and engineering to evaluate the robot's condition


  • double cellDepth - Depth of cells is in mils (thousandths of an inch).


Supplies statistical information about a robot.

  • int auditTotal - total number of audits performed.

  • int auditFailures - total number of audit failures.

  • int auditRetries - total number of audit retries.

  • int fetchTotal - total number of fetches performed.

  • int fetchFailures - total number of fetch failures.

  • int fetchRetries - total number of fetch retries.

  • int targetTotal - total number of targets scanned.

  • int targetFailures - total number of target scan failures.

  • int targetRetries - total number of target scan retries.

  • int putTotal - total number of puts performed.

  • int putFailures - total number of put failures.

  • int putRetries - total number of put retries.


  • string mechName - Name of the robot mechanism that this data applies to. Can be TRACK (upper track motor), STRACK (lower track motor), ZMECH (Z or vertical motor), WRIST, REACH, or GRIP.

  • double distance

  • double moveTime

  • double maxPositionError

  • double minPositionError

  • double avgPositionError

  • double maxCurrentCommand

  • double minCurrentCommand

  • double avgCurrentCommand

  • boolean endMode

  • double settlingTime

  • double settlingAvgCurrent

  • double settlingAvgPositionError

  • double stallDistance

  • double stallTime

  • double stallCurrentMax

  • double stallCurrentMin

  • double stallCurrentAvg

  • double stallStartPosErr


  • double t - track position, in mils (thousandths of an inch)

  • double z - Z (vertical) position, in mils (thousandths of an inch)

  • double w - wrist position, in mils (thousandths of an inch)


  • boolean retriesEnabled - TRUE (default) indicates robot retries are enabled. FALSE indicates retries are disabled and the robot will return a fault if any action fails on the first attempt.

  • int trackMaxSpeedPercent - maximum speed for track, as a percentage of maximum possible speed.

  • int zMaxSpeedPercent - maximum speed for Z.

  • int wristMaxSpeedPercent - maximum speed for the wrist mechanism.

  • int reachMaxSpeedPercent - maximum speed for the reach mechanism.

  • int gripMaxSpeedPercent - maximum speed for the grip mechanism.


This DTO records a single robot move. A series of these DTOs will show the motion of the robot over the time period covered by the series.

  • long id - unique id for this robot position history record.

  • long robotId - device id of the robot performing this move.

  • RobotHomeEnd robotHomeEnd - home end of the robot.

  • int trackPosition - position of the robot after the move.

  • DeviceStateType currentState - state of the robot during the move. This will be an active state such as PUTTING, FETCHING or MOVING.

  • DeviceStateType nextState - state of the robot after the move. This will usually be INACTIVE, but could be FAILED_IMMOVEABLE or FAILED_MOVEABLE if a problem occurred during the move.

  • RobotStatusCode robotStatusCode - status code from the robot for the move.

  • RobotHardwareStatusCode robotHardwareStatusCode - a more detailed status code from the robot after the move.

  • boolean operationSuccessful - TRUE if the move was successful.

  • string command - the command being performed.

  • date timestamp - time the move completed.

  • long jobId - job ID for the job performing the move.


Supplies statistical information about a robot.

  • int auditRetries - total number of audit retries.

  • int auditFailures - total number of audit failures.

  • int fetchTotal - total number of fetches performed.

  • int fetchRetries - total number of fetch retries.

  • int fetchFailures - total number of fetch failures.

  • int putTotal - total number of puts performed.

  • int putRetries - total number of put retries.

  • int putFailures - total number of put failures.

  • int targetTotal - total number of targets scanned.

  • int targetRetries - total number of target scan retries.

  • int targetFailures - total number of target scan failures.


Contains information on the range of travel for a physical mechanism. Methods that return this object typically return a list, one item for each mechanism for the device being queried. The operating min and max values are the limits of normal robot motion. The operating range is slightly smaller than the physical range as shown by the physical min and max values. The physical min and max values are the physical limit of motion.

  • string name - name for the specific mechanism. Options are TRACK, ZMECH, WRIST, REACH, GRIP, STRACK, and CAP.

  • double operatingMax - integer value in mils.

  • double operatingMin - integer value in mils.

  • double physicalMax - integer value in mils.

  • double physicalMin - integer value in mils.

