User Accounts Worksheet

Track accounts used for STA administration activities, and MySQL accounts used internally by the STA application to access and manage the STA database.

Table C-3 User Accounts Worksheet

Account Description Current Username and Password New Username and Password

WebLogic Administration

Used to log in to the WebLogic Administration console.

Caution: You cannot retrieve this username or password. If these credentials are lost, STA must be re-installed.


STA Administrator

Used to log in to the STA application with full access privileges.


STA Database Root User

Owns the MySQL database. The predefined username of root cannot be changed.

Caution: You cannot retrieve this password.

username = root

username = root

STA Database Application User

STA uses this account to connect to the database.


STA Database Reports User

Non-STA and third-party applications use this account to connect to the database.


STA Database Administrator User

STA administration and monitoring utilities use this account to connect to the database, primarily to perform scheduled backups.