Set the Volume Label Format (SL500 only)

Ensure that volume serial numbers (volsers) are formatted correctly in SNMP data sent to STA.

See also How the Volume Label Format Affects STA Data (SL500 and SL150 only).

  1. You should stop all activity to the library before changing these parameters. Tape applications and hosts may require configuration updates after changing these parameters.

  2. Using the CLI, display the current setting of the orientlabel flag.

    SL500> orientlabel print
    Host: (left8) Window left-justified with 6 character label
    Op Panel: (left8) Window left-justified with 8 character label
  3. The host flag must be set to left6. To do so, use the following command:

    SL500> orientlabel host left6
    New settings were accepted...Setting are now in effect.
  4. Display the setting again to verify it was updated correctly.

    SL500> orientlabel print
    Host: (left6) Window left-justified with 6 character label
    Op Panel: (left8) Window left-justified with 8 character label
  5. Display the current setting of the staConfig flag.

    SL500> staConfig print
    STA mode is disabled
  6. The staConfig flag must be set to on. To do so, use the following command:

    SL500> staConfig on
  7. Display the setting again to verify it was updated correctly.

    SL500> staConfig print
    STA mode is enabled