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Oracle Agile Engineering Data Management Security Guide
Release e6.2.1.0
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6 Agile e6 Users and Permissions

The default installation assumes that the Agile e6 software is installed on dedicated servers where no other users have access to the installation.

6.1 Predefined Agile e6 User

User in table T_USER and T_GROUP and their group assignment:

User Name Manager Profile Status Assigned to Group Description



Owner of e6 core objects in e6 dump


Preconfigured user for customization
DEMOEP No - Locked DEMOEP Preconfigured run time user for demos without manager privileges


Preconfigured customizing/run time user for demos with manager privileges
EDB-RESERVED Yes MANAGER-PROFIL Locked EDB Internal user to define maximum I_IC for internal use


Owner of Dode Objects in the e6 dump
EDB-EIP Yes MANAGER-PROFIL Locked EDB Owner of e6 EIP objects
EDB-SCM Yes MANAGER-PROFIL Locked EDB Preconfigured user for customization
MANAGER Yes - Active DATAVIEW Preconfigured manager user

The following example shows how a user can have several roles assigned that were defined in the so-called Job Functions. Details on Roles/Job Functions and Privileges are described in the Online Help Customizing Agile e6 > Roles

User Name Role Job Function Privileges

Copy a company/department


Delete a position or project team member

The following table shows assigned Job Functions to the user EDBCUSTO.


EDBCUSTO is the only user with assigned Job Functions.

Job Function Description User
DefaultOrgMng Enabling EDBCUSTO to initiate organizations EDBCUSTO
DefaultProjectMng Enabling EDBCUSTO to initiate projects EDBCUSTO
DefaultRoleMng Enabling EDBCUSTO to define roles, privileges and job functions EDBCUSTO
Txt-Manager-2 Manager for Text Management EDBCUSTO

6.2 Windows Users

The installation requires an user with administration rights.

  • The Installation user, initially, requires administration rights to create other users and services


After the installation, this user should no longer have Administration rights because the AdminClient service has to run under this account to modify the existing installation. This task will not require Administration rights.

Depending on the installed components, there will be two users created during the installation:

  • The runtime user for the following services which requires no privileged permissions. This user will be referred to as the Runtime User:

    • FMS Java Daemon

    • Java Daemon

    • Portmapper

  • The user running the File Server. This user requires Administrative rights to secure its own data directories. This user will be referred to as the File Server User.

6.3 UNIX Users

The installation on UNIX requires no special permissions during the installation and should be started as an unprivileged user.


Should not be started by the root user.

To secure the installation, there should be two user accounts created analog to the Windows users which will be created during the Agile e6 installation:

  • Runtime User

  • File Server User

6.4 Default Installation Permissions

This section describes the directory access permission after an installation.


No other users or groups have access permissions to these directories.

6.4.1 Windows

Directory Access Type Access Users/Groups
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\agile\installer\6.2.0 Full Access Installation User

Administrators Group

E6 Installation Destination (ep_root) Full Access Installation User

Administrators Group

Runtime User

File Server Destination Full Access Installation User

Administrators Group

File Server User

Enterprise Integration Platform Destination Full Access Installation User

Administrators Group

6.4.2 UNIX

Directory Access Type Access Users/Groups
${HOME}/.agile/installer/6.2.0 Full Access Installation User
E6 Installation Destination (ep_root) Full Access Installation User
File Server Destination Full Access Installation User
Enterprise Integration Platform Destination Full Access Installation User

6.5 Detailed Access Permissions

This section describes the minimum access permissions for specific users and directories.

6.5.1 Installation User

This user needs to have full access to the Agile e6 installation to administrate the installation, e.g. applying hot fixes, modifying or creating a new application.


The Agile e6 installation includes here the native EDM Server (ep_root), the File Server, and the WebLogic user domains.

This user needs to have exclusive full access to the following directories, too.


No additional users should have access to the following directories.

  • Windows

  • UNIX


6.5.2 Runtime User

This user requires read only and execute permissions for the native EDM Server or dedicated DFM installation directory.

In addition, this user requires write and delete permissions for the following directories:

  • Native EDM Server

    • <ep_root>/axalant/dmp

    • <ep_root>/tmp

    • <ep_root>/<application>/lck

  • DFM location

    • <tomat_server_root>/logs

    • <tomat_server_root>/webapps

    • <tomat_server_root>/work

    • <ep_root>/tmp

  • EIP Location

    • <eip_root>/logs

    • <eip_root>/tmp

6.5.3 File Server User

This user only requires full access to the File Server root directory and below it.