User Objects


A user object represents a user ID that can connect to the library through the GUI or SCI interface. User authentication is performed by either the local LDAP server on the library or a customer-defined LDAP server. However, use of an external LDAP server is not allowed. The first time a user logs in to the library, a User will be created in the library controller software for that user. The User entry in the library controller software is used to track the group the user belongs to and user-specific preferences.

  • string name - text userid for the user. This must match the userid in the LDAP server.

  • string source - Text, either "local" or "enterprise". Local means the user is defined in the local (on library) LDAP server. "enterprise" means the user is defined in the enterprise LDAP server. Currently only local user are supported.

  • string group - text name of the group to which the user belongs.

  • string libraryRole - the library role for the user.

  • string enterpriseRole - the enterprise role that maps to the library role (if these roles have been defined). Not currently used.


A group defines a set of users. Groups are intended for use in controlling access to partitions. However, this functionality is not currently implemented. Each partition is owned by only one group. Certain roles have access to all partitions. Other roles, however, have access only to partitions that belong to the same group as the user. When a new user logs into the library, that user will not belong to any group. An administrator must specify the user's group. This can be done before the user logs in or after. However, if the user's role limits access to partitions, that user will not be able to view or modify any partition-specific information.

  • string name - text name for the group.

  • string description - text description for the group.

  • List of UserDto users - a list of user names for users that belong to the group.


The library uses role-based authentication. A role defines the functions a user may perform. The library software defines a list of library roles. This list and the permissions associated with each role cannot be changed. The role names can be used in a user-defined LDAP server. Alternately, you can set up a mapping between enterprise roles and library roles. Enterprise roles are the roles used in an LDAP server. When a new user first logs into the library, the user's list of roles will be retrieved from the LDAP server and compared to the library and enterprise role names. If a match is found, the user in the library will be assigned the matching library role.

  • string libraryRole - text name of the library role.

  • string description - text description for the role.

  • string enterpriseRole - text name of a role defined in the customer's LDAP server. If not supplied, the LibraryRoles should be used in the LDAP server to control the role assigned to a user in the library software. Not currently used.

Hardware Activation Objects


  • Feature activatedFeature - the HWAF feature which is active.

  • int capacity - for capacity HWAFs, the number of slots enabled by this HWAF


  • long hwafId - unique ID for this HWAF.

  • Feature feature - the feature controlled by the HWAF.

  • date expirationDate - date that the HWAF expires

  • int capacity - for capacity HWAFs, the number of slots enabled by this HWAF.


  • Feature feature - the feature controlled by the HWAF.

  • int capacity - for capacity HWAFs, the number of slots enabled by this HWAF

  • string action - The action taken relating to the HWAF. For example, "ADD" and "DELETE".

  • date actionDate - the time stamp when the action takes place.

  • string userId - the user who performed the action.

Diagnostic Test Objects

A diagnostic test performs a series of library actions to evaluate the status of the library or to demonstrate a feature. The library provides a set of known diagnostics tests. A diagnostic test is a test the library can perform on itself. A user can initiate a diagnostic test, which will create a request. This request can be queried to see the status and results of the test.

The getDiagnosticTests() method can be used to query the library for a list of available tests. The runDiagnosticTest() method can then be used to initiate the tests.

Tests are typically executed in the background. The async parameter on the runDiagnosticTest() method controls when the runDiagnosticTest() call will return. Starting a test returns a RequestDto for the test run. You can retrieve the status of the test run and its final results using the Request ID from the RequestDto returned when you started the test.


  • string name - string name for the test.

  • string description - string description of the test.

  • DiagnosticTestParameterDto testParameters - the parameters used to define the test.


A DiagnosticTestParameterDto is used to describe the test specific parameter.

  • string name - name for the parameter.

  • string description - description for the test parameter.

  • string type - the type of parameter: BOOLEAN, NUMBER, STRING

  • anyType value - not used.

Notification Objects


This is a superclass of ASR Destination, SNMP Destination, Email Destination, and Outbound SCI Destination. The getDestinations() method will return a list of objects of this class.

  • long destinationId - unique ID of the destination.

  • EventCategory eventCategories - list of categories to which this destination is subscribed.

  • DestinationType type - type of destination.


A subclass of DestinationDto.

  • string emailAddress - alerts will be mailed to this address.

  • string locale - the email will be localized for this locale. Use getSupportedLocales() to determine available values.


A subclass of DestinationDto.

  • string host - IP address for the destination for outbound SCI calls, reachable through the customer network.

  • string port - port for the destination for outbound SCI calls.

