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Tekelec Platform Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Release 7.5
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KPI work area layout

The KPIs page can be accessed by navigating from the main menu to Status & Manage > KPIs. Notice the title at the top of the work area. Like other pages, the title presents the ordered list of navigation steps taken to reach the current page. The title also reflects the selected group whose information is being displayed in the main work area. An example of this would be:

Main Menu: Status & Manage > KPIs [Group: 'Server']

In this case the default group of 'Server' is presented in the title bar. This changes as different groups are selected from the filter function.

Unlike some of the other pages viewed in the OAM GUI, the KPIs page uses the concept of drawers. These are similar in function to the Filter, Info, and Tasks lists found on other pages but are located (docked) on the right side of the work area. When selected, they open horizontally presenting the options available.

Under the title bar are two levels of tabs. The top level of tabs present a scope roll-up and subsequent tabs in that row present sub-scoped servers. By default, or when no scope is selected, the view presents a global scope. In this case the first tab is labeled Entire-Network and subsequent tabs reflect individual servers. This varies depending on the tier being served by the GUI. Using DSR as an example, the System OAM presents different servers than the Network OAM in the same topology.

The second level of tabs present named groups of arrays with the exception of the first tab. The first tab presents the non-arrayed or scalar KPIs. The subsequent tabs present compatible arrays based on the selected scope.


The named groups of arrays vary depending on application and features. Refer to documentation specific to your application and release.