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Diameter Signaling Router IP Front End (IPFE)
Release 8.2
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Editing a Target Set

Use this task to edit a Target Set.

When the IPFE Configuration Target Sets [Edit] page opens, the fields are initially populated with the current values for the selected target set.

Target Sets associated with an IPFE may be completely overlapping, but may not be partially overlapping. A warning appears if overlapping target sets are associated with an IPFE.
  • Partially overlapping target set example:
  • Target Set 1: Application Server 1, Application Server 2
  • Target Set 2: Application Server 2, Application Server 3
  • Completely overlapping target set example:
  • Target Set 1: Application Server 1, Application Server 2
  • Target Set 2: Application Server 1, Application Server 2
  1. Click IPFE > Configuration > Target Sets.
  2. Select the target set you want to edit and click Edit.
  3. Update the relevant fields.
    For more information about each field please see Table 5-2.

    An IP address can be removed from the Target Set IP List by clicking the X at the end of the Weighting field. The target set IP cannot be modified.

  4. Click OK, Apply, or Cancel.