4 Managing STA Administration Passwords

This section describes the STA administration and database accounts and how to change their passwords. To create and manage regular usernames for logging in to the STA application, see the STA User's Guide.

STA Username and Password Requirements

All STA usernames and passwords, including the STA administration and database accounts, must meet the following requirements.See "STA Administration and Database Accounts" for descriptions of the accounts.

  • Must be 1–16 characters in length

  • All usernames must be unique.

  • Must be 8–32 characters in length

  • Must include at least one uppercase letter and one number

  • Must not include spaces or tabs

  • Must not include any of the following special characters:

    % & ' ( ) < > ? { } * \ ' " ; , + = # !

Administration Account Password Management Tasks

Use these tasks to change passwords for STA administration and database accounts. To change passwords and roles for STA application usernames, see the STA User's Guide.


Starting with STA 2.3.0, you perform the following tasks with the STA Password Change utility, which is included in the STA installation. Do not use the WebLogic Administration console to change any passwords for the STA application, database, or WebLogic console itself. Using the WebLogic Administration console to change passwords will result in password mismatches, and you will need to reinstall STA.

Start the STA Password Change Utility

Use this procedure to start and exit from the STA Password Change Utility. This task is a prerequisite for other password change tasks.


Before using this procedure, you must obtain the current username and password of the WebLogic administrator account.


This procedure requires the STA application to be running.
  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the Oracle user.

  2. Verify that the STA application is running. It may take a few minutes for the command to complete.

    $ STA status all
    mysql is running
    staservd service is running
    staweblogic service is running
    staengine service is running
     .... and the deployed application for staengine is in an ACTIVE state
    staadapter service is running
     .... and the deployed application for staadapter is in an ACTIVE state
    staui service is running
     .... and the deployed application for staui is in an ACTIVE state

    If the application is not running, restart it. See "Start the STA Application" for instructions.

  3. Start the Password Change Utility. (See "Ensure the Correct Oracle User Path" for instructions on adding the location of the utility to the Oracle user path.)

    $ changeSTAPasswords.sh

    The utility starts and verifies that the STA application is running.

    * Oracle StorageTek Tape Analytics                                 *
    * STA Password Change Utility                                                  *
    *                                                                              *
    * Copyright (c) 2012, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. *
    This utility changes the StorageTek Tape Analytics user account passwords.
    To log in to this utility, you must enter the current WebLogic Administrator username and password.
    Checking STA server status .....
    |                         Login                        |
  4. At the prompts, enter the WebLogic administrator username and current password.

    Enter WebLogic Administrator username         : weblogic
    Enter current WebLogic Administrator password :
    Authenticating user...
  5. The utility main menu appears.

    |              STA Password Change Utility             |
    |                       Main Menu                      |
    Select password to change
      1) All STA Account passwords
      2) WebLogic Administrator password
      3) STA Administrator password
      4) STA Database Root User password
      5) STA Database Application User password
      6) STA Database Reports User password
      7) STA Database Administrator password
      8) Exit
    Enter Choice [1-8] : 
  6. Enter 8 at the main menu to exit the utility and return to the system prompt.

    Enter Choice [1-8] : 8
    Quitting STA Configuration Utility.
    Exiting Utility.

Change All Administration and Database Account Passwords at Once


Before using this procedure, you must obtain the username and password of the WebLogic administrator account and all STA database accounts.


This procedure requires the STA application to be running.
  1. Start the STA Password Change Utility; see "Start the STA Password Change Utility" for instructions.

