About Reapplying a Configuration

The CMP server allows you to reapply the configuration to a Mediation server. When you reapply the configuration, the CMP server completely reconfigures the Mediation server with topology information, ensuring that the server configuration matches the data in the CMP database.

This action is not needed during normal operation but is useful in the following situations:
Server replacement
When the Mediation servers of a cluster are replaced, the new servers initially power up with default values. Reapplying the configuration lets you redeploy the entire configuration rather than manually reconfiguring the server. Use the Rediscover Cluster action (located on the Reports tab) to re-initialize the Cluster Information Report for the server and clear out the servers' status.
Software upgrade
After upgrading the software on a Mediation server, Oracle recommends that you reapply the configuration from the CMP server to ensure that the upgraded servers and the CMP database are synchronized.
Server not synchronized
There are situations where a Mediation server configuration becomes out of synchronization with the CMP server; for example, when a break in the network causes communication to fail between the CMP server and the server. If such a condition occurs, the CMP server displays the Mediation server status on its System tab with the notation Config Mismatch. You can click the link to view a report comparing the Mediation server configuration with the CMP database information. Reapplying the configuration returns the Mediation server to synchronization with the CMP database.