  • string path - URL for outbound SCI calls.

  • string userName - user ID used to log into the outbound SCI interface.

  • string password - password used to log into the outbound SCI interface.

  • int retentionTimeLimit - a time limit for retaining notifications if the destination is unreachable. The library will attempt to retain events up to this time limit, and will periodically retry. It will send the queued events once the destination returns.


A subclass of DestinationDto.

  • NetworkSettingsType asrNetworkAdapter - The network interface that is used for the connection to SDP2.

  • string address - IP address of the SDP2 server.

  • int port - Port number for the connection to SDP2.

  • string clientId - Identity of the library, used by SDP2.

  • boolean enabled - TRUE when the connection to SDP2 is enabled


A subclass of DestinationDto. This object contains the parameters for an SNMP destination.

  • string host - hostname or IP address of the destination host.

  • string protocolVersion - SNMP protocol version (VTWOC, VTHREE). For V2, you must provide a community string. For V3, you must specify all other parameters.

  • string community - for V2 only. A password or phrase. Cannot be "community".


    Configuring ”public” or ”private” as valid community strings is a major security risk. These are commonly used and easily guessed.
  • string userName - for V3 only. Text name for the SNMP user. Limited to upper and lower case letters and !@#$%^*()-+\=\~.

  • string authenticationType - for V3 only. Enumeration for the type of authentication for this user: MD5, SHA, or NONE.

  • string authenticationPassphrase - for V3 only. String passphrase for this user.

  • string privacyType - for V3 only. Enumeration for the type of privacy to be used on notifications (traps) that are sent to the user. This determines how traps sent to this destination are encrypted. DES, AES or NONE.

  • string privacyPassphrase - for V3 only. String passphrase used for privacy.

  • string engineId - for V3 only. String engine ID for this destination. If not specified, the library will use its own engine ID.


  • string assignedCaseNumber - ASR identifier assigned by Oracle support.

  • long serviceBundleId - ID of the service bundle generated when the fault was detected.

  • date submitTime - date/time stamp when the ASR was submitted.

  • FaultDto fault - fault object for the fault that triggered the ASR.


  • string contactName - string name of the contact person.

  • string phoneNumber - string phone number for the contact person.

  • string streetAddr - string street address where the library is installed.

  • string city - string city where the library is installed.

  • string state - string state or other region where the library is installed.

  • string country - country where the library is installed.

  • string zipCode - string postal code for the library.

  • string description - string description for the contact person.

Logging and Fault Objects

The library tracks system reports and faults that occur in the library. Faults represent events requiring service intervention to correct. A fault can be a hardware failure requiring replacement of a part. It can also be a software problem that requires intervention to correct.

System reports are the input to faults, and record significant events that occur in the library. They can be created as the result of an error, but can also occur as the result of successful library operations. These provide a history of actions in the library that allow the library to perform analysis to determine when a fault occurred.


  • string loggerName - Each log message has an associated logger name. The logger names are for different categories of messages and different devices. Examine the logging level settings in the GUI to see these names.

  • string loggerLevel - The logging level represents the severity of the message. Only log messages at or above the specified logging level are captured in the library logs. Possible values (most severe to least) are SEVERE, WARNING, CONFIG, FINE, and FINER. A value of INHERITED means this logger uses its parent logger's level.


A support bundle is a large file containing a data dump about the library. Support bundles can be created on demand and are also automatically captured when the library detects a fault. They can be downloaded and transferred to Oracle support for problem diagnosis.

  • long supportBundleId - unique ID for the support bundle.

  • SupportBundleOriginator originator - how the support bundle was generated.

  • SupportBundleState state - the state of the support bundle.

  • date timeStamp - Date and time this support bundle was generated.


  • long systemReportId - unique ID for the system report.

  • date timestamp - date/time stamp when the system report was created.

  • SystemReportType reportType - type of system report.

  • ErrorCode statusCode - code for the specific fault.

  • HardwareStatusCode hardwareStatusCode - code for the hardware fault.

  • long createdRequestId - unique ID of the request that was being processed when the system report was generated.

  • long createdJobId - ID of the job created to process this system report, if any.

  • long sourceRequestId - ID of the request being processed when this system report was created.

  • long sourceJobId - unit ID of the job that was being processed when the system report was generated, if any.

  • long originatingDeviceId - device ID for the device that created the system report.

  • long reportedDeviceId - device ID for the device that was reported by this system report.

