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Oracle Agile Engineering Data Management Security Guide
Release e6.2.1.0
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4 Encryption

Agile e6 supports the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES); this encryption mechanism is used to encrypt the passwords within property files.

4.1 Encrypt Passwords

In some cases you may need to encrypt passwords manually.

To encrypt a password, you can use the epkeytool which is part of the Agile e6 installation.

The epkeytool can be started by calling:


%ep_root%\axalant\cmd\epkeytool.bat -encryptpwd -keyStore file://<complete path to the wallet which has to be used>/cwallet.sso -keyAlias orakey


${ep_root}/axalant/scripts/epkeytool.sh -encryptpwd -keyStore file://<complete path to the wallet which has to be used>/cwallet.sso -keyAlias orakey


Which wallet you have to use depends on which component should work with the encrypted password. (The wallet you have to use depends on which component works with the encrypted password.)The section "Manual Creation of Wallets" explains in detail how to manually create a wallet and the manual deployment of that wallet.

The epkeytool prompts for the password to encrypt, the output (encrypted password) will look similar to:


4.2 Secured Components

For the following components you need to encrypt passwords manually:

  • Batch Client

  • OfficeSuite PDF Generator

  • AutoVue Offline Metafile Cache

All these components are based on the Batch Client technology. For each scenario, the components have property files which contain the Batch user password.


An Agile e6 batch user account must have limited access to the Agile e6 system and the installation directory needs to be secured to protect the properties files.

The Batch Clients do not support clear text passwords.

4.3 Agile e6 Encryption

The epkeytool is available directly from the installation package. The scripts for Windows and UNIX are located in the directory installer/tools/bin.

4.3.1 EDM Server

The following list shows all passwords that are encrypted with the epkeytool.

  • Database Password in the <ep_root>/init/<env>.xml file

  • Java Daemon Administration Password

  • Unprivileged Windows User Password

    Local Windows User which is used by the following services:

    • Java

    • FMS

    • Java and Portmapper

Location Purpose Batch Installation Property Wallet Comment
<ep_root>/init/<env>.xml Database Password plm.application.dbpassword Server Manual modification
<ep_root>/axalant/ini/jade.ini Java Admin Password plm.javadaemon.admpwd Server Manual modification
<ep_root>/build/applicationServer/weblogic_121/deploy/<env>/web.xml Database Password plm.application.dbpassword Server Automatically added while redeploying the Business Service
<ep_root>/staging/product/application/<env>/BusinessService/META-INF/eSeriesDataSource-jdbc.xml Database Password plm.application.dbpassword WebLogic Automatically added while redeploying the Business Service
<ep_root>/staging/product/application/<env>/BusinessService/BusinessService.war/WEB-INF/classes/ABS_<env>.ini Mail Authentication Password plm.application.mail_auth_password Server Automatically added while redeploying the Business Service
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\agile\installer\6.2.0\admin\apache-tomcat\webapps\AdminClient\metadata\Adminserver_Props.txt Admin Client Windows Password - adminclient Manual modification
${HOME}/.agile/installer/6.2.0/admin/apache-tomcat/webapps/AdminClient/metadata/Adminserver_Props.txt Admin Client UNIX Password - adminclient Manual modification

4.3.2 File Server

Privileged Windows User Password that use Windows encryption mechanisms.

Local Windows User which is used by the following service:

  • File Server

4.3.3 WebLogic

Mail Auth User Password for the Business Service in the WebLogic domain.

4.3.4 Batch Clients

The user credentials are stored in the Agile e6.2.1.0 Batch Client properties file.

  • Batch user in properties files for standard Batch Client

  • Batch user in properties files for Office Suite PDF generator

  • Batch user in properties files for AutoVue Offline Metafile cache

To protect the user password, it must be encrypted by the batchkeytool.

  1. Call the batchkeytool without any parameters to encrypt a password.

  2. Enter the password.

    The output is:

  3. Copy the encrypted password into the scenario properties file for user password.


    The password is also stored in the clipboard.



    Please make sure that the example is a continuous line.

    # PLM Client

The user credentials are stored in the following default files:

Location Purpose Wallet Comment
<batch_root>/examples/eciserver.properties Batch user password Batch Wallet Manual modification
<batch_root>/examples/LGVCall.properties Batch user password Batch Wallet Manual modification
<batch_root>/examples/LgvLoop.properties Batch user password Batch Wallet Manual modification
<autovue_batch_root>/axalant/batch/vuelink.properties Batch user password Batch Wallet Manual modification
<office_pdf_root>/axalant/pdf/OfsPdf.properties Batch user password Batch Wallet Manual modification