11. Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Reports

During day, or at end of the day, you may want to retrieve any information from several operations that were performed during the day in your financial institution. You can generate this information in the form of reports in Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing. You can specify the values in the Report Parameters section and generate a report using that information.

Navigation to Reports

On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home page, click Collections > Collections > Reports.

11.1 Bankruptcy Log

This collection report lists bankruptcy accounts.


Example of the Bankruptcy Log report

11.2 Collector Activity (Detailed) Log

This collection report lists collector activity details.


Example of the Collector Activity (Detailed) Log report

11.3 Collector Activity Log

This collection report lists collector.


Example of the Collector Activity Log report

11.4 Collector Productivity by Queue

This collection report lists collector productivity sorted by queue.


Example of the Collector Productivity by Queue report

11.5 Deficiency Log

This collection report lists deficiencies.

P arameters:

Example of the Deficiency Log report

11.6 Delinquency Analysis by Credit and Grade

This collection report lists delinquency analysis sorted by credit grade.


Example of the Delinquency Analysis by Credit and Grade report

11.7 Delinquency Analysis by Producer

This collection report list delinquency analysis sorted by producer.


Example of the Delinquency Analysis by Producer report


11.8 Delinquency Analysis by State

This collection report lists delinquency analysis sorted by credit state.


Example of the Delinquency Analysis by State report

11.9 Delinquency Log

This collection report lists delinquencies.

P arameters:

Example of the Delinquency Log report

11.10 Non Monetary Txns Log

This collection report lists non monetary transactions.


Example of the Non Monetary Txns Log report

11.11 Collection Queue Wise Promises Report

The collection report lists queue wise promise reports.


Example of the Collection Queue Wise Promise report

11.12 Payment Promise Log

The collection report lists payment promises.


Example of the Payment Promise Log report

11.13 Repossession/Foreclosure Log

This collection report lists bankruptcy accounts.


Example of the Repossession/Foreclosure Log report

11.14 Accounts and Listing - Line

This report lists the accounts log.



Example for Accounts and Listing report