Install Linux

Gather all required network information, then run the Linux installer and Setup Agent.

Gather Required Network Information

Contact your system administrator to obtain network configuration information.

  • Hostname and IP address for the STA server

  • Gateway IP address and netmask for your network

  • DNS server IP addresses and search domains for your network

  • IP address of the NTP (network time protocol) servers you will be using

  • Network proxy information, if applicable

Run the Linux Installer

Install a compatible version of Linux on the STA server by running the corresponding installation package.

  1. Complete Download the Linux Installer Media Pack.

  2. Connect the installation media (flash drive) to the STA server.

  3. Start the Linux installer using the instructions in the README file on the media.

  4. Select Install or upgrade an existing system.

  5. If you are installing from a DVD, the CD Found screen appears. You can optionally perform a test of the media. To skip the test, press Tab to highlight the Skip option, and then press Spacebar.

  6. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  7. Select a language, and then click Next.

  8. Select a keyboard layout, and then click Next.

  9. Select Basic Storage Devices, and then click Next.

  10. Enter a hostname for the STA server, and then click Configure Network.

  11. Select the network adapter name, and then click Edit.

  12. Ensure that Connect automatically and Available to all users are both selected.

  13. In the remaining tabs, configure the adapter according to your network administrator's IPv4 or IPv6 specifications. You must specify a static IP address for the STA server, and at least one DNS server. When done, click Apply, Close, and Next.

  14. Select the STA server's time zone, select the System clock uses UTC check box, and then click Next.

  15. Enter and confirm a system root password for the server, and then click Next.

  16. Identify a partitioning layout to use on the server.

    Because STA requires a dedicated server, Oracle recommends selecting Use All Space.

    Select the Review and modify partitioning layout check box, and then click Next.

  17. Use the table in Review STA File System Layout to modify the file system layout, as the default does not meet the minimum requirements for STA. Alternatively, you can use the system-config-lvm utility to modify the file system after Linux installation.

    When done, click Next.

  18. When ready, select Write changes to disk.

  19. In the boot loader screen, leave all options as-is, and then click Next.

  20. In the software selection screen, select Basic Server, and do not change the repository options. Then, select Customize now, and then click Next.

  21. In the package selection screen you must select or deselect specific packages. Use the table below to configure the packages. Leave other check boxes as-is.

    If a package requires an option (indicated with a +), highlight the parent package, click the Optional packages button, select the child package in the list, and then click Close.

    Table 3-2 Linux Package Selection

    Package Category Select Deselect

    Base System

    • Base

    • Compatibility libraries

    • Console internet tools

    • Java Platform

    • Legacy UNIX compatibility(+ ksh-xxxxxxxx-xx.el6.x86_64)

    • Debugging Tools

    • Dial-up Networking Support

    • Directory Client

    • Hardware monitoring utilities

    • Large Systems Performance

    • Network file system client

    • Performance Tools

    Servers (optional)

    • System administration tools


    Web Services


    All packages



    All packages

    System Management






    Desktops (recommended)— Used to perform certain post-installation steps in a graphical environment; see Configure Linux for details.

    • Desktop

    • Desktop Platform

    • General Purpose Desktop (+ system-config-lvm-x.x.xx-xx.el6.noarch)

    • Legacy X Window System compatibility

    • X11 (X Window System, version 11)


    Applications (optional)— Can be used to configure and manage the STA server locally with the GUI interface.

    • Internet Browser



    • Development tools (+ expect-x.xx.x.xx-x.el6.x86_64)





  22. When you are finished with package selection, click Next. Installation will begin.

    If you accidentally click Next before configuring all the packages, click Back after the software completes a dependency check.

  23. When the Congratulations screen appears, remove the installation media, and then click Reboot.

    A complete log of the installation can be found in /root/install.log.

Run the Linux Setup Agent

The Linux Setup Agent starts automatically when you reboot the server. Use it to configure the system environment.

  1. On the Welcome screen, click Forward.

  2. Read the License Agreement, select Yes, I agree to the License Agreement, and click Forward.

  3. On the Software Updates screen, if you'd like to register your system for updates, select Yes, I'd like to register now. Otherwise, select No, I prefer to register at a later time, and click Forward.

  4. On the Finish Updates Setup screen, click Forward.

  5. On the Create User screen, leave the fields blank, click Forward, and then Yes to continue. The STA server does not require a non-administrative user.

  6. In the Date and Time screen:

    1. Set the current date and time.

    2. Select the Synchronize date and time over the network check box.

    3. Add or remove the desired NTP servers (obtained from your IT administrator), and then click Forward.


    To ensure that STA data and log files are correct, the date and time on the STA server must be correct. Additionally, any library connected to STA must also have the correct time.
  7. On the Kdump screen, do not select Enable kdump?. Then click Finish.

    The system reboots.

  8. After the system reboots, log in as the system root user:

    1. Click Other....

    2. Enter username root, and then click Log In.

    3. Enter the system root password, and then click Log In again.

      If a message appears about being logged in as root super user, you may ignore the message.

  9. Confirm the Linux release and update level. This step is optional.

    # cat /etc/*-release