  2. At the main menu, enter 1 to change all STA account passwords.

    |              STA Password Change Utility             |
    |                       Main Menu                      |
    Select password to change
      1) All STA Account passwords
      2) WebLogic Administrator password
      3) STA Administrator password
      4) STA Database Root User password
      5) STA Database Application User password
      6) STA Database Reports User password
      7) STA Database Administrator password
      8) Exit
    Enter Choice [1-8] : 1

    The utility displays information about the option.

    |                  Change All Passwords                |
    Description: Change all passwords used by STA. This operation breaks the password change into six sections, one for each password.
    If one password change fails, only the affected account is rolled back and then the password change is stopped.
    |         Change WebLogic Administrator password       |
    After you specify the new password, you will be prompted to restart STA. The restart process may take approximately 20 minutes.
    Caution: Do not interrupt the process once it starts, as it may cause irrecoverable errors in STA.
    Password Requirements:
    - From 8 to 32 characters in length
    - Must include at least one uppercase letter and one numeric character
    - Must not include spaces or tabs
    - Must not include any of the following special characters % & ' ( ) < > ? { } * \ ` " ; , + = # !
  3. At the prompts, enter and confirm the new WebLogic administrator password.

    Enter new WebLogic Administrator password     :
    Confirm new WebLogic Administrator password   :
  4. Confirm that you want to make the update and restart the STA application.

    Final Confirmation. Change password and restart STA (Y/N)? : y
    Changing the WebLogic Administrator password.
    Changing password in progress......
    Creating the key file can reduce the security of your system if it is not kept in a secured location after it is created. Creating new key...
    Changing password in progress....
    Password change successful.
  5. At the prompts, enter the STA administrator username and current password.

    |           Change STA Administrator password          |
    Password Requirements:
    - From 8 to 32 characters in length
    - Must include at least one uppercase letter and one numeric character
    - Must not include spaces or tabs
    - Must not include any of the following special characters % & ' ( ) < > ? { } * \ ` " ; , + = # !
    Enter STA Administrator username         : sta_admin
    Enter current STA Administrator password :
  6. At the prompts, enter and confirm the new STA administrator password.

    Enter new STA Administrator password     :
    Confirm new STA Administrator password   :
    Changing the STA Administrator password.
    Updating LDAP password
    Password change successful.
  7. At the prompt enter the current STA Database root user password. This ensures you are authorized to change passwords for database accounts.

    |         Authenticate STA Database Root User          |
    Enter current STA Database Root User password :
    Authenticating user...
  8. At the prompts, enter and confirm the new STA database root user password.

    |         Change STA Database Root User password       |
    Password Requirements:
    - From 8 to 32 characters in length
    - Must include at least one uppercase letter and one numeric character
    - Must not include spaces or tabs
    - Must not include any of the following special characters % & ' ( ) < > ? { } * \ ` " ; , + = # !
    Enter new STA Database Root User password     :
    Confirm new STA Database Root User password   :
    Changing password in progress........ 
    Password change successful. DB Root is authenticated. Skipping authentication
  9. At the prompts, enter the current STA database application username and password.

    |     Change STA Database Application User password    |
    Password Requirements:
    - From 8 to 32 characters in length
    - Must include at least one uppercase letter and one numeric character
    - Must not include spaces or tabs
    - Must not include any of the following special characters % & ' ( ) < > ? { } * \ ` " ; , + = # !
    Enter STA Database Application User username         : stadb
    Enter current STA Database Application User password :
  10. At the prompts, enter and confirm the new STA database application user password.

    Enter new STA Database Application User password     :
    Confirm new STA Database Application User password   :

    The utility updates the password in the WebLogic server and the MySQL database.

    Connecting to MySQL and updating STA Database Application User password ....... 
    Password change successful. DB Root is authenticated. Skipping authentication
  11. At the prompts, enter the STA database reports username and enter and confirm the new password.

    |       Change STA Database Reports User password      |
    Password Requirements:
    - From 8 to 32 characters in length
    - Must include at least one uppercase letter and one numeric character
    - Must not include spaces or tabs
    - Must not include any of the following special characters % & ' ( ) < > ? { } * \ ` " ; , + = # !
    Enter STA Database Reports User username         : starpt
    Enter current STA Database Reports User password :
    Enter new STA Database Reports User password     :
    Confirm new STA Database Reports User password   :
    Connecting to MySQL and updating STA Database Reports User password ....... 
    Password change successful. DB Root is authenticated. Skipping authentication
  12. At the prompts, enter the STA database administrator username, and enter and confirm the new password.

