Manage How Events are Displayed

  1. Expand the Fault Manager slider and select Events.
  2. Glide your mouse over a column and click the drop-down list that appears next to any column heading.
  3. In the events pane, select an event that you want to view and click View.


    Alternatively, you can double-click the event.
  4. In the Event detail dialog box, view the following fields:


    The following fields in the Event detail dialog box also describe the columns displayed in the events table in the events pane. The hidden fields described in this table are associated with the events table only.
    Name Description
    Time (created) The date and time this event was generated in hours, minutes, and seconds.
    Source The exact descriptive source of the event.
    Source IP The IP address from which this event was generated.
    Severity One of the following user-defined severity levels can display for a system event:


    The number indicates the numerical severity level.
    • (0) EMERGENCY—The system is unusable.
    • (1) CRITICAL—The alert indicates that action must be taken immediately. If no actions are taken, there may be physical, permanent, and irreparable damage to your system. The default color code is red.
    • (2) MAJOR—Critical conditions exist. The functionality has been seriously compromised and a loss of functionality, hanging applications, and dropped packets may occur. If no actions are taken, your system suffers no physical harm, but ceases to function. The default color code is salmon.
    • (3) MINOR—Error conditions exist. The functionality has been impaired to a certain degree and you might experience compromised functionality. There is no physical harm to your system, but you need to take actions to keep your system operating properly. The default color code is orange.
    • (4) WARNING—Warning conditions exist. Some irregularities in performance. These conditions are noteworthy and you should take actions to keep your system operating properly. The default color code is light yellow.
    • (5) NOTICE—Normal, but a significant condition exists. The default color is lime green.
    • (6) INFO—Informational messages are appearing. The default color code is yellow-green.
    • (7) TRACE—Trace messages appear. The default color is lime green.
    • (8) DEBUG—Debugging messages appear. The default color is lime green.
    • (9) DETAIL—Detailed messages appear. The default color is lime green.
    Type The type of trap associated with this event. For example, TrapRelayMonitor.
    Failed resource The resource responsible for this event.
    Description A short description of the event.
    Default Severity The system-defined severity level for this event.
    Trap Category The category to which the event belongs. For example, NNC.
    System up time Length of time the system has been operational in hours, minutes, and seconds.
    Trap Name (Hidden) The exact name of the trap associated with this event. For example, apNNCTrapRelayAliveNotification.
    Source Group ID (Hidden) The identity of the source group associated with this event.
    Network function (Hidden)The network function associated with this event.
    Object ID (Hidden) The object identifier (OID) associated with this event.