  • SensorDto reportedComponentIdentifier - SensorDto for the reported component.


A FaultDto is created when the library detects a fault. This object includes a list of devices. If the library can identify a specific device that is the source of the fault, that fault will be the only device in the list. If not, multiple devices will appear in the list, ordered with the most likely cause first. "Device added" and "device removed" event types will have only a single device snapshot object.

  • long faultId - unique integer ID for the event.

  • FaultSymptomCodeType faultSymptomCode - a code for the specific fault.

  • date timestamp - date/time stamp when the event was detected.

  • List of SuspectFruDto suspectFrus - list of possible fault causing devices.

  • List of SystemReportDto systemReports - list of SystemReportDto system reports.

  • long serviceBundleId - ID of the service bundle generated when the fault was detected.

  • boolean reviewed - whether someone has reviewed the fault. False when the fault is created. Set to true by clearFault() or within the GUI.

  • EventSeverity severity - severity of this fault. Usually ERROR because most faults require intervention. A value of WARNING is used for faults that do not require immediate intervention.

  • CorrectiveActionsType correctiveAction -indicates actions that need to be taken to eliminate the fault.


  • long faultId - unique ID of the fault for this suspect FRU.

  • DeviceType deviceType - device type for this suspect FRU. The combination of device type, frame number and slot number identify the location of the slot where this suspect FURU is installed.

  • int frameNumber - identifier for the module where this suspect FRU is located.

  • int slotNumber - identifier for the slot where this suspect FRU is located.

  • int priority - priority in the list of suspect FRUs. A value of 1 is for the most likely device. Higher values are for less likely devices.

  • DeviceDto device - The device DTO for the suspect FRU

Firmware Related Objects

Firmware related objects represent versions of library and drive firmware on the library. The library can have two versions of library firmware. One is active, and the other is updated using the uploadLibraryFirmware() method and can later be activated with the activateLibraryFirmware() method.

The library will hold multiple versions of drive firmware. Drive firmware versions are first uploaded to the library and then applied to specific drives. Drive firmware versions that are uploaded to the library remain on the library until removed.


Provides information about a library firmware version. This is the complete package of all firmware for the entire library. This object does not include the firmware itself, only data about the firmware.

  • string version - firmware version.

  • date buildDate - date and time this firmware version was created.

  • ComponentFirmwareDto componentFirmwareList - code version information for devices in the library.


Provides version information for the code running on devices inside the library.

  • DeviceType deviceType - the type of device.

  • FirmwareType firmwareType - the type of firmware.

  • string codeVersion - the code version for the device.

  • string basePartNumber - base part number for this device. See the BasePartIdentityDto for more information.

  • string basePartRevision - base part revision of the device.

  • boolean activeVersion - firmware version currently running on this device.


  • string version - drive firmware version.

  • string driveType - the type of drive to which this firmware applies.

  • date buildDate - date this firmware version was created.

  • date uploadDate - date this firmware version was uploaded.


Each time library or drive firmware is uploaded or activated, a firmware upgrade event is captured. This provides a history of upgrade activity.

  • FirmwareType firmwareType - type of firmware.

  • string version - version string

  • long driveId - ID of drive, for drive firmware actions that are specific to a drive

  • date actionDate - date/time stamp for the action.

  • string userName - name of user who performed the action.

  • string result - final status of the action

Outbound SCI Objects

These objects are specific to the outbound SCI interface.


  • long eventId - The unique id for this event.

  • string comment - A text comment, used for debugging.

  • date timeStamp - The date and time when the event occurred.

  • EventCategory category - The category for this event. Categories control which events are sent to which destination.

  • EventSeverity severity - Severity of the event. ERROR indicates human intervention is required to correct the fault. WARNING indicates faults that do not require immediate attention.

  • RequestDto request - The request for this event.

  • EventType type - type of the event, tells the subclass for the specific event.

  • string libSerialNumber - serial number of library that generated the event.


  • long capId - device ID of the CAP that has moved.

  • long partitionId - partition ID of the partition that owned the CAP when it was moved.

  • string moveDirection - whether the CAP opened or closed.

  • CellDto cells - list of cells in the CAP and their contents.


Sent when a CAP is opened or closed.

  • CapMoveDto capMove - information about the cap and the operation performed


Extends EventDataDto.

  • CapDto cap - the CAP who has its ownership overridden.


Extends EventDataDto.

  • long capId - ID of the CAP that is ready to be opened.