    |       Change STA Database Administrator password     |
    Password Requirements:
    - From 8 to 32 characters in length
    - Must include at least one uppercase letter and one numeric character
    - Must not include spaces or tabs
    - Must not include any of the following special characters % & ' ( ) < > ? { } * \ ` " ; , + = # !
    Enter STA Database Administrator username         : stadba
    Enter current STA Database Administrator password :
    Enter new STA Database Administrator password     :
    Confirm new STA Database Administrator password   :

    The utility updates the passwords in the WebLogic server and the MySQL database. If the Database Backup and Resmon services have been configured, the utility also updates the services with the new password so they can continue to run uninterrupted.

    Connecting to MySQL and updating STA Database Administrator password ....... 
    .STA Backup Service does not exist.
    .Updating DBA password for STA backup service.
    STA Resource Monitor Service does not exist.
    Password change successful. ... 
  13. The utility restarts the STA application and all associated services; this may take several minutes. When the process is done, press Enter to return to the utility Main Menu.

    Restarting all STA services. This operation may take up to 20 minutes.
    ........................Press [ENTER] to return to Main Menu
  14. Enter 8 to exit the utility.

    |              STA Password Change Utility             |
    |                       Main Menu                      |
    Select password to change
      1) All STA Account passwords
      2) WebLogic Administrator password
      3) STA Administrator password
      4) STA Database Root User password
      5) STA Database Application User password
      6) STA Database Reports User password
      7) STA Database Administrator password
      8) Exit
    Enter Choice [1-8] : 8

Change the WebLogic Administrator Password


Before using this procedure, you must obtain the username and password of the WebLogic administrator account.


This procedure requires the STA application to be running.
  1. Start the STA Password Change Utility; see "Start the STA Password Change Utility" for instructions.

  2. At the main menu, enter 2 to change the WebLogic administrator account password.

    |              STA Password Change Utility             |
    |                       Main Menu                      |
    Select password to change
      1) All STA Account passwords
      2) WebLogic Administrator password
      3) STA Administrator password
      4) STA Database Root User password
      5) STA Database Application User password
      6) STA Database Reports User password
      7) STA Database Administrator password
      8) Exit
    Enter Choice [1-8] : 2

    The utility displays information about the option and the STA password requirements.

    |         Change WebLogic Administrator password       |
    After you specify the new password, you will be prompted to restart STA. The restart process may take approximately 20 minutes.
    Caution: Do not interrupt the process once it starts, as it may cause irrecoverable errors in STA.
    Password Requirements:
    - From 8 to 32 characters in length
    - Must include at least one uppercase letter and one numeric character
    - Must not include spaces or tabs
    - Must not include any of the following special characters % & ' ( ) < > ? { } * \ ` " ; , + = # !
  3. At the prompts, enter and confirm the new WebLogic administrator password.

    Enter new WebLogic Administrator password     :
    Confirm new WebLogic Administrator password   :
    Final Confirmation. Change password and restart STA (Y/N)? : 
  4. Proceed as follows at the confirmation prompt:

    • Enter y to confirm that you want to update the password and restart the WebLogic server and the STA application.

    • Enter n to cancel the password update and return to the main menu.

    If you enter y, the utility updates the password in the WebLogic server. This may take several minutes.

    Final Confirmation. Change password and restart STA (Y/N)? : y
    Changing the WebLogic Administrator password.
    Changing password in progress......
    Creating the key file can reduce the security of your system if it is not kept in a secured location after it is created. Creating new key...
    Changing password in progress....
    Password change successful.
  5. Press Enter to return to the main menu.

Change the STA Administrator Account Password

Use this procedure to assign a new password to the STA administrator account. This procedure uses the STA Password Change Utility. You can also change this password within the STA application. See the STA User's Guide for instructions.


