Viewing the Status of a Server or Group

The CMP server lets you view the status of Mediation servers, either collectively (all servers within the topology) or individually.

To view the status of a server or a Mediation server group:

  1. From the Mediation section of the navigation pane, select Configuration.

    The content tree displays a list of Mediation server groups; the initial group is ALL.

  2. From the content tree, select the System tab or the Mediation server group.

    The Mediation server Administration page opens in the work area. The status information for the group or the server includes the following:
    Server Profile View
    The server’s current operating status is either On-line or Off-line.
    Group View
    The display in the work area includes a status column that indicates the following states:
    The servers in the cluster have completed startup, and their database services are synchronized.
    At least one server is not functioning properly (its database services are not synchronized or it has not completed startup) or has failed, but the cluster continues to function with the active server. This state sets alarm ID 70005 with severity Major.
    Note: If a cluster status is Degraded, but the server details do not show any failures or disconnections, then the cluster is performing a database synchronization operation. Until the synchronization process has completed, the server cannot perform as the active server.
    Out of Service
    Communication with the cluster has been lost.
    No Data
    This status occurs during the upgrade process and means that communication with the cluster has been lost.
    Note: This status value provides backward compatibility with earlier Policy Management releases.
    Config Mismatch
    The server configuration does not match the configuration stored in the CMP database. This status may also mean the mapping records on the Mediation server are inconsistent with the mapping records stored on the CMP database.