Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales Administration Guide > Using Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales > Working with Leads >

Rejecting Leads

You can reject leads from within Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales. Use the following procedure.

NOTE:  To perform this procedure, your user role must include the Reject Leads privilege.

To reject leads

  1. In Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales, display the detail page for a lead.
  2. Tap the menu icon (lll).
  3. Choose Reject.

    Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales displays the Reject a Lead page.

  4. On the Reject a Lead page, enter the following information:
    • In the Reject Code field, select a value from the drop-down list.
    • (Optional) In the Reject Reason field, enter the reason for the rejection. If the Reject Code is set to Other, then the Reject Reason field is required.
  5. To reassign the lead to a new owner, select the Reassign Owner check box.

    If your company administrator has set up lead assignment rules, then selecting the Reassign Owner check box triggers the assignment manager to reassign the lead by using the lead assignment rules. Depending on your company's policies, the rejected lead may be reassigned to the original owner or to the original owner's manager. The assignment manager can reassign records only to users. It can reassign records only if the record type is configured in the user mode or mixed mode of record ownership. The assignment manager cannot reassign records if the record type is configured in book mode.

  6. Click Confirm Reject.

    The Lead Detail page reappears with information about the rejection, including your name, Reject Code, and, if specified, the reason for the rejection. The lead Status field value is changed to Rejected.

Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales Administration Guide, Version 1.4.24 Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.