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Oracle Agile Engineering Data Management Security Guide
Release e6.2.1.0
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1 Overview of Agile e6 System

Agile Engineering Data Management (Agile EDM) is a Product Lifecycle Management solution that enables the engineering industry to manage its complete lifecycle of product development activities in a secure and collaborative application environment.

This document provides an overview of the Agile e6 system and discusses the security objectives and security architecture of Agile e6 modules. It also explains how to install and use the Agile e6, release e6.2.1.0, system securely. It includes specific information on how to enable security features, such as SSL, as well as more open ended discussions of the security implications of configuration choices.


For detailed information about the Agile e6 system architecture, refer to the Architecture Guide for Agile e6.2.1.0.

1.1 Agile e6 System Services

Some responsibilities of the application server process have been assigned to dedicated services, being able to service several client processes in parallel. These are:

  • File Management Services

    The File Management Services manages the files and attachments transaction and storage services, thus facilitating the check-in and check-out functionality provided by the Document Management System in the Agile e6 system.

  • Business Services

    The Business Services provides Agile e6 functionalities for Workflow Management, Product Configurator, and Permission Manager.

  • Technical Services

    Technical Services encompass Java Client WebStart deployment, Java Client HTTPS support, Web Presentation Service, Web-Fileservice, Web Services, and Administration Client.

The Business Services, as well as the Technical Services, run on top of the Oracle WebLogic Application Server.

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1.2 Agile e6 System Components

The Agile e6 system consists of 2 components.

  • Server Side Components

  • Client Side Components

1.2.1 Server Side Components

The EDM Server components can reside on the same server where the EDM Server processes are executed (this is recommended for Business Services) or can reside on any other computer in the network (especially for the File Management Service - FMS).

The entire communication is based on TCP/IP. Only the unprivileged ports (above 1024) are used. Privileged ports are used for well known services like Portmapper to establish a connection between FMS client and server. Once a TCP/IP connection is established the port will not be changed dynamically.

  • File Management Services

  • ViewServer - (external) component of AutoVue Viewer that is used to view and redline documents (Office documents, 2D/3D-CAD Models)

  • LDAP Server - (external) component (e.g. Oracle Identity Management Suite) to provide centralized store for managing user/password

  • Kerberos Server - (external) component (e.g. Microsoft Active Directory) to provide centralized store for managing user/password and Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities.

  • Batch Client - component to run Agile e6 batch processes

  • Java Daemon

  • FMS Daemon

  • PLM-API Proxy

  • Web Services

  • Business Services

1.2.2 Client Side Components

  • Workflow Editor - to model and view workflows

  • Office Suite - to check-in/check-out documents from/to Microsoft Office

    • Installed COM components

      The Office Suite uses the Addin-Express Framework for the Office Suite Addin module. The Addin-Express Frameworks installs several COM/.NET components. The following table lists the most important ones.

      GUID Class Description
      22C77E65-9597-4867-A5C2-EAF9078A4274 AddinExpress.MSO.ADXAddinInstaller Addin-Express Addin Installer
      8373210C-24AF-4561-9AE9-C829C4922415 AddinExpress.MSO.ADXAddinModule Addin-Express Addin Loader
      A767C1EC-710D-4A35-9A20-4AF4EDBB8BC0 GDMAddin2010.AddinModule Office Suite Addin for Office 2010
      A39F6C0D-4C64-4677-8751-0F82319B0635 GDMAddin2013.AddinModule Office Suite Addin for Office 2013
      FDB523C7-C0D9-47FB-A99C-EBAFF34E1F5F GDMTools.clsConvertBookmark Bookmark Conversion Toolkit
      5E5BF33F-C063-47B1-AD65-CFBCA4CA6B65 GDMTools.clsConvertPDF PDF Conversion Toolkit
      6197B81A-16EC-4B42-905D-0B01DB8FA2A7 GDMTools.clsCreateZipSfx ZIP Toolkit
      05490640-BED4-42C4-9457-0A3B2C7F545E GDMTools.clsCustomProperties Custom Document Properties Toolkit
      D628C366-F8FE-451E-9FCE-F9129C3002CF GDMTools.clsDocumentProperties Build-in Document Properties Toolkit
      DF297172-733A-4223-BCDB-40A527C18AAB GDMTools.clsFiles File System Toolkit
      9DCE1876-0F39-4DAF-B25C-3BF7EC23F19F GDMTools.clsOffice Basic Office Application Toolkit
      E698A962-26B8-4BC3-A758-1F4C8497E5A6 GDMTools.clsOpenSave File Dialog Toolkit
      D10542A9-CDC3-4B8D-AAB3-3492EB4EAD24 GDMTools.clsProgressBar Progress Report Toolkit
      51971F0C-B912-457E-A86C-02DC135CA539 GDMTools.clsPrtDlg Printer Dialog Toolkit
      618B44CD-124B-4CEB-BB87-12C2844BE1E7 GDMTools.clsRefreshProperties Refresh Document Properties Toolkit
      9A07D5D6-71D6-4D95-9BD9-253E97487774 GDMTools.clsRegistry Windows Registry Toolkit
      46CADF67-6CAE-4D4F-8D2E-95005A06AB72 GDMTools.clsRegistryOffice Advanced Windows Registry Toolkit
      D4058C47-99D8-476E-BBB8-41CAA2425DA7 GDMTools.clsShell32 Basic Icon Toolkit
      C189BD7F-B462-417E-AFA9-BC3A34FC22E0 GDMTools.clsTasks Basic Control Toolkit
      80172A67-C811-42C5-9D1A-E81FDFEE6A6C GDMTools.clsVersion Office Suite Version
      ED25543D-F624-4314-A637-1E3DCDBDC375 GDMTools.clsVsImg32L Basic Image Toolkit
      13D600B4-28B1-4063-9E3D-E045D1494BB5 GDMTools.clsWinSys Basic Window Control Toolkit

    • Office Addin Registry Settings - example

      Key ADXStartMode LoadBehavior
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\AddIns\GDMAddin2013.AddinModule NORMAL 3 (start on startup)
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\PowerPoint\AddIns\GDMAddin2013.AddinModule NORMAL 3 (start on startup)
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\GDMAddin2013.AddinModule NORMAL 3 (start on startup)
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Visio\AddIns\GDMAddin2013.AddinModule NORMAL 3 (start on startup)

1.3 Security Objectives of Agile e6 System

  • Providing Basic Security Services

  • Supporting Standards

  • Deployment and Configuration Flexibility

  • Scalability and Predictability

1.4 System-wide Advice

Some advice applies to the entire system and the infrastructure in which it operates.

  • Keep the software up to date: Keep all software versions and patches up-to-date. Regularly checking the updates page will ensure you have the latest version.

  • Restrict network access to critical services: Provide a firewall to monitor, restrict and check the access to the system.

  • Follow the principle of least privilege: Privileges and roles to be checked periodically. Must be given to users depending on relevance to their current job.

  • Monitor system activity: Auditing addresses system monitoring. Components within the system too have the capability to monitor systems to a certain extent.

  • Keep up-to-date on latest security information: Check Oracle documentation regularly for latest versions.