Before using this procedure, you must obtain the username and password of the WebLogic administrator account and all STA database accounts.


This procedure requires the STA application to be running.
  1. Start the STA Password Change Utility; see "Start the STA Password Change Utility" for instructions.

  2. At the main menu, enter 3 to change the STA administrator password.

    |              STA Password Change Utility             |
    |                       Main Menu                      |
    Select password to change
      1) All STA Account passwords
      2) WebLogic Administrator password
      3) STA Administrator password
      4) STA Database Root User password
      5) STA Database Application User password
      6) STA Database Reports User password
      7) STA Database Administrator password
      8) Exit
    Enter Choice [1-8] : 3

    The utility displays information about the option.

    |           Change STA Administrator password          |
    Password Requirements:
    - From 8 to 32 characters in length
    - Must include at least one uppercase letter and one numeric character
    - Must not include spaces or tabs
    - Must not include any of the following special characters % & ' ( ) < > ? { } * \ ` " ; , + = # !
  3. At the prompts, enter the STA Administrator username and current password.

    Enter STA Administrator username         : sta_admin
    Enter current STA Administrator password :
  4. At the prompts, enter and confirm the new STA administrator password.

    Enter new STA Administrator password     :
    Confirm new STA Administrator password   :

    The utility updates the password in the WebLogic server and STA application. The new password takes effect immediately.

    Changing the STA Administrator password.
    Updating LDAP password
    Password change successful. Press [ENTER] to return to Main Menu
  5. Press Enter to return to the main menu.

    |              STA Password Change Utility             |
    |                       Main Menu                      |
    Select password to change
      1) All STA Account passwords
      2) WebLogic Administrator password
      3) STA Administrator password
      4) STA Database Root User password
      5) STA Database Application User password
      6) STA Database Reports User password
      7) STA Database Administrator password
      8) Exit
    Enter Choice [1-8] : 
  6. Enter 8 to exit the utility and return to the system prompt.

    Enter Choice [1-8] : 8
    Quitting STA Configuration Utility.
    Exiting Utility.

Change the Database Root Account Password

Use this procedure to assign a new password to the STA database root user.


Before using this procedure, you must obtain the username and password of the WebLogic administrator account and all STA database accounts.


This procedure requires the STA application to be running.
  1. Start the STA Password Change Utility; see "Start the STA Password Change Utility" for instructions.

  2. At the main menu, enter 4 to change the database root user password.

    |              STA Password Change Utility             |
    |                       Main Menu                      |
    Select password to change
      1) All STA Account passwords
      2) WebLogic Administrator password
      3) STA Administrator password
      4) STA Database Root User password
      5) STA Database Application User password
      6) STA Database Reports User password
      7) STA Database Administrator password
      8) Exit
    Enter Choice [1-8] : 4
  3. At the prompt enter the current STA database root user password. This ensures you are authorized to change passwords for database accounts.

    |         Authenticate STA Database Root User          |
    Enter current STA Database Root User password :

    The utility authenticates your credentials, then displays the STA password requirements.

    Authenticating user...
    |         Change STA Database Root User password       |
    Password Requirements:
    - From 8 to 32 characters in length
    - Must include at least one uppercase letter and one numeric character
    - Must not include spaces or tabs
    - Must not include any of the following special characters % & ' ( ) < > ? { } * \ ` " ; , + = # !
  4. At the prompts, enter and confirm the new STA database root user password.

    Enter new STA Database Root User password     :
    Confirm new STA Database Root User password   :

    The utility updates the password in the WebLogic server and MySQL database. The new password takes effect immediately.

    Changing password in progress.........
    Password change successful. Press [ENTER] to return to Main Menu
  5. Press Enter to return to the main menu.

    |              STA Password Change Utility             |
    |                       Main Menu                      |
    Select password to change
      1) All STA Account passwords
      2) WebLogic Administrator password
      3) STA Administrator password
      4) STA Database Root User password
      5) STA Database Application User password
      6) STA Database Reports User password
      7) STA Database Administrator password
      8) Exit
    Enter Choice [1-8] : 
  6. At the prompt, enter 8 to exit the utility and return to the system prompt.

