Server Requirements

Verify that the server you plan to use for STA meets minimum requirements.

To ensure optimal performance and functionality of the STA application, you must install STA on a dedicated server. Oracle can only provide support if the server is dedicated to STA and not running any other application.

Server Sizing and Considerations for Larger Installations

Larger library environments are more demanding on the STA server. The minimum server size required depends on the number of libraries, slots, drives, media, and exchanges per hour.

Before you install or upgrade to the latest version of STA, contact your Oracle sales representative for assistance with sizing your STA server. Your sales representative can use the STA Server Sizing Tool to provide you with sizing recommendations to meet your site's current needs and expected growth.

Memory swap size must be 50 to 100 percent of RAM size. See Review STA File System Layout.

If you have significant exchanges per hour (that is, greater than 300) with multiple libraries attached to a single STA server and a long history with STA, you should carefully consider the size and configuration of the following key areas:

  • Operating system and main application area — Oracle recommends this to be on its own appropriately sized HDD. The Oracle storage home location (for example, /Oracle) needs to be at least 100 GB, but you should allocate 200 GB if /tmp is in the root partition. Allocate another 200 GB if /var/log/tbi is also in the root partition.

  • STA database data (for example, /dbdata) — Oracle recommends this to be on its own appropriately sized HDD. Guidance is from 250 GB up to 500 GB.

  • STA database backups (for example, /dbbackup) — Oracle recommends this to be on its own appropriately sized HDD. Guidance is from 500 GB up to 2 TB.

You may also want to consider using SSDs.

Server Hardware Requirements

The server hardware must meet minimum requirements to run STA 2.3.x.

To accommodate future STA upgrades or library changes, select a server that has expandable disk bays, CPU cores, and RAM slots. Contact your Oracle sales representative for assistance with sizing your STA server.

Table 1-5 Server Hardware Requirements

Hardware Configuration


Intel Xeon Series or equal AMD CPU

CPU cores

Minimum: 6

Recommended: 12 to 32, or capability to expand to this configuration


Minimum: 16 GB RAM

Recommended: 32 GB to 128 GB RAM

Operating system disk

Dual HDD drives:

  • 600 GB each (single library, typical)

  • 1 TB each (multiple libraries, typical)

Note: As the number of data exchanges increases, so does the size of the database.

Database data and local backup disks

Minimum: 100 GB each

Recommended: 250 GB to 2 TB each


Gigabit Ethernet


All disk storage residing on a single platform

See the Review STA File System Layout for the recommended file system layout and allocations.

Server Operating System Requirements

STA 2.3.1 is supported on Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 6.8, 6.10, 7.7, and 7.8.

STA does not support SELinux. You must disable SELinux before installing STA.

Table 1-6 Operating System Requirements

Operating System Supported Version

Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL), 64-bit (Oracle kernel)

6.8, 6.10, 7.7, 7.8

Server Network Requirements and Recommendations

The network must meet minimum requirements to support STA.

  • The STA server must have a static IP address.

  • Oracle recommends that you place the STA server on the same subnet as the libraries to improve SNMP UDP reliability.

  • If you configure STA to support dual TCP/IP using two distinct subnets, configure the network to allow the delivery of SNMP packets on either subnet between the library and STA. Consult your network administrator and your Oracle support representative for more information.