Synchronize Alarms for a Northbound Fault Trap Receiver

A specified time period can be configured to synchronize northbound interface alarm fault trap notifications from devices that are managed by SDM to determine the health of devices.

When the alarm synchronization feature is configured for a specified time interval and enabled, traps are resent from devices to the northbound interface. The system administrator determines which traps are new and which are duplicates. A system administrator uses this feature to ensure that device alarm fault trap notifications received on their northbound systems are current with the alarm trap notification generated by the device or in situations when previous traps are lost on SDM or the northbound system and need to be regained from the device.


The Start time fields default to 24 hours prior to the current time and the End time fields default to the current time.

  1. From the menu bar, select Settings > Faults > Trap receivers .
  2. In the Trap receivers configuration table, select a trap receiver and click Sync.
  3. In the Trap receiver alarm synchronization dialog box, complete the following fields:
    Name Description
    Synchronization from Select from the following options:
    • Click the Event radio button to synchronize the aggregated list of all trap messages.
    • Click the Alarm radio button to select the current device state or latest event trap messages.
    Minimum severity level Select from the following ITU X.733 alarm severity levels:
    • Indeterminate (Unknown)—Clear all events and synchronize from when they were cleared.
    • Critical (Emergency)—Send critical events or alarms.
    • Major—Send major and critical events or alarms.
    • Minor—Send minor, major, and critical events or alarms.
    • Warning—Send warning, minor, major, and critical events or alarms.
    Start time field

    To specify the start date, enter the month, day, and year (mm/dd/yyyy) or click the calendar icon to select the date and enter the time in the hour, minute, and second format (hh:mm:ss).

    End time field

    To specify the end date, enter the month, day, and year (mm/dd/yyyy) or click the calendar icon to select the date and enter the time in the hour, minute, and second format (hh:mm:ss).

  4. Click OK.
  5. In the confirmation dialog box, a message displays indicating the total number of events or alarms to be synchronized based on the parameters that you configured in this task. Click Yes to synchronize them.