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Diameter Signaling Router SS7/Sigtran
Release 8.2
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Link Set Maintenance

The SS7/Sigtran > Maintenance > Link Sets page shows status information for each Link Set as viewed by each MP Server. Each MP Server reports status only for Link Sets hosted by that MP Server (Link Sets that include Links that use Associations hosted by the MP Server).

Each Link Set's Operational Status and the reason for the Operational Status are shown.

The SS7/Sigtran > Maintenance > Link Sets page does not distinguish between links down for maintenance and links down due to errors. Colored cells may indicate the need for maintenance activity. When the server's collection status is Unknown, cells with gray text indicate the last known information about the Link Set.

On the SS7/Sigtran > Maintenance > Link Sets page, you can perform the following actions:
  • The Filter allows the user to only display the row(s) that match specified criteria using the list that contains the field names. The next right list contains all the matching operators (=, !=, >, >=, <, <=, Like and Is Null). The text box is the value selector used to enter the matching value. Click GO to enable the filter. The RESET button resets the filter.
    • To Show Errors or Warnings, check the Errors Only box. This filters the orange, red, or yellow rows that match the filtered values.
  • Sort the list entries in ascending or descending order by Signaling Network Element Name, Link Set Name, MP Server Hostname, Local Signaling Point, SS7 Domain, Adjacent Remote Point Code, Operational Status, Operational Reason, MP Server HA Status, or Up/Down Since by clicking the column heading.
  • Unchecked Pause box causes the screen to refresh after every 15 seconds by default. If the pause update box is checked, updates stop.

For additional details on Link status, see Link Maintenance.