    Enter Choice [1-8] : 8
    Quitting STA Configuration Utility.
    Exiting Utility.

Change a Database User Account Password

Use this procedure to assign a new password to any of the following accounts:

  • STA database application user

  • STA database reports user

  • STA database administrator user


Before using this procedure, you must obtain the username and password of the WebLogic administrator account and all STA database accounts.


This procedure requires the STA application to be running.
  1. Start the STA Password Change Utility; see "Start the STA Password Change Utility" for instructions.

    The utility main menu appears.

    |              STA Password Change Utility             |
    |                       Main Menu                      |
    Select password to change
      1) All STA Account passwords
      2) WebLogic Administrator password
      3) STA Administrator password
      4) STA Database Root User password
      5) STA Database Application User password
      6) STA Database Reports User password
      7) STA Database Administrator password
      8) Exit
    Enter Choice [1-8] : 
  2. At the prompt, enter the number for the database account password you want to change (5, 6, or 7). This procedure uses the STA database application user as an example.

    Enter Choice [1-8] : 5
  3. At the prompt enter the current STA database root user password. This ensures you are authorized to change passwords for database accounts.


    The utility skips this prompt if you have already entered the database root user credentials during this session.
    |         Authenticate STA Database Root User          |
    Enter current STA Database Root User password :

    The utility authenticates your credentials, then displays the STA password requirements.

    Authenticating user...
    |     Change STA Database Application User password     |
    Password Requirements:
    - From 8 to 32 characters in length
    - Must include at least one uppercase letter and one numeric character
    - Must not include spaces or tabs
    - Must not include any of the following special characters % & ' ( ) < > ? { } * \ ` " ; , + = # !
  4. At the prompts, enter the account username and current password.

    Enter STA Database Application User username         : stadb 
    Enter current STA Database Application User password :
  5. At the prompts, enter and confirm the new password.

    Enter new STA Database Application User password     :
    Confirm new STA Database Application User password   :

    The utility updates the password in the WebLogic server and MySQL database. The new password takes effect immediately.

    Connecting to MySQL and updating STA Database Application User password .....

    If you are changing the STA database administrator password, the utility automatically updates the password in the STA Backup Service and STA Resmon Service configuration files, if these services have been configured.

    .Updating DBA password for STA backup service.
    .Updating DBA password for STA resource monitor service.
    Password change successful. Press [ENTER] to return to Main Menu
  6. Press Enter to return to the main menu.

    |              STA Password Change Utility             |
    |                       Main Menu                      |
    Select password to change
      1) All STA Account passwords
      2) WebLogic Administrator password
      3) STA Administrator password
      4) STA Database Root User password
      5) STA Database Application User password
      6) STA Database Reports User password
      7) STA Database Administrator password
      8) Exit
    Enter Choice [1-8] : 
  7. At the prompt, enter 8 to exit the utility and return to the system prompt.

    Enter Choice [1-8] : 8
    Quitting STA Configuration Utility.
    Exiting Utility.

STA Administration and Database Accounts

The STA application requires the following administration and database accounts, which are created during STA installation with the credentials defined at that time. These accounts are specific to STA, and they are not Linux usernames.

After STA installation, you can modify the credentials at any time using the STA Password Change Utility. See "Administration Account Password Management Tasks" for instructions. You can also use the STA application to create additional STA user accounts with assignable roles; see the STA User's Guide for details.

To protect your site security, usernames and passwords are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.

Administration Accounts

You can log in to the following accounts to perform administrative activities.

WebLogic administrator

This account is used to log in to the WebLogic Administration console to configure and manage the WebLogic environment—for example, to connect WebLogic to an LDAP or RACF server. This account is used infrequently.

STA administrator

This account is used to log in to the STA user interface with full access privileges on all STA screens. You can have multiple STA Administrator accounts on the STA server, one of which must be created during STA installation.

