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Tekelec Platform Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Release 7.5
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Graphical User Interface Layout

The Graphical User Interface layout table describes the four areas of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and what informational elements may exist in each. The core framework presents a common set of GUI elements that serve various applications. Some applications may choose not to display one or more elements based on their needs.


The Navigation Area is commonly referred to as the Main Menu. Throughout this document these two terms are used interchangeably.

Table 2-1 Graphical User Interface Layout

Element Location Function
Banner Area Top bar across the web page, under web browser menu or bookmarks bar The banner area is identified by the Oracle logo and presents the following elements in order from left to right:
  • Oracle Logo
  • Product Name
  • Product Version
  • A Pause Updates checkbox that allows the users to pause any reoccurring updates while on a given page. When the checkbox is selected, updates are disabled. Note that not all pages support periodic updates.
  • A context sensitive Help link that, when selected, displays the Oracle help pages in a separate browser tab.
  • A Logged in Account message with a pull-down menu displaying the user account which is currently logged in.
  • A Log Out link that, when selected, logs the current user out and returns to the login page.
Main Menu (Navigation Area) Left side of web page, under banner area A tree-structured menu with links to all pages and forms that can be accessed through the user interface. The plus character (+) indicates a menu item contains page links and subfolders.
  • To display submenu items, click the plus character, the folder, or anywhere on the same line.
  • To select a menu item that does not have submenu items, click on the menu item text or its associated symbol.
Work Area Right side of web page, under banner area The Work Area is where most of the work is done and generally comprised of a Title, Toolbar, and Main Work Area.
  • Title: The title is not optional and all applications display this area. Two informational elements are presented here; the page name, or title, which represents the ordered list of navigation steps taken to reach the current page or form and last update time of the current page or form.
  • Toolbar: A number of optional elements may be presented here. Depending on the application and page, one or more of the following may appear:
    • Work Area Grid Filter Set: Allows the end-user to filter a grid display in various ways.
    • Work Area Error Display: Groups and presents any errors associated with the main work area display.
    • Work Area Warning Display: Groups and presents any warnings associated with the main work area display.
    • Work Area Info Display: Groups and presents any information messages associated with the main work area display.
    • Work Area Status Display: The status display provides a short status update associated with the main work area display.
    • Work Area Task Display: Groups and lists all of the long running tasks associated with the main work area display.


    See Optional Layout Element Toolbar for additional information.
  • Main Work Area: The main work area occupies the bulk of the screen and consists of four primary kinds of information displays:
    • Form Display: Displays a form for general data entry.
    • Grid Display: Displays a table-like scrollable grid of data.
    • Report Display: Displays a formatted view of the data suitable for printing or saving.
    • Graph Display: Displays a graph of a data set.


The Grid and Form display types can be organized using a tabbed display.

A horizontal and/or vertical scroll bar is provided when the displayed information exceeds the page area of the screen. When a user first logs in, this area displays the application user interface page. The page displays a user-defined welcome message. To customize the message, see Customizing the Login Message.

Status Area Bottom bar of web page, under navigation and main work areas The status area is located at the bottom of the page and spans corner to corner. The following elements are presented in order from left to right:
  • Connection Status:
    • The name of the machine to which the user is connected, and whether the user is connected via the VIP or directly to the machine.
    • The HA state of the machine to which the user is connected.
    • The system role of the machine to which the user is connected.
  • Refresh Status: Displays the current status of the Pause Updates action presented in the banner area. Updates are either enabled or disabled.
  • Alarm Panel: Displays a count of critical, major, and minor alarms. Additionally, a count of SNMP traps is displayed.