Server Status

You can view the status of a server in the Cluster Information Report (see Cluster Information Report).
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The status of a server can be thought of as its current role. The status describes what function the server is currently performing, or performing in a cluster. Statuses can change from server to server within a cluster, but no two servers in the same cluster should ever have the same status.
Note: Two servers in the same cluster with the same status is an error condition.
The server status values are as follows:
An active server is externally connected. In a cluster, the active server is the only server that is handling connections and servicing messages and requests. Only an active server writes to the database. An active server at the primary site remains active unless it cannot provide service. An active server at the secondary site will remain active as long as no server at the primary site is available to provide service.
A standby server is the server in a cluster that is prepared to immediately take over in the event that the current active server is no longer able to provide service. If the standby server takes over, it becomes the active server. When the previously active server has recovered, it reverts to its former status of standby server.
A spare server is the server in an MPE or MRA cluster that is prepared to take over if no server at the primary site is able to provide service. The spare server has the same replicated data as the servers at the primary site. If there is no server available at the primary site, the spare server becomes active and provides service. As soon as a server in the primary site is available to provide service, that server become the active server and the spare server demotes itself and reverts to its former status of spare or standby (depending on the availability of the other servers in the cluster).
Out of Service
If a server has failed and is unavailable to assume any of the other roles, then its status is out of service. A server is reported as out of service in two scenarios:
  • The CMP system can reach the server, but the software service on the server is down.
  • The CMP system cannot reach the server.
No Data
The CMP system cannot reach the server. This status value provides backward compatibility with earlier Policy Management releases. It is seen during the upgrade process.