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Tekelec Platform Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Release 7.5
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Main Menu Options

The Main Menu Options table briefly describes the options available in the core framework of the GUI. Applications, such as DSR, add additional menu items not presented here. Users belonging to groups with lesser permissions than administrative may only see a subset of the options listed. See Groups Administration regarding group permissions.


Users of an application, such as DSR, should be aware that some optional features do not appear in the main menu until those features are activated.

Table 2-2 Main Menu Options

Menu Item Function
Administration The Administration menu allows the user to:
  • General Options. Session and password related global options, login and welcome messages, and other miscellaneous options such as MMI access, max records per page, and export settings.
  • Set up and manage user accounts
  • Configure group permissions
  • View session information
  • Manage sign-on certificates
  • Authorize IP addresses to access the user interface
  • Configure SFTP user information
  • View the software versions report
  • Upgrade management including backup, health check, and reporting
  • Authenticate LDAP servers
  • Configure SNMP trapping services
  • Configure a remote server
  • Configure DNS elements
Configuration On the NOAM, allows the user to configure:
  • Networks
  • Network Devices
  • Network Routes
  • Network Services
  • Servers
  • Server Groups
  • Resource Domains
  • Places
  • Place Associations
  • Interface and Port DSCP
Alarms and Events Allows the user to view:
  • Active alarms and events
  • Alarm and event history
  • Trap log
Security Log Allows the user to view, export, and generate reports from security log history.
Status & Manage Allows the user to monitor the individual and collective status of Network Elements, Servers, HA functions, Databases, KPIs, system Processes, and Tasks. The user can perform actions required for server maintenance, database management, data, and ISO file management.
Measurements Allows the user to view and export measurement data.
Help Launches the Help system for the user interface
Legal Notices Product Disclaimers and Notices
Logout Allows the user to log out of the user interface