Extends EventDataDto.

  • LibraryDto library - The Library which created and sent the event.

  • CellDto sourceCell - The source cell.

  • CellDto destinationCell - The destination cell.

  • DriveDto sourceDrive - The source drive.

  • DriveDto destinationDrive - The destination drive.

  • CartridgeDto cartridge - The contents of the source cell before the move.

  • List of RobotMoveDto robotMoves - A list of the individual robotic moves performed to complete the cartridge movement.

  • List of DriveOperationDto srcDriveOperations - A list of the source drive operations.

  • List of DriveOperationDto dstDriveOperations - A list of the destination drive operations.

  • date mountStartTime - time the mount operation was started.

  • date mountEndTime - time the mount operation completed.

  • date dismountStartTime - time the dismount operation started.

  • date dismountEndTime - time the dismount operation completed.


Extends EventDataDto.

  • long supportBundleId - The unique id of the support bundle that was created for this event.

  • ErrorCode errorCode -

  • string wrappedServiceUserId - The encrypted userid for the service role user created to deal with this event.

  • string wrappedServicePassword - The encrypted password for the service role user created to deal with this event.

  • List of SystemReportDto systemReports - The system reports that contributed to this event.

  • DeviceDto device - The device that generated the event.


Extends EventDataDto.

  • DoorStateDto doorState - state information for the door that was opened or closed.


Contains information retrieved from the drive during mounts and dismounts.

  • DriveProtocol protocol - type of protocol used to communicate with the drive.

  • string protocolVersion - drive protocol version string.

  • base64Binary command - command issued to the drive to retrieve data.

  • base64Binary results - results returned by the drive from the command.

  • boolean success - TRUE indicates the command was successful in retrieving data from the drive. If FALSE, the "results" field will be null.

  • DriveActivityStatusCode statusCode - status of the drive operation that was being performed when this data was retrieved.

  • CommandTiming commandTiming - drive operation that was being performed when this data was retrieved.


Extends EventDataDto.

  • DriveDto drive - the drive that needs cleaning


Extends EventDataDto.


Extends EventDataDto.

  • DriveDto drive - the drive performing the media verification.

  • List DriveActivityDataDto driveActivities - List of DriveActivityDataDtos retrieved from the drive at the completion of the mount, but before acknowledging the move to the client that initiated the mount.

  • int validationPercent - percentage complete of the media validation operation.


Extends EventDataDto.


Extends LibraryComplexEventDataDto. Contains no additional attributes.


Extends EventDataDto.

  • LibraryDto library - The library that experienced the event.


Sent when the initial library audit after startup is completed. Extends LibraryEventDataDto.

  • List AuditActivityDataDto auditActivities - contains the results of the audit, cell by cell.

  • List RobotMoveDto robotMoves - contains a list of moves performed by the robots during the audit.


  • CellDto cell - cell and its contents after the audit.

  • date startTime - start date and time of the audit.

  • date endTime - end date and time of the audit.



Extends EventDataDto.


Extends EventDataDto.

  • List DriveDto - list of drives in the media validation pool.


Extends EventDataDto.

  • RailDto rail - The rail that experienced the event.


Extends EventDataDto.

  • PartitionDto partition - partition that has been modified.


Contains data about an individual robotic action involving a tape.

  • CellDto sourceCell - cell ID for the cartridge at the start of the move.

  • CellDto destinationCell - cell ID for the cartridge at the end of the move.

  • string moveType - type of the move. Options are:

    • HAND — For motion performed by the robot. This involves a specific robot moving to a location, fetching a cartridge, moving to another location, and putting the cartridge into the destination cell.

    • ELEVATOR — For motion performed by an elevator. This is the movement of the elevator from one rail to another. The four physical cells have a set of Cells on each rail. A robot will put a cartridge in an elevator cell when the elevator is positioned on one rail. The elevator will then move to another rail. A different robot will then fetch the cartridge from the same physical cell. Because the physical cell is on a different rail, the fetch operation is from a different cell than the source.

    • PTP — For motion performed by a pass-thru port (PTP). This is the same as for elevators, but the source and destination cells are in different libraries in a library complex.

  • date startTime - date/time stamp when the move was started.

  • date endTime - date/time stamp when the move ended.

  • RobotStatusCode moveStatus - status of robot after attempting this move. SUCCESS indicates the operation was successful. Other values indicate an error.


Extends EventDataDto.