View Northbound Fault Trap Receivers

  1. From the menu bar, select Settings > Faults > Trap receivers.
  2. In the Trap receivers configuration table, view the following trap receiver column information:
    Name Description
    IP address The northbound trap receiver IP address.
    UDP port The default user datagram protocol (UDP) port is 162. UDP is used for establishing low-latency and loss tolerating connections. Change the default UDP port if you are using a different port for UDP connections.
    SNMP version The trap receiver SNMP version, which can be version 2 (V2) only.
    Community string The SNMP community name.
    Forward enabled Indicates whether the trap receiver is enabled (True) or disabled (False).
    The following trap receiver status conditions are possible:
    • Enabled
    • Disabled
    • Suspended
    • Syncing
    • SyncSucceed
    • SyncFailed
    Format (Hidden) Indicates if a trap receiver is either in NNC (SDM server) format, or ITU for ITU X.733 format. If the trap receiver uses the ITU X.733 format, the SDM fault manager converts traps from its host(s) to the ITU X.733 format.
    Severity (Hidden) The alarms that have a severity level that affects service are forwarded.
    Object ID (Hidden) The internal SDM element object ID number.

    The following example shows all available columns for three configured northbound trap receivers (network management systems).

    Figure 7-2 Trap Receivers Configuration table