MySQL Database Accounts

The following MySQL database accounts are used internally by the STA application and third-party applications to access and manage the STA database. These accounts must exist for normal STA operations, but you will not need to log in to any of them.

STA database root user

This account owns the STA database. It is used internally by the STA application to create the database, and it provides full access to all database tables.

The username for this account is automatically set to root and cannot be changed. This is a MySQL account that is separate from the system root user.

STA database application user

This account is used internally by the STA application to connect to and update the STA database. It provides create, update, delete, and read access to all database tables.

STA database reports user

This account is used by non-STA and third-party applications to connect to the STA database. It provides read-only access to selected database tables.

STA database administrator

This account is used internally by STA utilities to connect to the STA database and configure and run scheduled backups. It provides full access, except the "grant" option, to all database tables.

mysql user

This account is automatically created during STA installation. It is an internal MySQL account with full create, update, and delete privileges to the database. The username is automatically set to mysql and cannot be changed. Oracle recommends that you do not modify the credentials for this account; unlike the other MySQL database accounts described in this section, you cannot change its credentials through STA.

Using the STA Password Change Utility


The STA Password Change Utility is available starting with STA 2.3.0. For earlier releases, you must use the WebLogic Administration console to assign new passwords to STA administration and database accounts. For instructions, see the STA Administration Guide for the STA release you are running.

The STA Password Change Utility allows you to change the passwords for STA administration and database accounts (see "STA Administration and Database Accounts" for details). The utility allows you to change as many passwords as you want in a single session and provides an option to change all passwords at once.

STA Password Change Utility Location

The utility is a shell script run from the system command line. The script file name is changeSTAPassword.sh, and it is located in the following directory:


where Oracle_storage_home is the Oracle storage home location specified during STA installation.

See "Ensure the Correct Oracle User Path" for instructions on adding the directory to the Oracle user path.

STA Password Change Utility Requirements


To implement the new passwords, the utility will stop and restart all STA processes; therefore, Oracle recommends that you back up the STA database before using the utility. See "Updates Made by the STA Password Change Utility" for details.

Following are requirements for running the STA Password Change Utility:

  • You must be logged in as the system root user.

  • The STA application must be running. See "Display the Status of the STA Application" to verify.

  • You must know the Weblogic administrator username and password; the script will prompt for this information as soon as it is started.

  • You must know the username and current password of the accounts you are updating.

  • If you are changing a database account password, you must also know the current STA database root account password.

Updates Made by the STA Password Change Utility

When you have finished specifying new passwords, the utility makes the following updates:

  • Synchronizes the new passwords between the WebLogic server, MySQL database, and STA application, as applicable.

  • Stops and restarts all STA processes. Some library transactions will be lost during this process.

  • If you are changing the STA database administrator password, the utility updates the STA Backup Service and STA Resource Monitor Service with the new password, if these services are configured. This allows the services to continue running with no manual intervention on your part. See "About the STA Backup Service" and "About the STA Resource Monitor Service" for details about these services.

STA Password Change Utility Logs

The STA Password Change Utility logs track all updates made by the utility. The logs can useful for troubleshooting issues with the STA utility or the accounts themselves.

The logs are located in the following directory:


Following is a sample directory listing showing the files.

$ ls -l /var/log/tbi/changeutility
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall  126 Feb 22 09:44 STAChangeUtility-0.log

The log records when the STA Password Change Utility is used. See "Using the STA Password Change Utility" for details.

For each log, there may be up to 10 different log files in the directory, each with a sequential number, 0 to 9, indicating their order. Log "0" is always the active log, and logs "1" through "9" are historical. Log files have a 1.0 MB size limit, and when log "0" reaches the limit, the logs are rotated—log "0" becomes log "1", log "1" becomes log "2", and so on—and a new log "0" is started. Any existing log "9" is overwritten by log "8" and effectively deleted, or rolled off.