The vaults directories with the stored files are located within the File Server directory.


  • Directories for vaults of type "PUB" have permission 755 (drwxr-xr-x).

  • Directories for vaults of type "EIF" and "FMS" have permission 700 (drwx------)

  • Files within the vault of type "PUB" have permission 644 (-rw-r--r--).

  • Files within the vault of type "EIF" and "FMS" have permission 600 (-rw-¿---).


If files are copied during vault transfer from outside to a new vault, the owner of these copied files must be set to the File Server User.

Runas /noprofile /user:<File Server User> "takeown  /F <full path to fileserver vault directory>\*"

6.6 Example How to Use Strict Access Permissions

This section describes how to remove the access permissions for other users, and remove unneeded permissions for the runtime user.


This also applies to the Enterprise Integration Platform installation location.

6.6.1 Windows

The Windows command icacls.exe can be used to add or remove access permissions to directories.

Execute the following commands in a command shell with the installation user.

  1. Remove the administrator access.


    Replace <ep_root> with the path to the Agile e6 installation directory.
    icacls.exe <ep_root> /remove:g BUILTIN\Administratorsicacls.exe %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\agile\installer\6.2.1 /remove:g BUILTIN\Administrators


    The above command requires changing the Log On Account for the AdminClient service.

    1. Start the Services Administration Configuration.

    2. Open the properties of the Apache Tomcat AgileAdminClient service.

    3. Switch to the tab Log On.

    4. Change the local system account to this account, and fill in the data of your installation user.

  2. Remove the Administrators group access for the File Server directory:


    Replace <fms_root> with the path to the File Server directory.
    icacls.exe <fms_root> /remove:g BUILTIN\Administrators

  3. Restrict the access permission for the runtime user.


    Replace <ep_root> with the path to the Agile e6 installation directory and replace <RUNTIME_USER> with the name of the runtime user. Replace <application> with the name of your Agile e6 application.

    1. Remove the access permission for the Runtime User (<RUNTIME_USER>) first.

      icacls.exe <ep_root> /remove:g <RUNTIME_USER>
    2. Add the default read and execute permissions for the runtime user:

      icacls.exe <ep_root> /grant <RUNTIME_USER>:(RX)
      icacls.exe <ep_root> /grant <RUNTIME_USER>:(OI)(CI)(IO)(RX)
    3. Add the full access permissions for the runtime user to a selected set of directories:

      icacls.exe <ep_root>\axlant\dmp /grant <RUNTIME_USER>:(F)
      icacls.exe <ep_root>\axalant\dmp /grant <RUNTIME_USER>:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)
      icacls.exe <ep_root>\tmp /grant <RUNTIME_USER>:(F)
      icacls.exe <ep_root>\tmp /grant <RUNTIME_USER>:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)
      icacls.exe <ep_root>\<application>\lck /grant <RUNTIME_USER>:(F)
      icacls.exe <ep_root>\<application>\lck /grant <RUNTIME_USER>:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)


      Permissions for additional applications which are created with the Administration Client or the batch installation need to be granted manually.

6.6.2 UNIX

There are different options to restrict the access, e.g. using ACL or UNIX groups. The following description is for UNIX groups.


Replace <ep_root> with the path to the Agile e6 installation directory.

  1. Stop any Agile e6 daemons.

  2. Clean up all files in the following directory before changing the process owner from the installation to the runtime user:

    rm <ep_root>/axalant/dmp/*
    rm <ep_root>/tmp/*
    rm <ep_root>/<application>/lck/*
  3. Create a UNIX group, e.g. plmgrp.

  4. Add the installation user to the new group from above.

  5. Create a new UNIX user, e.g. plmrun and add this user to the newly created group.

  6. Change the default group file/directory access permission of <ep_root>:

    chgrp -R plmgrp <ep_root>
    chmod -R g=rx <ep_root>
  7. Add the full access permissions for the runtime user to a selected set of directories:

    chmod -R g+w <ep_root>/axalant/dmp
    chmod -R g+w <ep_root>/tmp
    chmod -R g+w <ep_root>/<application>/lck
  8. Now you can start the following daemons with the runtime user:

    • FMS Java Daemon (${ep_root}/axalant/scripts/fms_jade)

    • Java Daemon (${ep_root}/axalant/scripts/jade)